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Outline of first week

Blessings to you.
If you are committed to the thirty days
of  Walking with Mary you have joined a large community of people
from all over the world and from different traditions and paths.
We are dedicating energy and love to Mary in her various forms and aspects
and philosophies, beyond
religion and dogma. Daily we join together in spirit and walk our solitary path
towards self-realisation and celebration.
 Just imagine the powerful and healing
energy that we are creating together and making available for
healing for all living creatures including the Earth.
Ave Maria!
We are working across many different time zones and to help you keep
some track of the flow of the meditations, I am sharing an outline
here,  But things may change, as you know.
Day One
Creating sacred altar
Purifying space
Sanctification of altar and sacramental tools with mantra
Open the meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Close with special prayer
Day Two
Add deck of cards to altar and use sanctification mantra
Open meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Choose a card for the week and place on altar
Write in journal
Close with special prayer
Day Three
Add blue items to altar or any additional items that have called to you
Refresh your water
This is the third day of using the prayer and mantra consecutively.
(On day four a new meditation will be added.)
Open meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Write in journal – optional practise
Close with special prayer
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Four
Today we are adding a new meditation entitled Meeting with Mary.
You may wish to split today’s practise into two sessions, unless you have
the time to do both the rosary mantra and the Meeting with Mary meditation.
We follow the sequence of opening with the prayer,
repetition of rosary mantra, Meeting with Mary meditation, and closing with prayer.

Day Five
A repeat of day four.
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Six
A repeat of days three and/or day four.
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Seven
A repeat of days three and/or day four
and a special diksha/blessing

Day Eight
Today is the first day of the second week
You will receive a post with the theme, colours and an additional prayer


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