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Day 17

Ancient prayer of Protection

I salute you, Glorious Virgin, star more
brilliant than the sun,
redder than the freshest rose,
whiter than any lily,
higher in heaven than any of the saints.

The whole earth revers you, accept my praise
and come to my aid. In the midst of your so
glorious days in heaven, do not forget the miseries
of this earth:
turn your gaze of kindness on all those who suffer
and struggle and whose lips are soaked
in the bitterness of this life.

Have pity on those who loved each other
and were torn apart.
Have pity on the loneliness of the heart,
on the feebleness of our faith,
on the objects of our tenderness.
Have pity on those who weep,
on those who pray,
on those who tremble.
Give everyone hopefulness and peace.

Ancient prayer of Protection translated by Andrew Harvey

You can find links to the foundation Immaculate Practise here.
By now you know that you can play around with the practise
and that the touchstone of transformation is the personal
commitment and discipline of showing up.

The mantra is the rose that weaves each day’s meditation
and practise into the magnificent rosary of holy action.

blessings to you

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