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“When a monk joins a Benedectine community and enters
the monastery, he promises to live according to the Benedectine
way of life.  Three commitments essential to this way of life are
obedience, stability and conversion.
Each is countercultural and challenging the status quo – 
the way we usually go about our lives.’ – extract from The Artists’ Rule
by Christine Valters Paintner

‘Stability is perceived as an antidote to the restlessness of mind
and heart in which a person searches for new experiences, new relationships,
and new geographical locations to escape difficulties or to solve problems
by avoiding them.  This unceasing search for the new and extravagant,
of course, can too often make life and relationships superficial,
and any intimacy between people extremely fragile. 
Stability, however, can help a person stand still and listen,
truly listen, as the Rule encourages one to do. It is similar to what
the Quakers call ‘centering down’ and Buddhists ‘mindfullness’;
the discipline of paying attention to ‘what is going on in
the present moment; which can give rise ‘to insight, awakening and love’.
– Edward C Sellner, Finding the Monk Within
Om Shanty, Shalom, Peace
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Live the questions now

I want to ask you, as clearly as I can, to bear with patience 
all that is unresolved in your heart, 
and try to love the questions themselves,
 as if they were rooms yet to enter or books written in a foreign language. 
Don’t dig for answers that can’t be given you yet: you live them now. 
For everything must be lived.
 Live the questions now, perhaps then, someday, 
you will gradually, without noticing, 
live into the answer. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

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Who Am I?

Soulcollage image – Who Am I by HettienneMa

Never stop asking the questions
of the inner self

And you may be surprised by the answers
and therein
lies the challenge.

Which shall it be?
The duality of the mind or
the unity of the Soul?

What is your Philosopher’s Stone?

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Oh Holy Fool give up the quest for enlightenment

Oh Holy Fool!
Do you want to wear the crown of enlightenment?
Holy Fool Soulcollage card by Hettienne Ma – see copyright in sidebar
Oh Holy Fool!!
Give up the quest for enlightenment
What does it mean?
Why become attached to a label?
Can you not see that it is just another driver,
another ‘handle’,
another clever way of making yourself less
than what you are.
What is the deepest image of your Ishta Devata?
Is it a Divinity of scarcity;
a god that always demands more perfection,
more results, more miracles?
A divinity of abandonment? suffering and sacrifice?
Have you asked yourself
Who is the I that wants to wear the crown of enlightenment??