The Queen of Heaven
The third initiation into the Mysteries
will be an initiation into the Cosmic Soul, the Anima Mundi,
Sophia, Shekinah
I loved her above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light for the light that cometh from her never goeth out… Wisdom of Solomon
Prepare for a weekend with a different cadence and routine
as the previous ones.
The colours of Sophia-Shekinah-Eros are white, blue and gold.
This initiation will focus on the Sacred Marriage, the Divine Unity
which is the Cosmic Soul/Sophia/Shekinah and the Kabbala Tradition.
The indivisibility, ie the inner sacred marriage,
the unity of Shekinah/Sophia
is an integral part of esoteric Hindu teachings, Gnosticism and
the Kabbalah tradition
On Friday evening we will partake of the sacrament of the sacred grape (wine yes!) to be followed
by the Feast of Eros.
On Saturday morning the Altar of the Holy Grail will be erected and white flower garlands will be made. The sacred space will be opened with chanting of the sacred sounds. Please wear white puja clothing for this day. Please bring a piece of clear quartz and more than one piece if you have.
Meditation of the Ishta Devata, chanting of the sacred sounds, and more mystery to be revealed during the retreat.
On Saturday night we will re-enact the Procession of the Grail and the Awakening Ritual. I will ask you to bring certain pieces of clothing and/or props – they will all be simple things easily available.
Please bring white, gold and blue pieces of cloth for cloaks, shawls or veils. You may use this time to contemplate on the focus of the weekend by embroidering gold stars onto your blue cloak or shawl. (Men and women both). Read the books of the Apocrypha (they are not in the Protestant Bible, only in the Catholic Bibles, but they are freely available on line) Wisdom, The Song of Songs and Proverbs – these are all available on the website sacred-texts.
Women please also bring a veil that can cover the bottom part of your face. All shamanic drums, tambourine drums and small drums are welcome
I will send more information and instructions soon.
Hettienne Bhakty Ma