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Outline of Week One

Blessings to you.
Welcome to Walking Thirty Days with Mary based on
the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and the path
of art and altar making as a sacred spiritual path.

If you are committed to the thirty days

of  Walking with Mary you have joined a large community of people
from all over the world and from different traditions and paths.
We are dedicating energy and love to Mary in her various forms and aspects
and philosophies, beyond
religion and dogma. 
As explained earlier, these practises are part of the Temple of Mary
practises and it is a marriage between my Eastern Tantra and
Western Mysticism traditions.
We are working across many different time zones and to help you keep
some track of the flow of the meditations, I am sharing an outline
here,  But nothing is written in stone.
Day One and we start with the Immaculate Practise
– the first ritual is that of creating a sacred altar
and purifying the space;
– sanctification of altar and sacramental tools with the mantra;
– we add our deck of cards to the altar with the sanctification mantra
– the sacred words of the rosary mantra
– daily card draw

You may choose to wear a meditation shawl

Day Two is the Nativity Feast Day of Mary

Please gather flowers and roses to create a special
flower crown or garland for your statue
or altar in honour of the feast day
We will do a puja for this feast day
I have included the suggested preparations at the end of day one’s post
We will draw a card for the week

Day Three
Immaculate Practise  for Thirty days of Walking with Mary
Daily card draw 
Day Four

Today we will do a special Healing the Inner Child layout and ritual.
You may wish to split today’s practise into two sessions, unless you have
enough time t do all the practises.

Day Five

A repeat of day four.

Day Six
A repeat of days three and/or day four.
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Seven
A repeat of days three and/or day four

Day Eight
Today is the first day of the second week
You will receive a post with the theme, colours and an additional prayer

Creating a sacred space
It is a powerful practise to have a sacred space in which to meditate and focus on your activities. 
You can prepare this space beforehand with a special chair or space on the floor to sit on.
If you already have a meditation shawl, place it in your sacred space.  I suggest that you find
a special (meaning one that you use for this purpose) shawl with which to cover your shoulders or head.  In the bhakty tradition we wear white.
Create your altar with candles, incense, an essential oil burner, fresh flowers and of course a statue 
or image of Mother Mary.
Add your Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and healing amulet oracles
or any decks and elements that you are choosing to work with.

You will add items to the altar over the thirty days.  

Blessing and consecration of space and items

On the first day of this journey I will share with you the diksha to bless and
consecrate all your items.  
Gather the following items :

meditation shawl
rosary or mala or prayer beads
a few fresh lemons – at least one or two 
one or two cups of coarse sea salt

colours are optional : white, red, dark blue, gold, yellow

small bottles of essential oils : eucalyptus, lemon and rose
(frankincense and sandalwood optional)

frankincense or myrrh incense

a journaling book
a couple of old magazines, calendars or picture books for cutting out images
cardboard to cut into A5 size for collaging
start collecting holy cards, or any images of Mary

a blank book that you can alter with crayons, or paints

crafting items for a shadow box – a small cardboard box or deep frame

baby pictures of yourself
any items that you may have from childhood
any favourite childhood picture books

None of these are essential.  You will have enough time to collect whatever you want to create.
You may wish to create nothing at all which is also perfect.
I add these items for those of you who like to be prepared from the get-go. 


