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Walking with Mary Q&A

I have received some questions about timing, structure and a few other tips.
If you are familiar with all these preparations, you can skip reading this post,
but I share here for those who are not so familiar with energy work.

Also keep in mind that this is a creative journey and you have the freedom
to change things around and to apply your own timing.  

I will be sharing with you some of my personal tools and practises which I garnered
through my experiences and intimate realisations over the years.
(You can read a summary of some of my experiences in the profile in the side column of my blogs)

I have found these practises and blessings to be of great value in my own journey towards self-realisation  and believe that they may be of value to you as well.
I am not teaching a specific practise complete in itself with precise lists of what you
have to do, but rather I will share with you some of the key practises and prayers
which you can adapt to suit your own truth.
Some aspects may seem particularly vague, but that is done on purpose
as it will enable you to fill the gaps with your own inner understanding and to stretch
yourself into ever-deepening layers of connection with self and the Divine.

May these practises and energy transferences (diksha) lead you to the threshold of your own wisdom.

Energy Clearing

I have previously shared with you to create your sacred space in advance before you start
with the meditations. 
It is also important to clear your space before you start with the consecration
of your altar and shawl, etc and before you receive the first mantra for the blessing (diksha) and meditations.

There are various ways of clearing your space :  burning sage or mpepho (a local indigenous
plant in South Africa); burning aromatherapy oils;  holy water; sacred waters and salt.

My favourite way of cleansing is the following :

A whole lemon placed in the room and one on the altar.  I leave the lemons in place
for weeks (until it has naturally dried out).  When the lemon starts to rot it has absorbed negative
energy and you have to put it into the compost or garden and replace it with another fresh lemon.

Lemons are powerful energy clearing fruit and one of the oldest holy fruits that we know.  
The lemon also aborbs the sacred energies of the activated altar and space and you 
can eat it as prasadh (blessed food) after your sacrament.

Secondly I use salt.  I place a bowl of salt on my altar and this is replaced with clean salt regularly.
It is also a good practise to sprinkle a bit of salt in the corners of the room and to sweep
them out regularly.  You are all familiar with bathing in water with a few tablespoons of Epsom salts
added to it.  I also add slices of lemon to my bath water or to my shower, especially
after I had done personal clearing or healing work on others.

In preparation of my sacred space and before any meditation or healing work, I burn frankincense
and myrhh granules or a good quality vegan incense.
I clear the entire room with the smoke of the frankincense.

I also clear my space by sprinkling blessed water on everything.

And music is also a powerful energetic cleanser.  We all have different vibrations
and resonate with different frequencies.  I have my favourite music which includes
classical music by Mozart and Beethoven, chants by Krishna Das and my
absolute favourite are the chants of Lourdes.  You can find these online :
Les 20 plus beaux chants pour la messe
Lourdes : 150 Ans de chants

Blessing of the Altar

Placing sacred items and images on your altar, sanctifies and blesses everything
that is within the energy field of those items.  If you work with a pendulum you can
prove this fact to yourself.  You can test the frequency and vibration of a space
without a sacred image.  Then place the image or holy water or rosary which had
been used for prayers, back into the space and test the space again.
You may be amazed at the increase in vibration.  Our cells consists mainly of water
and prana and these vibrate in resonance with its surroundings. That is why people
and their energy around us affect us so much.
Essential oils

I will share with you the secret recipes for meditation blends
during the weeks to come.
Candles and colours over the four weeks

You can keep the same candle for the four weeks or you can
change the colour and/or image of the candle that you work with..

Feel free to change the colour of your altar cloth and flowers too.

We will draw a card from the relevant suit of the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck
for each week, but you can use any image of Blessed Mary for your altar.

Week 1 Friday 11 January to Thursday 17 January 2019
Mary as Virgin and Temple Priestess

Week 2 Friday 18 January to Thursday 24 January
Mary as Bride in the Sacred Marriage

Week 3 Friday 25 January to Thursday 31 January
Mary as Sophia, Our Lady of Wisdom, Shekinah

Week 4 Friday 1 February to Monday 11 February
Mary the Immaculate Conception Our lady of Lourdes

On Friday 11 January 2019 (South African time)  I will post the instructions on the mantra and the meditations to receive the Sacred Heart of Mary diksha.
I will also share the mantra for the seven daily meditations of the
first week.  

I will share posts during each week with support, discussions and other tools such
as creating soulcollage cards, keeping a journal, dream work and so on.

The Thirty Days with Mary will conclude with an in-person
retreat of three days in the Western Cape, near Cape Town, South Africa.
If you live in South Africa and would like more info, you can write to me.
If you have any questions or you would like further support please write

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