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After the second initiation you may find that it seems as though your inner and outer landscape is once again shifting and changing. When you marry the physical with the archetypal unconscious, the fairy-tale like atmosphere and reality of Spirit and Soul, then the journey has profound meaning and it becomes a wondrous journey.  With this perspective you also realize that it is your personal journey and that which you see and experience comes from the projection of your own processes.
In ancient symbols the unborn egg of the world is depicted as an egg encircled by a serpent. This serpent guards the unconscious in the same way as your ego guards the shadow.  Kundalini is depicted as the awakening serpent. It is therefore obvious that as the serpent rises up into the masculine levels of consciousness, ie understanding and morality, the unconscious will be opened up. The unconscious waters (mares, Maria, mother) represents the collective unconscious Soul, the feminine principle.  Consciousness must extricate itself from the unconscious, but not completely.  A marriage is needed – a relationship has to be maintained between masculine and feminine, the egg and the serpent.  The spiritual worlds are real – as real as this one – and your soul is fed from the world of spirit.  Red represents matter, soul, feminine, blood and feminine; white represents air, breath, higher thought, spirit and semen and masculine. Red and white are two fundamental colors and processes in alchemy. This sacred interplay of polarities play out right through all the levels and realities until it is manifested in the physical. It is the world’s  ignorance and small, personal point of view that creates the imbalance and dogma and not the masculine and feminine duality. Duality is a wonderful opportunity of creativity and transformation. As the human transforms, so does God(as in life and all its processes).

The journey of kundalini awakening is one of making the unconscious conscious.  And obviously you are battling yourself. On the one hand you are trying to keep your mind safe against the content of the unconscious and on the other hand you are trying to uncover the unconscious. You are indeed hanging on the cross of two polar opposites.  Belief systems is what creates this world of illusion and also which keeps your unconscious tightly locked up in its Pandora box.

It is a subtle journey of walking  with two feet in both worlds.  Resistance to that which is playing out in yourself, will manifest in your mind, your body and your reality. You can regard this as Cosmic guidance.  When you see your own life story reflected in the great archetypal story of Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, then you realize that your personal life and personal unconscious is just a mirror of the greater Mysteries in order for you to undergo the Soul and Spirit Marriage ahead.  The rosary and its mysteries is an invaluable tool to heal the wounds of Pride as inflicted by your ego.  The other side of Pride is the lack of Self-worth inflicted by ego, and its gifts of fear and panic. Can you see the healing available here :  my struggle is the lesser mysteries in reflection of the greater mysteries – I am a point of god consciousness AND no need to be so arrogant and prideful in my own personal struggles (I don’t have to take it all personally)!
Jai jai Maa!
Know that you are at the foot of the mountain of this journey.  An infinite mountain once you have passed through the veil of clouds which seemed to be at its top. Enjoy the journey
Bhakty Ma 
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