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Preparation for Walking with Mary Feb 2020

Thirty Days with Mary
Meditation shawl and rosary

The Temple of Mary started off as a community of people who felt called by the Great Mother.  For four years I offered initiations in person during three and four day retreats in the 
Western Cape, South Africa.  As I worked on the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck I started to offer the dikshas* and initiations on-line to a wider group of people.  The Thirty Days with Mary is part of the first initiation into the Temple of Mary.  This is a course of self-initiation. In the ancient mystery schools these initiations were conferred upon initiates by priests and priestess.  But a new mythos is being born in our consciousness and we are each and everyone to midwife this birth within ourselves.  These practises and initiations are expanded into deeper mystical practises,
meditations and teachings on Patreon.  You can enroll in the Order of the Dove online
initiations and become an initiate and a Hearthkeeper in the Temple of Mary.

In these Thirty Days with Mary you will enter and re-enter into a direct and personal relationship with the Divine and in particular Holy Mother Mary.

I will share with you the initiation mantra as well as the mantra through which you can receive the dikshas and blessings.

An initiate is one who chooses to turn his or her focus inward, into a metaphysical reality and upward into a wider context and upward into a higher consciousness.
An initiation is a ritual which takes the initiate through a doorway and threshold from the mundane ordinary reality into the sacred life.   
You can share on Instagram with #walkingwithmary.  I invite you to become part of the
Walking with Mary community on Instagram on the page @walkingwithmary.  You can also
follow me @thefrenchmadonna.  On Facebook I share on both the Mysteries of Mary tarot, the Black Madonna tarot and also on The Temple of Mary pages

Creating a sacred space
It is a powerful practise to have a sacred space in which to meditate and focus on your activities. 
You can prepare this space beforehand with a special chair or space on the floor to sit on.
If you already have a meditation shawl, place it in your sacred space.  I suggest that you find
a special white shawl with which to cover your shoulders and/or head.  
Create your altar with candles, incense, an essential oil burner, fresh flowers and of course a statue 
or image of Mother Mary.  You will probably add to the altar over the thirty days.  
Blessing and consecration of space and items

Bring your Mysteries of Mary tarot deck or any other deck, as well as your
Mary oracle charm sets, a rosary or mala or prayer beads 
On the first day of this journey I will share with you the diksha to bless and
consecrate all your items.  
You need to gather the following items :

Mysteries of Mary tarot deck or any oracle or tarot deck that you want to work with
Mary healing amulet set if you own one (you can create your own – see my blogpost

meditation shawl
rosary or mala or prayer beads
a few fresh lemons – at least one or two 
one or two cups of coarse sea salt

fresh flowers

candles :  white, blue, green, red and gold (you can use just one colour if you prefer)

small bottles of essential oils : eucalyptus, lemon and rose
a journaling book
a couple of old magazines, calendars or picture books for cutting out images
*diksha is a blessing or energetic transference of spiritual power and spiritual gifts (siddhi)