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Twelve Days with Mary – Day 9

Maria Santissima 
The Crowned One

She is also known as the Mother of the Poor

When I sat down in front of Her She spoke to me from a deep
and powerful place.  I instantly felt that I had known Her forever
and that She had known me forever.
I have created two shrines for Her in this deck as She is
so important to me.

The story goes that a thousand years ago, a Count who was hunting in the woods
followed a deer and found it prostrate in front of a great oak tree.  The tree
became luminous as if on fire and the Madonna appeared in the light and said
‘Non temere io sono la Madre di Dio’ 
which means ‘Do not fear I am the Mother of God’.  This is very similar
to the message of Guadulupe to San Juan.

A peasant hung a cauldron filled with oil in the tree and She blessed the oil
with healing powers.  The oil kept on regenerating in the cauldron and lasted
for many years.  Many pilgrims came and anointed themselves with the miraculous
oil and reported many healings. The sanctuary still supplies pilgrims with oil
blessed by Her presence. The oil is known as the Blessed Oil of the Madonna.

The eighth house of the wheel relates to the kundalini; the spiritual energy
that runs up the spine and forms a plume of light above the head.  This is depicted
as a crown or a halo in holy ones and in some traditions it is known as the
tail of the peacock.  In tantra, the esoteric Hindu tradition, amrit is the ‘oil of bliss’
which is secreted by the secret gland in the brain.  At times the amrit
can be tasted as a drop that falls on the tongue through the chakra in the palate of the mouth.
But it is also known as the healing and regenerative substance secreted by a
brain that has been infused with spiritual energy.

On our wheel of colour-astro dealing the ninth card for
Sagittarius – November 23 – December 22
Colour – White
The planet – Jupiter
The tarot card – The Guardian Angel (Temperance)
The house of  benediction, spirituality, religion, travels and expansion
The ninth chakra is in the palm of the left hand
and the spiritual centre of the spinal cord and kundalini
The complementary chakra colour is yellow and the spiritual
colour is the tail of the peacock or golden-white


I breathe

You fill my nostrils
I sigh
You fill my lungs
May I receive your Love
Blessed am I
I move unexpectedly
to catch a forbidden glimpse of your face
May I sit at your feet
Blessed am I
I dedicate to You
my Heart
I give to You
the keys of my Soul
May I receive your Light
Blessed am I
I commit to you every step I take
Every realization I gain
I offer to you
My warrior poet
Every word that tumbles from her lips
May I receive your Radiance
Blessed am I
I offer to you
My art
The stroke of my paintbrush
You hold my hand
I become the canvas
You the paint
May I receive your Presence
Blessed am I
My heart belongs to You
As does my Soul
Every step is dedicated to follow
Through the freezing light
of the Underworld
into the forbidden garden of delight
facing demon and dragon
listening for the call
Oh my Beloved
Lead me into the perfumed garden
Into the temple of my soul.
               –  Hettienne Grobler

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