and today I am adding a special meditation called
Meeting Mother Mary.
As I have said before, repetition builds up energy and mystical power.
It will be wonderful if you can do the Meeting Mother Mary meditation for the next
three days.
Day Four
The Immaculate Practise
Daily Prayer
Oh Mary, Mother of All, grant our hearts be filled with love,
compassion and peace no matter the circumstances of our lives
Oh Mary, the Wise, grant to us ever wider eyes with which to see the
true power and beauty of your world and our world. Let harmony and
wholeness be established within all kingdoms.
As it is above. so it is below
When you have said the prayer with intent and focus, pick up your rosary
and repeat the daily mantra.
Please complete the rosary at least twice and a 108 bead mala at least once.
As you become more comfortable, or if you are already a seasoned meditator,
then repeat this mantra up to 6 times around the rosary.
For a mantra we use the rosary in the same way as we do a mala or prayer beads :
you move the beads one by one through your fingers, repeating the line of the mantra on each bead.
This mantra is to be repeated daily for seven days. The more we work with a mantra, the more
it vibrates through our cells and energy and transforms our mind and energy bodies.
Om Jai Mata Mary Ma
The mantra can be translated into English more or less as follows :
Hail Victorious Mother Mary Divine Mother of All
Hail, victory to the Creatrix Mary, Divine Mother of All
I invite you to do the Meeting with Mother Mary meditation with me.
Below is the audio recording.
Sit quietly for a few minutes, just allowing yourself to absorb the energy you have invoked.
Enjoy it …… feel the presence of the Sacred embracing you, flowing all around you.
We rejoice in our physical nature, appreciating this time to pause and remember the holy
purpose of our lives. We feel gratitude for those travelling with us on this path of love
and freedom. Feel a smile forming on your face. You are happy to be here in this
peaceful inner place. Let there be peace. Gently refocus on the outer world and carry this peace
with you into the world.
and when you have completed your mantra, write down any
Close your communion with repeating the prayer again.
As you feel your heart filled with peace and gratitude to the blessings received from
Mary, the Rose of the World, you can scatter some of your fresh flower petals, or sprinkle some
of your blessed water, over her image.
thank you
thank you
thank you
And so it is.