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Day Five of Thirty Days with Mary

The Black Madonna by

We contemplate the darkness as we wait for the
Gate to the New Dawn

Black is the colour of night and the shade of soil.
It cloaks midnight and blankets the depths of caves
and grottos.  In previous cultures, the most
popular totem for a chief male divinity was the sun and,
by extension, light;  goddesses have been
associated with the moon and, by extension, night.
                                -Leonard Shlain (The Alphabet vs the Goddess)

Many medieval churches, extending in a wide arc from
Russia across Europe to Spain, had as their most sacred
object a statue of Black Mary.

Like the black, abiding earth, her simple being is so vastly 
present that we have not noticed it.
           – Caitlin Mathews

In a quest for a mother who will accept us when we can’t quite
make peace with our errors, or with ourselves, it is easier
to turn to a simple mother acquainted with the darkness of life
than to the lovely Virgin, perfectly obedient and always
In the heart of our dark mother, love for us endures without
judgement or pretense.  She helps us deal with the undeniable
fact that we live in a world we can neither control nor
comprehend, a world with which we often cannot cope –
in which we can at times only endure.

She is the silent companion who stands at our elbows
as we toil ….. daily grappling with humanity’s
problems …… striving to reflect the light of the
spirit in our world.
                    – Caitlin Mathews

In the Gnostic book of the Apocryphon of John it is written
that we are never alone as the  power of the mother, the shakty
in Hindu terms, the Epinoia in Gnostic terms, kundalini
in tantric terms and Mary in my own personal experience,
 is here with us and within us.

the blessed One, the Mother-Father, the beneficientand merciful One, had mercy on the power of the mother ………
And he sent, through his beneficient Spirit and his
great mercy, a helper to Adam, luminous Epinoia which
comes out of him, who is called Life.
And she assists the whole creature,
by toiling with him and by restoring him to
his fullness …….. and be teaching him about
the way of ascent.

And thus we ponder the dark Madonna within ourselves –
the unknown who springs into action during
an emergency, or who rises to the occasion as need be
without thought or hesitation.
We also have the queen within who wants everything perfect
and who, when not treated just so, can take offence
Disciple, ‘know thyself’
We are she.

These polarised appearances – as Hag or Queen of Heaven –are the two sides of the coin, one archetypal power.
Just as coal and diamond are both carbon – that
basic substance of life – so dies the Goddess of Wisdom
manifest her power through seemingly opposing appearances.
The Goddess of Wisdom is seeded in us all.
  –  Caitlin Mathews

However, the Great Mother of Wisdom, in all her
many aspects, are the One, only perceived
in polarity and duality.  By the darkness of night
we perceive her as the moon and in the
brightness of the day, as the sun.
But there is only One Light
and we come to know this through detachment.


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Day One of Thirty Days with Mary


Oh Mary Gate of the New Dawn
come to me
Oh Mother of both night and day
come to me
The blackness burns until only white bones remain
glimmering in the Light of new possibilities
I follow your black cloak down the well of the night
You receive me once more
as we await the New Dawn
Ave Maria
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
 Blessed art thou among women 
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. 
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
 Pray for us bodhisattvas of love 
Now and ever as we shine 
With virtue, health and life. (3x).
I AM teaching sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of golden fire.
 I AM the wisdom God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.

 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
To be followed by Rosary
Repeat at Vespers
Rosary at Compline
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What does the Black Madonna mean for us in these thirty days of Mary

I extracted this article from the extensive website of   with gratitude

A psychological explanation for the dark Madonna is that she is a mysterious variable (like the x in algebra). As such she allows us to project our fantasies, wounds, and needs onto her. Once offered to her, she can heal them and then lead us on to greater wholeness.

For those of us white folks who feel wounded by imperfect human mothers, it is helpful to be confronted with a mother image that is strikingly different from what we are used to. This allows us to reframe our image of motherhood, to let go of old norms and habits and open to a new experience of motherhood, undisturbed by baggage from the past. When a white person is presented with a black mother (which was certainly the case in 12th century France) it is a nudge to let go of conventional ideals (e.g. white = beauty, goodness, and power). It is a step towards freedom from all our preconceived notions, shackles, and narrow horizons

Of course for brown and black people the healing effect of brown and black Madonnas works in a different way. It is not the image’s difference to them, which is healing, but its similarity. Through it heaven expresses its solidarity, love, and care for them, affirming that they are not excluded from any heavenly graces. As the Virgin of Guadalupe said to Juan Diego: “Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not one of your kind?”

For C.G. Jung and his followers the Black Madonna represents the archetype of the dark feminine: that which is unconscious, unpredictable, and mysterious in humans and in the Godhead. She represents the existential terror one has to face in the “dark night of the soul” (St. John of the Cross) in order to come into complete union with God. Cedrus N. Monte ( ) calls the Black Madonna a “lethal force” to the ego. She goes on to explain that when the ego is lethally wounded, the true self is born into new life. Another form of a “good death”

Brigitte Romankiewicz interprets the darkness of the Madonna as a representation of a soul in wholeness, with its “light” and “shadow” sides in perfect balance. Psychologists insist that humans need to integrate their dark tendencies if they are to be healthy and whole. We need to know and acknowledge our base instincts with compassion, though not act upon their whims. Whatever positive potential they may include should be appreciated and made use of in a constructive way.

There are two other types of Madonnas that portray the Virgin’s ability to know, embrace, and transcend light and darkness: One is Our Lady standing barefoot on a snake, sweetly smiling. Both snake and Lady are unharmed and in their right place. The shadow is controlled, tamed, but not destroyed.

An ordinary garden statue of the type “Our Lady of all Graces” turned Black Madonna on my porch by Suli Marr. 

Mary holding a tamed dragon like a lap dog, a very rare type, Chartres relief on the “royal gate”.

Brigitte Romankiewicz (Die Schwarze Madonna, pp.100-1) sees the same idea expressed in images of more or less light Madonnas standing on a dark moon, which sometimes bears the image of a serious or sad woman’s face. Here are three examples: the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Madonna of Haslach in the Landesmuseum in Stuttgart, and the Black Madonna of Marija Bistrica

Madonnas standing on a moon-woman began emerging in the late 14th century. Traditional art historians interpret this symbol as pointing to Eve, the archetypal Dark Mother of Christianity, who supposedly plunged humanity into sin. How did the moon and the first woman become conflated? Through many centuries of the moon symbolizing the feminine power to bring forth life in the cosmos. Since about the 6th century B.C.E. the Greco-Roman moon goddess Selene became known as the “Mother of all that lives”. (Dorothea Forstner and Renate Becker, Lexikon christlicher Symbole, Marixverlag, Wiesbaden: 2007, p.356) That title echoes in Eve’s name, explained in Genesis 3:20: “The man called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living.” Eve is the English rendition of the Hebrew name Chawwah, which was derived from the Hebrew word chawah, “to breathe, to live”.

So Eve is a figure who represents all that is feminine in our universe as seen through patriarchal eyes: She is all women who have the power to bring forth life but who are also somehow at the root of all evil and have to be ‘kept in their place’. She is also the feminine moon, who measures time and grants fertility, but receives its light from the masculine sun.

But even outside of patriarchy, women as well as men do have light and shadow sides that are challenging to integrate in a healthy way. The Madonna standing on a dark moon (sometimes with the face of Eve) is an image of integration and wholeness. She is the totality of femininity, with light and dark aspects in their correct place: the light on top and the dark under one’s feet, i.e. controlled. Mary, the “second Eve”, the first woman of the ‘new creation in Christ’ redeems the “first Eve”, just like Jesus, the “second Adam”, the first man of the new creation, redeems the “first Adam”. (cf. 1 Cor 15:45-49)

Our Lady of Guadalupe is an especially well balanced portrait of the integration of light and darkness, the union of opposites: there is the straight line down her dress that divides it into a light and a shadow side, there is the light radiating sun behind her and the dark moon beneath her, there is her dress with flowers representing the earth and her mantel with stars representing the heavens, and there is the male angel under her supporting her own femininity.

Mystical explanations

In Christian mysticism darkness stands for divine mysteries that are hidden from the ordinary “light of reason”. This tradition reaches back to the Hebrew Bible. The more famous story about God meeting us in darkness is in the book of Exodus. God appears to the people of Israel on Mount Sinai in a thick dark cloud. Then he asks his special prophet Moses to come up and meet him face to face inside the cloud “and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.” (Ex. 20:21)

No less important is the account of God’s first covenant with the people of Israel in Genesis 15. When Abraham really wants to know something from God, he is told to bring a sacrifice before the Lord. He has to defend his offerings against wild animals and wait all day. Finally: “a trance fell upon Abram, and a deep, terrifying darkness enveloped him. (verse 12)And in that darkness God spoke to him at length. “When the sun had set and it was dark” God made his covenant with Abraham.

The dark cloud is mentioned again in 1Kings 8:10-12 during the dedication of the temple of Solomon: “When the priests left the holy place, the cloud filled the temple of the Lord so that the priests could no longer minister because of the cloud, since the Lord’s glory had filled the temple of the Lord. Then Solomon said, ‘The Lord intends to dwell in the dark cloud;’”

So God hides in a cloud of darkness and to experience God directly one has to enter into that which a famous medieval book by the same title calls “the Cloud of Unknowing”. The anonymous author recommends that during prayer or meditation you put everything you ever knew under a “cloud of forgetting” so as to be able to take a completely fresh look at your universe. 

Mary’s “Holy House” in Loreto where one of the most famous black Madonnas resides. Photo: Giorgio Filippini

Shortly after I was asked for the first time to give a talk on the black Madonnas I was able to go to Loreto, Italy before the black Mother in the darkness of her little brick house. There I asked her directly about the meaning of her blackness. Listening with an empty, open mind and with my whole being, I felt that she was covering me with the darkness of her cloak as in a dark “cloud of unknowing”. In that darkness beyond words we communed. She did not give me any words then, but afterwards I felt assured that she reveals her secrets to those who love her. Those who dare enter the darkness of the “Cloud of Unknowing” and the “dark night of the soul” (St. John of the Cross) she draws into herself, like a “black hole” draws in matter, and there, in that darkness, she teaches them. It’s like being in the womb of God: you know you are safely held and nourished. You grow without needing to understand how. Ever since then, I see Black Madonnas as a symbol for the womb of God.

Dr. Eben Alexander, author of “Proof of Heaven” vividly describes entering the womb of God during his near-death experience: “I continued moving forward and found myself entering an immense void, completely dark, infinite in size, yet also infinitely comforting. Pitch black as it was, it was also brimming over with light: (…) My situation was, strangely enough, something akin to that of a fetus in a womb. (…) In this case, the “mother” was God, the Creator, the Source who is responsible for making the universe and all in it. (…) It was as if I were being born into a larger world, and the universe itself was like a giant cosmic womb”.(Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, N.Y.: 2012, pp. 46-7)

In his book “Revealing Heaven: the Christian Case for Near-Death Experiences” John Price uses the same words. That is, he quotes a fundamentalist minister, who says this about his near-death experience: “I went into what looked like a womb that was dark except you could see in the dark. (…) I believe I went into a womb of some nature to be healed. It was like my hard drive just got completely erased, and I came back to have to relearn. (…) The moment I woke up from the coma, I knew that I’d believed a lie that had hurt thousands of people.” (Harper Collins Publishers, N.Y.: 2013, pp.140-141)

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Rosaries for Thirty Days with Mary – part three


Each rosary is, in reality, a spiritual garland of roses
created by the giving of various prayers, 
most often including the “Hail Mary”.
Those who are sensitive as they pray will feel the 
coursing of this Mother energy known as the
kundalini from the base to the crown, nourishing their chakras.
It is a washing action of the light; it is a daily cleanse,
a bath of divine radiance.
It is the Mother’s nurturing of us as we revere her love, 
her light and all that she did for Jesus
and also for us
Daily Prayers

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
 Blessed art thou among women 
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. 
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
 Pray for us bodhisattvas of love 
Now and ever as we shine 
With virtue, health and life. (3x).
I AM teaching sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of golden fire.
 I AM the wisdom God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
 I AM loving sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of ruby fire.
 I AM the charity God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x) 
 I AM sealing sentient beings. (4x) 
I AM a being of diamond fire.
 I AM the power God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire. 
I AM the freedom God desires. (2x) 
 I AM healing sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of emerald fire.
 I AM the healing* God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x) 
I AM serving sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of purple fire.
 I AM the service God desires. (2x) 
I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x) 
 I AM raising sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of crystal fire. 
I AM the purity God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
 I AM freeing sentient beings. (4x)
 I AM a being of violet fire.
 I AM the alchemy God desires. (2x)
 I AM a being of violet fire. 
I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
 Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. 
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, Life without end.

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God within all, 
seal this prayer in holy purpose as we radiate love-wisdom now to all. 

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Mary, Gate of the New Dawn

The first seven days are dedicated to
Mary, Gate of the New Dawn.
“Who is she that rises forth like the dawn,
fair as the moon,
pure and bright as the sun,
and as terrible as a many-bannered army?”
– Song of Songs 6:10
We start the first seven days with a dedication to the
Black Madonna.  I invite you to ponder on her meaning
for you and for your belief systems and how they play
out in your life and experiences.
I quote the words of Ella Rozett from
To many (-)  Mary is the Heavenly Mother of all, and like a good mother she seeks to meet all the needs of her children. Especially as the mysterious “Black Madonna” she allows people to project their hopes, desires, and needs unto her, only to draw them ever deeper into divine mysteries.
She plays many roles for many different kinds of people: She is the heiress of the thrones of the pre-Christian goddesses. She is the bride of the Christian God, the bride in the Song of Songs, who represents all souls seeking union with the Divine and says: “I am black but beautiful.” (1:5) She is a rebel against the establishment, a heavenly therapist, a spiritual guide. As the Dark Mother archetype she is a symbol of our inner shadow-self when properly integrated. As a black woman she is a friend to the oppressed and reconciler of all races. She is a healer of all dis-ease, a guide and companion at the time of death. She is the helper of Christ, turned black by carrying our sins with him.

This is the ground that we will be comtemplating in the first seven days.
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Surya Yoga or Sun Gazing and Sun Bathing Part Two in Thirty Days with Mary

Surya Yoga or Sun Yoga, also kown as Sun Gazing, is a powerful
healing and enlightening practice of devotion and worship.
Sun gazing leads to healing of mind and body.
Omraam Mikhail Aivanhov wrote :’Surya yoga includes them all :
adoration, wisdom, power as well as purity, activity
and dedication, light and the sacred fire of divine love.
By the practice of Surya yoga you establish a link between yourself
and the power that governs and gives life to the whole
Universe: the sun.’
By ‘sun’ Omraam is referring to the spiritual sun
which the physical sun is but a reflection.

Sun gazing is still practised as a daily rituall called
Surya Namaskar by Hindus
and it used to be a daily practice of many peoples
throughout the world.

It is important to be barefoot whilst sun gazing and to
have the feet firmly on the ground or grass.
After the thirty days practice you may continue
to do the sun gazing or and then you can extend it into
the more advanced meditation techniques of employing
a rosary or thumb movements on the palms of the hands.
More about this later.

In the beginning it is best to keep it as simple as possible
and to stay open and  receptive to the spiritual sun’s, which is ‘behind;
our physical sun, energies.

The sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek taught the world everything
that he discovered about sun yoga and he also created a cd
and dvd which is available to purchse on line.
It is best to follow his instructions.

When you start to do sun gazing, do not combine it with
meditiation, prayer or any other spiritual techniques.
The best times to do sun gazing is for the first hour before sunset
and the first hour after sunrise.  The energies differ during these times.
Omraam claimed that prana is most intense twenty minutes before
and twenty minutes after sunrise.  Sunset is also a time
that is charged with energy and is conducive to meditation.
This has to do with the angle of the sun’s rays impinging on the
earth’s magnetic field at sunrise and sunset, charging the magnetic
field and affecting the magnetite in your pineal gland.

You merely gaze into the sun whilst sitting or standing barefoot,
with feet touching the earth.  You can use a UV meter to measure
the UV – it is best to do sungazing when the UV is very low.
You can also time your sungazing with a digital timer – it is best
to start off with twenty minutes per day.
Drink a glass of water before and after sun gazing because sun gazing
can be very cleansing and the water helps remove toxins.
If you wear glasses, remove them. It is okay to leave contact lenses in.
Gaze at the sun in a relaxed manner; dont strain.  It’s okay to blink the eyes.
If your eyes tear, dont rub them.  Sessions start at ten-second lengths, increase by ten seconds
a day.  If you find that too difficult at first, then gaze only five seconds
and increase by five.  If cloudy, then sun gaze but dont increase the time.
When cold, gaze indoors through a window or glass door.
It is important in the time of sun gazing to be passive and receptive
and to allow the sun to heal your mind.
Just be.

When you reach fifteen minutes a day you can sun gaze with
your arms outstretched to the sun, hands spread out
and facing the sun.
As you breathe in deeply, visualise healing rays of light coming
from the sun and entering your left palm and travelling to
areas of your body that require healing or
Visualise the light going to your heart.  Mentally affirm
that the light is healing or strengthening you on a cellular level.
Then as you breathe out, visualise the light returning to the sun
through your right hand.  Express love and gratitude
for your healing.  Establish a continuous flow of energy.
If arms get tired, lower them with elbows at sides and hands still
facing out.

Dont aspire or push or results will be delayed.
Be as a little child and just enjoy the beauty of the sun
without expectations or demands only with
love and gratitude.

If you wish to continue with this practise after the
thirty days, you can read up about the practise
in the works of yogi Hira Ratan Manek as well as
in the book The Splendour of Tiphareth by
Omraam Mikael Aivanhov for more information
on the power, the mudras and the advanced spiritual
practice of surya yoga.

– Extracted from a blog post by Wayne Purdin, with gratitude

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Creating a rosary of Light

We start the first seven days with a dedication to the
Black Madonna.  I invite you to ponder on her meaning
for you and for your belief systems and how they play
out in your life and experiences.
I will write more on her in the next blog post.

You can read some of what I have written previously
on the Black Madonna here

We start the first seven days with the following prayer :
On this day, O Beautiful Mother
On this day we give thee our love.
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.
On this day we ask to share
Dearest Mother, thy sweet care.
Aid us ere our feet astray
Wander from thy guiding way.
On this day, O Beautiful Mother
On this day we give thee our love.
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Mother, and of the Son,
and of the Daughter and of the Holy Spirit.
This is followed by Sun Yoga or sun gazing.
Full instructions to follow in a separate post.
End the day with Vespers (Evening prayer) at dusk.
Repeat the prayer to be followed by sun gazing.
Before sleep say the recommended rosary
at Compline (Night Prayer).
This is the basic structure.  You can add
rosaries, prayers, chants and songs if you like.
I will post the recommended rosaries and mantras.
I will share the inspiration that I received when I answered
the Call by the blessed Mother to join hearts and minds
in upholding the divine image of Mary as Our Lady of Mercy,
Hope, Sanctuary, Succour and Healing.

I invite you to spread the word, the inspiration and the Love.



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Thirty days of Mary

Shrine of Blessed Mary in my garden
photograph by Hettienne Grobler
Since the pagan times, the month of May always 
had a special significance for the divine feminine
and goddess.  
In the North it is spring, so the Romans and Greeks
 dedicated this month to Flora
and Artemis.  

In the Southern Hemisphere it is Autumn and we
prepare for the transition of the winter months to
deeper travels into the inner worlds.

Crowning ritual of Blessed Mary at the Temple of Mary shrine
in my garden by Hettienne Grobler

Traditionally the month of May celebrates
the crowning of Mary.

The Temple of Mary and her Flamekeepers
will celebrate the crowning of Mary in a ceremony
of devotion and celebration.

I will be sharing the date of this ceremony here 
and you may join in wherever you are
by creating an altar dedicated to the
Blessed Mother. 
 So take the time, create

an altar and weave a crown of flowers for your Mary statue. 
 Remember that your devotion and attention
invoke the holy Presence into the physical image and you can
 place water, oil and food on

your altar to be blessed by her presence.

 I will also share the
prayers and rosaries that we will use on that day.

Divine Sophia, Wisdom by Hettienne Grobler

We will also be devoting the entire Month of May
to Blessed Mother Mary and her gifts of
peace, healing and enlightenment.

The thirty days of devotion will include a daily
session of surya yoga, (sun gazing), saying Rosaries
specifically for certain days of the week and
for certain decrees, as well as time spent in 
meditation and healing circles.

 So take the time, create

an altar and weave a crown of flowers for your Mary statue. 
 Remember that your devotion and attention
invoke the holy Presence into the physical image and you can place water, oil and food on
your altar to be blessed by her presence.

I invite you to practise the 30-day dedication and devotion to Mary
during the month of Mary.  
This is a very ancient tradition and you will receive
the blessings if you do so.
Each day will be dedicated to an aspect of Divine Mary
and if you sign up for this practise, you will
receive daily mails with the details of the spiritual practise,
the focus of the dedication,
daily meditations, focus of the day
and the rosary for the day.

If you want to participate, send me an email and I will
send you the instructions. 
My email address is

blessings to you