and have stared deeply into the mirror darkly.
Thank you for sharing your images, your experiences,
your insights and your own resistances.
Each week you drew a card from your deck.
Now it is time to put them together and to read
the message for your Walking with Mary.
You may want to journal your cards
and continue to build on them with
each consecutive online Walking with Mary retreat.
Preparing to greet the goddess
Do not think of her unless you are prepared
to be driven to your limits;
to rush forth from yourself
like a ritual bowl overflowing
with consecrated wine.
Do not summon her image
unless you are ready to be blinded,
to stand in the flash
of a center exploding,
yourself shattering into the landscape,
wavering bits of bark and water.
Do not speak her name
until you have said goodbye
to all your familiar trinkets –
your mirrors, your bracelets,
your childhood adorations –
From now on you are nothing,
a ghost hovering at the window,
a voice singing under water.
– Dorothy Waters
Jai jai ma
Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria
I love that prayer. I needed to find mother mary today. Thank you, Josie
Dear Josie
Synchronicity! She always appears when we need her. I still have a few decks for purchase but I cannot ship due to the pandemic lockdown. And international mail will be extremely slow once they open I have been told. If you are willing to wait for delivery of the deck, you are welcome to buy one. I will add a small number to the shop as they are virtually all gone now.
blessings Hettienne