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Newsletter April 2015

Greetings from the Love-Fire of the Sacred Heart of the Mother of All
A bit about my story as it unfolds
The fire of love blazed in my heart
and consumed everything.
My books, my erudition and my mind
I put away on a shelf.
Now I write only poems
– Rumi
I am deep into the Otherworld of myth, metaphor, fairy tale and the incredible
symbolism of Mary.  I am working mainly on the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck – an
undertaking which seems almost impossible, but I am nearing completion!
My hands are creating 78 tarot shrines in this deck – each one received in dreamtime or
during trance states.  All the material has to be collected and gathered and I
use traditional Catholic figures.  At first I was perplexed by this instruction, but as the deck has been unfolding
it has become clear that there are many many reasons for this to be so.
Once the shrines are completed, they have to be photographed and then
they they will need some graphic design to be turned into cards.
I am concurrently writing the book which will accompany the deck of cards
and my biggest challenge is not to turn it into an encyclopedia.
The Wisdom just pours into my brain and profound knowledge as well as hidden
facts and history has been revealed.  At times I fear that I will have to go into
hiding once I have published the deck, but fortunately we no longer live in
the burning times and I am also supported by Blessed Mary in finding
academic research for all the revelations.  It is an amazing and blessed
and very humbling journey.
What would a year be without a pilgrimage?  I am very fortunate to be travelling
to Lourdes again this year.  And also to Assisi, the House of Loreto and Chartres.
All these places and their significance to the journey of our Souls in its current
mythos and evolution, appear in the deck.  In fact, you will discover, along with me,
how every single pilgrimage that I have undertaken the past 16 years, were
a very important and significant step on this holy path.
Staying in touch
I have been changing some of my blogs and also deleted some websites
in order to streamline the physical output in line with what is coming.
I have also created a new website which
is the front page of all my work, posts, publications and links.
I am working on putting up some e-books and also online courses
for download.  These links will all be on this website.
Our website for the Temple is still being updated from time to time
I am planning a ritual at my home in May to dedicate a flame
to the Temple of Mary and its nine flamekeepers.
Those who live close by are invited to attend – please let me know –
and those who live far away or who cannot make it, you can
send a candle which we will include in the ritual and you can place
it on your own personal Flamekeeper altar and also light all other
candles from it.
(It will be on a Thursday or Friday morning in May)
I am available to you via email and whatsapp and the phone, should
you feel the need.  Some of you may notice that we are often having conversations
in the other realms or that I visit you in your dreams.  The work continues.
In fact, in a year or two, you will witness many changes and transformations
and you will be called to testify to the world of your personal dedication
to the Blessed Mother of the World as She sends out the Call to many.
I am also available for spiritual guidance and healing.  My time is limited
and I already have a few I am working with, so I do not advertise this too widely
I will be putting up more info on the website
I am blogging on, (Cloister of the Heart) and (Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck) and (Mysteries of Mary) and there will be a post
today on (The Temple of Mary) (if loadshedding
allows :D)
 so make sure that you
are subscribed if you want to follow the posts.
I do not write as often as I used to as most of my energy goes into
the tarot deck as well as created a sacred garden at home, ready to receive
the small physical temple dedicated to Mary which I am planning.
The Month of May is dedicated to Mary

Since the pagan times, the month of May always had a special significance for the divine feminine
and goddess.  In the North it is spring, so the Romans and Greeks dedicated this month to Flora
and Artemis.  The Month of May celebrates the crowning of Mary.  So take the time, create
an altar and weave a crown of flowers for your Mary statue.  Remember that your devotion and attention
invoke the holy Presence into the physical image and you can place water, oil and food on
your altar to be blessed by her presence.
I would like to invite you to practise the 30-day dedication and devotion to Mary
during the month of Mary.  This is a very ancient tradition and you will receive
the blessings if you do so.

Invitation to a retreat into Mary’s Flame of Love
I will be offering a retreat from the world into the powerful Presence
of the Flame of Mary’s Love at Temenos in MacGregor.
This call has been coming through very powerfully the past few months
and I have decided to stop resisting. 
I will be spending two or three week nights at Temenos during the
June school holidays.  Week nights are cheaper than weekends.
They also offer a winter special of three nights for the price of two.
All meals can be self-catering and dinner can be taken
together in the restaurant.

I am extending an invitation to you to join me.  The time will be
spent in silence, in walks, guided meditations at The Well,
small ceremonies at some of the shrines and satsang.
It will be a casual coming together of the Flamekeepers of the Temple of Mary.
There will not be a program – it will unfold as guided.
The focus will be on turning within and receiving the new energies
that She is currently pouring out.
The invitation is also extended to anyone that you know that
would like to be a part of the energies
Temenos rates are R365 pp sharing a cottage per night
or R385 pp in a single cottage plus meals – you can have all meals
in restaurant or self-cater – the price of the restaurant is very reasonable.
As spiritual director for the retreat my fee is R500 per person.
So all in all it is very affordable.  
It takes courage to burn in the Fire of Love
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At the grotto I fell in line with the other pilgrims, waiting my turn to touch the walls of the cave and its dripping water. The atmosphere was light and joyful, although many stood and kneeled deep in prayer. As I approached the statue of Our Lady where She appeared to St Bernadette, I could feel an
intensification of the energy, a slight vibration and a humming sound. The closer I came, the louder the sound became. The sound was over and above the sound of the rushing waters.
As I put my hand out to touch the dripping water and I raised my eyes,
a column of light was visible to me,
shimmering and dancing.
My first impression was that it is a giant candle, but then my logical mind
realised that this is not possible.
The only way I can describe it is ‘a flame of living organic light’ :
Her Divine Presence made manifest in this world,
visible to my eyes.
And overwhelming and immense feelings which I am at a loss to name.
A feeling of such incredible fullness and completeness which has stayed with me ever since.

A hundred thousand harps take you
like wings and sweep you up out of silence.
And your primitive wind is blowing
the fragrance of your marvelous power
to every being and to every creature in need.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

This is how I described my experience at Lourdes!

Start saving your pennies for 2014! It would be wonderful if each member of The Temple of Mary could join in this pilgrimage, so, if it is your desire, put it on your wish list for Love to fulfill.

This is a very preliminary outline of the itinerary and dates. The dates may vary by one or two days either way, depending on the cheapest available flights. I will towards the end of 2013 look for affordable flights and for specials to Paris – these often come up at R5000-R6000 per return flight. I will use my past travelling experience in France to find us affordable accommodation and modes of travel. Meals can be al fresco and picnic style which will not cost a fortune. A budget of R15000 should be enough to cover everything (flights, accommodation, meals and travel) including shopping. But again, it depends on the rand-Euro exchange and we will see closer to the time.

Dates : Saturday 18 May 2014 – Friday 31 May 2014

The month of May is sacred to Mary.

You can read about some of my pilgrimages on the below links :

there are more if you are interested (search pilgrimage, mary magdalene, paris, lourdes, sarah la kali, notre dame, sare coeur)

Chapel of the Miraculous Medal
When I visited this chapel I wrote about my wonderful experience, bathing in Mary’s Love while sitting there. 
Soon the images seen by my eyes disappear and only a brilliant golden light is visible. The light has a silver rim to it and it is alive and palpable with wisdom and knowledge which cannot be translated into words. This is the Presence of Divine Mary. The light translates into my physical body and energetically there is deep movement in and through my body. Then my heart fills with a feeling that seems physical. Everything and everyone around me is bathed in this beautiful light and they all glow in love. The Light becomes stronger and more powerful and I see the intense Light at the centre of it all and also at the centre of each and every person. And the quality of this Light is Good and only Good – pure and beautiful and innocent! And it does not matter what happens on the exterior : nothing can corrupt or diminish that Light which is you and me. –

We will visit :


Notre Dame de Paris
Sacre Coeur de Montmartre
Chapel of the Miraculous Medal
La Madeline Temple
Chartres of the famous Chartres Blue glass and the Black Madonna!
Yesterday we visited the Sacre Couer in Montmartre along with hundreds of tourists. The beautiful and sacred atmosphere of the church was virtually non-existent with tourists disobeying the instructions not to take photographs, children touching everything, you get the picture. However, my daughter and I was determined to immerse ourselves in the energies and we were not disappointed. We both felt the light humming in our hands and arms as we approached the beautiful golden statue of Mother and Child. It felt like a door opened in my chest and throat and a million birds flew out, suffusing myself with the Love that includes everyone and everything. Next we entered the Virgin chapel. The walls were covered in images of the sacred woman in Her different roles and aspects. The compassionate and nurturing energy was intense and palpable. The air here was cool and soothing and it felt like an expanse of space. We stayed as long as we could. –

Travel by air or train to Marseille and then to Saint Maximin de la St Baume where we will stay at the old convent next to the Basilica de Madeleine

and from there to Saintes Maries de la Mer for the Sara la-kali Festival on Friday 24 to Sunday 25 May
and then on to Lourdes

I Love You Always
Hettienne Bhaktymayi Maria Ma