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Day 5 – September

A rose in my rosary garden
Blessings to you and welcome to Day 5.

For the first week we are focusing on the inner child, the archetype
of Virgin, Priestess and Prophetess
and the Suit of Vessels (Cups) and the element of water
These are based on the elements as depicted in the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck
but these are universal in nature.

Water has always been the sacred energy of the feminine.
When one follows the leylines in the earth, the Mary line
curves and spirals around wells and you will find
cathedral and churches built on the power points of the Michael
lines (as they are known in the UK)
The feminine has always been worshipped at wells
and it is quite noticeable what an important role the well
plays in mystical traditions and how these stories
usually involve a woman.

The aarthi ghat at Haridwar on the sacred Ganga river
(Ganga Ma)

One of the most powerful and well-known sites

where Mary appeared, is Lourdes. It was at Lourdes that
I received the call in my heart to marry the mystical shakty path
that I had been following, with my love for Mary into
a bridging path.  A path that could reclaim, remember, reweave
and return her forgotton rituals and mysteries into the
sacred bridal chamber of her sacred heart.

 I took this photograph on the nativity of Mary
at Lourdes – it is the full moon on the left
and her statue in the rose garden in the middle of the rosary
procession in the middle

A place of miracles

From the very first days, miraculous cures have been granted at Lourdes to many who drank or bathed in the spring that Bernadette discovered at the Lady’s prompting. The Catholic Church is extremely slow and meticulous about acknowledging the validity of a cure and so most of the cures claimed there are never officially recognized. Even so, there are dozens of totally recognized cures that have happened at Lourdes that have been documented by the Church and the medical profession. The first healings happened almost immediately in 1858 and continue until the present day. 

This healing is brought to us on many, many levels.

A picture taken by myself of the Grotto and the spring
and the pyramid of candles

Water has the power to drown us or to quench our thirst.
We know Mary as the loving nurturing mother and also
as the Mater Dolorosa, the grieving mourning mother,
dressed in black, mourning the loss of her son.

In Lourdes you will see hundreds of pilgrims carrying large
containers of water from the sacred spring home every day.
We bring tiny bottles of the healing waters home with us.
Mary is called a Vessel of Spirit, a Vessel of Honour and here in
Lourdes she is the Vessel of the Sacred Waters.

Mary as Alchemical Vessel

In alchemy the vessel is the container in which the
various ingredients are mixed and transformed by each other.
It was believed that the alchemists were looking for
a way to turn lead into gold, but this is a metaphorical
journey of transforming darkness into light.  Or of
finding joy and peace amidst sorrow and hardship as we live
in a world of radical opposites and many challenges.

Mary is the vessel for the divine incarnated in herself as 
the Immaculate Conception and in
giving birth to her Son
and then as all of us.  

water containers at Lourdes

She is also the spiritual vessel in which
opposites combine.  As we are tested and challenged, like Bernadette,
we have the choice to obey the instructions of the voice of the Lady
that no-one else sees or to listen to the incredulous villagers and
Cure.  As we follow the calling of our heart, we are led to dig where
no-one else thought to look and we will uncover a spring that will
feed and nourish thousands.

Immaculate Practise

As part of today’s Immaculate Practise you may want to do a special water
ritual. A powerful ritual is to place your water in the moonlight to charge – we are
nearing the full moon in Pisces.
You can prepare the water by chanting the mantra over it
or by repeating the daily prayer.
You may wish to do so nightly till the full moon.
Pour the water into a chalice and drink from it mindfully and with
awareness.  You can use the blessed water to sanctify items on your
altar and sprinkle some over the image of Mary in gratitude.

Prayer for today :

I open myself to your presence, o Great Mother;
I commit myself to your priestesshood of miracle thinking
and the practise of faith in the extraordinary.
I am willing for my eyes and heart to be broken open
by your divine and blinding presence;
as I priestess your love and compassion in the world.

Daily Mantra

Om jai mata Mary ma namaha

Daily Prayer

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb
Holy Mary,  Mother of God,
oh Rose Queen
You bestow your Blessing upon us

Now and Forever


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