Week 4
Suit of Roses
Mary as Rose Queen
The blessing of the Rose Queen :
a devotion
to the power and Grace of the Blessed Mother;
to the mystery of the angelic realms
and the resurrection of the feminine mysteries.
An old legend tells that at the time of the winter solstice,
all of those souls, who will incarnate in the coming year,
draw close to the Earth.
The Divine Mother then takes a single petal from
the Great Rose of Life and places it in the heart of each of those
souls who will be born.
As that soul then is born and grows throughout its life and
awakens its true self, that single petal will blossom in the
heart of the individual, becoming a living Rose of Life
that will bless the world.
You can do the Blessing of the Rose Queen prayers as a way
of calling upon Mary of the Divine Feminine to assist with
a special request. It is not something to be used for ordinary
things, but for those special times in our life when what we are
doing just doesn’t seem to be enough – when we really
need assistance.
Perform these prayers for thirty days in a row.
Visualize what it is that you wish in as much clear detail
as possible. Write it down, so that the words are clear
and distinct, with as little room for misinterpretation as possible.
Perform it during a quiet and special time in your day :
Oh most beautiful and gracious Rose Queen,
who came down to Earth to do good and who never
left a request unanswered, grant me the rose
of _____________________
Hail Mary, Goddess full of Grace
God is with you
Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of the creativity
that spirals forth from your womb.
Through your art and rituals of beauty,
we find our forgiveness and healing.
Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,
work the mystery for your children
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
oh Rose Queen
Bestow your Blessing upon us
Now and Forever
This final week has a dual focus : that of the Rose Queen
and the Immaculate Conception.
The colours are gold and red and the element is Earth.
We focus on two main aspects of the Suit of Roses which is
and the Immaculate Conception.
The colours are gold and red and the element is Earth.
We focus on two main aspects of the Suit of Roses which is
embodiment and manifestation.
May this practise inspire you to incorporate it into your practise of devotion
and awakening to the divine feminine mysteries of Mary.
Dear Hettienne,
I am starting this beautiful Rosary Prayer – May we all get through this pandemic in Health & with the Blessings of Creativity from Our Lady.
That is wonderful Cynthia! Spreading the light right where we are
blessings to you, Hettienne