The Sutras of the Divine Maria
Before the Word, the Cosmic Mother rests in all her Glory
In eternal stillness in the black void.
Then Love stirs within and the desire arose in Her One Heart
And Her One Mind.
And the Heavenly Virgin conceives from within Herself.
She, who is the Immaculate Conception.
Through the song of Her Heart, she became the sacred womb
Filled with heavenly milky waters,
Swirling to create the marias, the seas and the oceans
As She descended as the Virgin of the Sea.
The oceans churned and churned and the milk and water
Became frothy and mixed with the
Red drops of the Heavenly Queen’s Desire
And She arises from the waters
(Picture taken by myself at the holy lake of Black Madonna of Tindari in Sicily
during a full moon drumming and bathing ritual)
during a full moon drumming and bathing ritual)
And Her Love incarnated as the most beautiful woman,
Earth, Hertha, Gaia, Durga and Isis.
From Her hair grew the running rivers of life, the Nile
And Gangaji, Shakty and Saraswati
And amongst the mountains of her breasts, rooted in the
Heavens, grew the Tree of Life.
The Heart of the Mother of All, the great Isis-Maria-Sophia
Desired once more.
She desired light so that she could see the face of Her Beloved,
The incarnation of Love
She desired to see the reflection of Herself
She desired a celestial mirror
At dawn, the brilliant rays of the Sun God, Ra, the Father
Of the Heavens, was born from Her, the Black One, the
Mother of All.
As the day grew in stature, the Sun climbed the heavens and
Crowned Her in all Her glory
And sky sang to the Queen of Heaven.
The Sun became weary and descended into the blackness of
The night.
In the distant sky two horns of the sacred cow appeared
And grew into the silver disk of Ma, the Moon
These thirty days of Walking with Mary is a metaphor for our personal lives
and our spiritual journey towards self-acceptance, empathy, compassion
and wholeness.
and our spiritual journey towards self-acceptance, empathy, compassion
and wholeness.
A metaphor.
In choosing the path of the Mother as a set of keys and images to illuminate, interpret
and apply the deepest Wisdom within ourselves, we are reminded
that thinking in terms of a metaphor will unlock many doors.
If you are seeking the sacred marriage within yourself and you wish
to experience the Cosmic Kiss of Unity, then follow the metaphor.
Look past the literal arguments, the discourses on the why and what for;
put your critical ego-mind on the back seat and open your ears
and eyes to receive the eternal song of Love which pulsates
in the metaphors of the Madonna and Her Beloved.
This extract from my sutras of Isis-Maria-Sophia is a reflection
of your own journey of the light of your consciousness.
Your consciousness rise within yourself, cloaked as stirring desire and passion to
experience the ‘other’.
This stirring and rising and descending is also the kundalini, or kundalini Ma
or Devi, Shakty or Divine Goddess, Ma and by many other names.
Knowledge and understanding of the kundalini has become hidden and enveloped
in mystery and riddles and ritualistic practises and often mistaken
for sexual mastery.
Yes, it will ask for sacrifice, but it is the sacrifice of time, energy and attachment and
identification with ego. Sometimes our attachment is ripped away from us in a
powerful way through disease, loss, an accident, a betrayal or disappointing oneself.
But the good news is, that none of these are a pre-requisite for awakening.
The light of consciousness is within us. The spark of the Divine Mother
is resting in our energetic system and behind our mind and its
many defences. She is waiting for our desire to find Her
and to come to know yourself as the ultimate fufillment of our potential as humanity.
Through regular and deep meditation, trance dance, surrendering to the creation of art and poetry and spending time in nature, the Mother within will answer your call for awakening.
She will rise and lead you into confusion and chaos : all
designed to shake off the stifling mind and all its many taboos and
punishment. Once you have tasted the nectar of the bliss of pure
consciousness, no sacrifice will be too big.
One step at a time, allow Her to guide and steer you, listen to your heart
and your feelings, and you will not fail to dance in the sky of Her cathedrals
Picture taken by myself of SS Maria Incoronata
in Foggia Italy
O Queen of the Holy Rosary
Bless as we chant
And offer thee our roses
In garlands day by day
Sacred Heart
Bridal Chamber of the Divine
Isis of a thousand names, throne of the world
I live gloriously in your protection
Blessed Mary Mother of the Golden Son
I am an instrument of they peace, love and mercy
Holy Sophia Queen of Heaven
Teach me joy;
The paradox that in my emptiness
I am most whole
Blessings to you