I have a light in my heart
Your name on my lips
A river that flows
To the city of Light
My feet has found the path
marching to the rythm of my heart
It is true
The words that you whispered in my ears long ago
It is true
Beyond a doubt
Love does exist
In the city of Light
I have been there
I entered its gates
Love waited for me
Awakened my heart
Filled my soul
With visions of beauty
In the city of Light
How to find my way back?
Pray, who will tell?
Who will show me the way?
That is where I am meant to dwell
In the city of Light
He who walks with me
Shall show me the way
She who holds my hand
Shall lead me
She whose name is Love
He from whose eyes I drink
And from whose hands I eat
She who is the light in my heart
Shall return me to Eternity
To the city of Light
Sri BhaktimayiMa Hettienne Grobler