It is a soft dawn sprinkled with the drops of birdsong.
In the sky the new moon is hanging just above the rising sun.
I ponder my statue of Mary on a pillar and what this symbology
means. I know that there is a Mary on the Pillar in the cathedral
in Chartres which I am set to visit in September.
Cloaked in the haze of the morning light, intense bliss rises in me,
both tightening and releasing my heart and chest simultaneously
and I hear the voice of Mary.
‘You are not who you think you are. It is not necessary,
and at times quite pointless, to hang on to your weaknesses,
foibles and strengths with such intent and focus.
Your nature may not always please you,
or suit your idea of who you are.
The more you resist what is happening in your life
and the more you resist your nature,
the greater the wall which is blocking the light.
Only the warmth of the Light and its spiritual
qualities of acceptance, compassion,
understanding and peace, can
bring life back to the barren wasteland that lies
behind that wall.
Seekers do not realise that it appears to them that they
are indeed making choices, but this is very seldom true.
You are a compilation of impressions, feelings, reactions,
memories, half-felt emotions, fleeting desires and wishes
and unexplored and half-lived dreams.
You carry within you the memories of all time.
At times you may appear to be a book, its pages the
Keeper of all stories ever told and at other times
you may feel like the blank pages, ready to be written onto.
Both of these ideas may drive you to frustration,
and into trying to become either or both or even
to transcend the human experience by side-stepping
the creative dance of creating and destroying.
But you are so much more than
all of the above. Within you lies the Godseed, dormant,
waiting on the Kiss of Light. Only the mind, with its
ideas like clouds in the sky, is obscuring the Light
from awakening the Tree of Life within you.
A mind locked down with ideas and concepts and beliefs
of how you should be, is like concrete poured down onto
a pavement. It is only with the wearing away of time and
weather that cracks can form, through which the tendril
of a soft new plant can grow. This tiny plant has the
potential to become the beanstalk
that will take Jack into the heavens
of the giant.
A mind concretized with set ideas and theories, is the greatest
obstacle to peace and ongoing ‘enlightenment’.
There is so much that you are unaware of.
You can only see through your own lens of perspective
and perception. You only have a choice between
fear and love. When fear is the stone buried at the
foot of the tree of life, then all those living tendrils and
branches will be weakened and twisted by fear.
However, if your Philosopher’s Stone is cast in love,
then the Tree of Life will be rooted in the Real.
Only that which is Unchanging is Real and True.
The mind changes constantly. Thoughts are blown like
clouds in the winds of the body.
The mind and body absolutely fears and resists change.
on all levels.
There is a saying, ‘rather the devil you know’
Then there is the great inner Judge thrown into the mix as well.
And the desire for self-improvement.
All of these are fertilised by the idea that who you are is not
good enough and that you and your life should be different.
Your life can look different and your experiences can
be different. You can achieve goals and have your
desires and wishes fulfilled
But you can also have peace and harmony,
joy and human understanding,
compassion and love for everything and
everyone, right now, without making any
changes and definitely without improving yourself
or your life.
That moment of absolute alignment with the
Spirit within, is the kiss of the Light.
And all you need for that to happen, is to drop everything.
By that I mean that you can let your mind
and its many doors and passages and rooms, drop away.
Over and over.
Every day
Every time
I found this beautiful image on the internet – if you are the photographer please let me know and I will add your name. |
The boundary and limitation
that time creates, is the wall around the garden of Eden
and your willingness to enter naked,
leaving the fear behind, opens the gate
and makes it possible for you to
receive the inner Kiss
The biggest secret is that there is no secret.
Everything in every moment is as it should be.
Actions taken in Time have set the wheel of destiny
in motion and only a Philosopher’s Stone of Love
combined with the Kiss of Light
has the alchemical power to break the bonds of time.
Teaching yourself to live in alignment with the Spiritual Sun
and the Light of God, is a skill.
In order to acquire this skill, you have to tame and master
your mind to accept either fear or love.
That is the only choice you have.
In every moment you can ask yourself :
what would Love do?
One can replace Love with Acceptance or
Surrender to God, or to the Great Spirit,
or the Tao or the Unlimited, Eternal and Unchanging.
Does my action or reaction imply Love or Fear?
When you criticize yourself for getting angry – ask yourself
is that response based in fear or love?
If I root myself in the Real, in Love, would I
judge anger and deem it as a ‘negative’ reaction?
And why would I do that?
Is it because I fear that it will drag me down into
dark emotional depths which I fear?
And is it that I believe that God is not in the
darkness and that I will be separated from
my Creator?
Is it because you fear ‘losing yourself’?
That would imply that yourself is the True Self.
How better to allow the True Self, the one that is
aligned with the Light, the Spiritual Sun within,
to emerge by losing the false self?
The self is a set of ideas and beliefs grounded
in the belief that you are separate from your Creator.
The mind that creates this limited self is intent
on keeping you bound in this belief system and it will
show you many other theories and paths and
systems that support this theory.
As long as you believe that you have been cast
out of the garden and that you are now
begging outside the walls of the castle,
you will try to find the key to the secret door
which does not exist.
You are the Keeper of the Castle and you can only
stay the beggar whilst you allow your mind
to talk you into holding that begging bowl up
to God, begging for that which you have already
been given.
You have the power to put any theory to the test
and to be transformed by your own realisations.
You are standing in the Light and each moment
that you open your heart and you accept yourself
and your nature and the many selves that you have created,
you will receive the kiss of Light.
And I ask you to share your love with everyone,
as we are all the One.’
Ave Maria