Twelve Days of Mary Love – Day 8
the eighth day of Epiphany, 2 January and the eighth house
Today is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
You may want to read my past posts for this special celebration
on my blog Cloister of the Heart under the label
Twelve Days of Mary
If you click on this link it will take you to all the previous
Immaculate Conception celebrations on my blog
Twelve Days of Mary Love – Day 4
and its higher spiritual colour is gold
Celebrating Twelve Days with Mary – Day 1

The colour of the root is RED, its complementary colour is GREEN
and its higher spiritual colour is WHITE
Place your twelve cards in their places on your Council of 12
Turn over the first card
I will share with you my own cards and how I read these in the next 11 posts.
p.s. If you are creating a journal then start with House 9 of Sagittarius (the white)
and white is the higher spiritual colour of the Root chakra
This way you can keep your circle going year after year by merely doing a new draw
and its higher spiritual centre (head)
Behold! with my senses I make all things new. With my imagination I see within my mind’s eye. With my creative power, my feelings and devotion, my creation is born into this world for the highest good of all. In the mind all things are possible. With the word behold! we invoke what is to be. We set in motion our life around us. Our thoughts take shape and all comes into us as we see it. We think and behold a concept, then all of nature follows through. With our mind together, we can create peace in the world, a new world of harmony and love, By seeing the sacred in everything there will be heaven on Earth.
Walking with Mary September QnA – updated post
and consciousnesness.
layers of connection with self and the Divine.
burning aromatherapy oils; holy water; sacred waters and salt.
When the lemon starts to rot it has absorbed negative
of the activated altar and space and you
I place a bowl of salt on my altar and this is replaced with clean salt regularly.
in the corners of the room and to sweep
You may be familiar with bathing in water with
a few tablespoons of Epsom salts
or to my shower, especially
or a good quality vegan incense.
If you work with a pendulum you can
Then place the image or holy water or rosary which had
Our cells consists mainly of water
sandalwood oil. Frankincense oil also has a very high vibration but is very expensive.
Mysteries of Mary tarot deck
The overarching theme for the entire 30 days will be
Mary, Our Lady of the Rose
– the inner child –
The Suit of Vessels
– the tree of life –
The Suit of Holy Rood
– high priestess –
Mary as the sacred rose garden
– Cosmic Mary –
The Suit of Roses
discussions and other tools such
You can share and connect with the Walking with Mary community
on Instagram #walkingwithmary #thirtydayswithmary
and I share on FB on the Mysteries of Mary tarot page
The Miller’s Daughter
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The Miller’s Daugher V Holy Rood – Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck |