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Ego, wondrous ego

Ego is part of the dance of who you are. 
It is your vehicle to wisdom.
The body-mind is the Shakty of the Divine, the dance of the Divine Mother.
Your consciousness is Shiva, the Formless Light, seeking 
merging and melding with Shakty, your bodymindsoul,
becoming One in the Immaculate Conception
and thus giving birth to You, your Christed Self,
the Golden child reborn in total acceptance* and freedom*
and unconditional love*
*All of these constitute PREMA, non-judgement and thus
the knowledge that no forgiveness is required.
You, and only You, hold the key, beholds the key,
become the key and your turning in the lock of the hidden gateless gate
is the Redemption and Wisdom.
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The river of Light, which is kundalini

The river of Light, which is Kundalini
There are many different views and takes on the
kundalini energy.  In the West it is a strange and unknown
idea that there is a central source of spiritual energy
which feeds the soul and advances her development
without the help of psychology, mental exercises, visualization techniques,
and all kinds of therapy.

The Third Initiation of the Temple of Mary was put together in flow
and energy, to culminate in a kundalini activation and awakening.
A combination of the sacred sound chanting, the journey into the
subconscious with the role playing and the sacred drama
and then the very deep intense shaktypat on the last day;
all working together to
 prepare and open you up to receive the very high vibrations
that is available to you.

It is very important to activate and increase kundalini
whilst working with Divine Love and Bhakty.  This power
is infinite and has incredible power and potential and
can be manifested in unpleasant ways.

The spiritual energy of kundalini makes one more sensitive on many levels.
You become more aware of your own patterns and the play of others around you; you are confronted with your own games and habits and your comfort zone does not allow
the same level of denial as before.  This creates inner tension and pressure.
Then the energy of kundalini works in on the nervous system of the body and 
especially the brain. 

Typically of kundalini are the following :

Moments of deep joy and gratitude, almost to the point of feeling overwhelmed;

Sensation of floating and feeling blissed out and totally ungrounded;

Feeling exhausted and tired;

Feeling overwhelmed by life in general;

Feeling very stressed out, beyond the point of being able to bear it;

Skin sensitivity, eye sensitivity, an upset stomach and cramps in legs.

You may struggle to sleep or to fall asleep.

You may see lights or feel as though a lamp has been turned on in your brain.

The list goes on and on.
During this awakening, it is important to take care of yourself.
Get enough rest.  Go to bed early.
Switch off the chatter of the mind by surrendering.
Spend time sitting outside
Eat grounding food
Drink plenty of water
Take rescue remedy or valerian or one of the calming herbs
Chamomile tea is good
Magnesium powder is essential – Metabole.
Vit B5 (pantothenic acid) also helps.

Do not try to fast during this time nor to go on a healthy detoxing diet. Your
adrenals are already struggling because of kundalini activity – so feed your body
good vegetables and whatever else it craves within reason.
This is the time that you get to know parts of the real you.
You may uncover that you are much more sensitive than what you realized; you may find that you are much tougher than what you thought; when you pay attention to what your body now demands and how it reacts to certain situations, you can gather valuable information about yourself.  You will see how you use to override your true nature and force it into situations or out of situations that your mind thought was best and not what your Real Self wanted.  In this very important time of awakening, you can learn about your conditioning and adopt new behaviours and new belief systems.
Observe which meditations make you feel calmer and focus on those now.
Do not over-stimulate your nervous system by doing too many meditations, nor too
many chants in one day.  Take it easy.  Less is more.  
The nervous system and adrenals will burn out if you do not get enough sleep and
rest and if you continue to stimulate kundalini.  This is the time to trust that
the river of light is flowing and will continue to flow at its own pace.  If you stoke
the fire too much, it will once again burn out and die down.
It is okay not to meditate every day.  You may want to take turns with
japa mala, the sacred heart meditation, the rosary or the chants.
Pace yourself.

What does Love say in this regard?  Observe yourself and do not fall into the
trap of fear.
Trust and go with the flow.

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The New Light

On Sunday 1 September 2013, each Flamekeeper was initiated into the
radiance and grace of the New Light.
This transmission was received by myself and transferred to you
just after Shaktypat.
Some of you may have experienced it as a sense of lightness,
ease, bliss, or a seeing into ‘heaven’ beyond this dimension.
It is a Universal Diksha, and the transformation
took place in the Consciousness of the Temple of Mary.
The Temple of Mary is a Divine Consciousness and
a Being of Divine Love of vastness and Grace
and Compassion beyond our understanding.
Each one who takes initiation and a spiritual name
and who acts in service in The Temple, is a facet
of this divine energy.
The Presence of this heavenly Being was palpable
and visible at times, during the weekend and especially
on Sunday.  I will refer to this consciousness in the feminine –
not because it has any gender, but because the fragrance and touch
of this consciousness has a feminine quality to it.
She first appeared to me in the winter of 2001, in Glastonbury,
where I stayed in the home of Koko (who has since passed over)
priestess of Avalon.  It seems very apt that She makes herself known, twelve 
years later, on the first day of Spring, the symbolic day of the Eastern Gate,
the gate of rebirth and a new dawn.  
A full cycle.  The painting above is the one that I made of Her
at that time.
She revealed to me the New Light and the Twelve Petals of the Lotus
in the Heart.  
The Ishta Devata meditation was the first step onto this expansion
of the path of love.  I suggest that you create a journal or notebook
for your Ishta Devata meditations as the insights and revelations
will grow and you will be guided to connect deeper and directly
with the Guru Within, the Inner Teacher, the great I Am.
We will touch on this new information during the
workshop in October and immerse ourselves into it,
step by step, during upcoming workshops
and during the fourth initiation.
I am considering making the workshops available
online for Chandi MariaDevi who cannot travel to 
Cape Town for regular workshops.  All in the works still.
My intent is to paint the mandala of the New Light and her
embodiment in order to bring the visual manfiestation
into our reality.  I will make altar cards of these and bring
along to our workshop.  
Pay attention to the symbolism contained in this sharing
and become aware of changes in your inner reality.
I will share more as it is revealed to me.
Hettienne Ma BhaktymayiMaria
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Haridwar, holiest city in India


Haridwar also known as ‘the Gateway to the Gods’ opens to other four important pilgrimages of Uttrakhand namely, Rishikesh, Badrinath, Kedarnath and Yamunotri. Referred to as Mayapuri, Gangadwar, Kapila and Mokshadwar in the ancient scriptures and epics, Haridwar is one the first towns where river Ganga emerges from the mountains entering the planes and has always remained a major pilgrimage for the Hindus.

Haridwar is considered one of the holiest cities in India. It is believed that three Gods; Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh have left their footprints and sanctified the city. The city is among the four places where Kumbh Mela is organised every twelve years and Ardh Kumbh every six years. Devotees from all walks of life and all corners of the world pour into the city to become a part of the largest congregation. Ash-smeared sadhus with flowing beards and knotted manes who had descended from their quiet retreats in the neighboring hills and mountains roam around the city on foot, cycles and motorbikes, participating in a festival that is considered to be the holiest in the land.
PATANJALI YOGPEETH (1 Kms.) This is an institution developed by Swami Ramdev for scientific research and treatment in Yoga, Spiritualism and Ayurveda, with the world’s largest OPD with a capacity of over six to ten thousand patients per day. A team of over 200 qualified doctors have been trained and are already attending to over 2500 patients daily. Free consultation is done for all patients as well as medicines are made available to economically weaker persons at concession.

HAR KI PAURI (16 kms) – It is the most popular ghat on the banks of Ganga and referred as the major landmark of the city. Evening prayer at dusk offered to Goddess Ganga at Har-Ki-Pauri (steps of God Hara or Shiva) is an enchanting experience for any visitor. A spectacle of sound and colour is seen when, after the ceremony, pilgrims float diyas (floral floats with lamps) and incense on the river, commemorating their deceased ancestors. It is also the place where thousands of pilgrims converge and the festivities commence during the Kumbha Mela, which takes place every twelve years, and the Ardh Kumbh Mela, which takes place every six.
MANSA DEVI TEMPLE (18 Kms.) – Situated at the top of Bilwa Parwat, the temple of Goddess Mansa Devi, literally meaning the Goddess who fulfills desires (Mansa) of sincere devotees, is a popular tourist destination, especially because of the cable cars, which offer a picturesque view of the entire city.
CHANDI DEVI TEMPLE (18 Kms.) – The temple is dedicated to Goddess Chandi, who sits atop the ‘Neel Parvat’ on the eastern bank of river Ganga. It was constructed in 1929 A.D. by the king of Kashmir, Suchat Singh. It is believed that the main statue was established by the Adi Shankracharya in 8th century A.D. The temple is a 3 km trek from Chandighat and can also be reached through a ropeway between 8.30 AM to 6 PM.
NEEL DHARA PAKSHI VIHAR (16 Kms.) – This Bird Sanctuary is situated on the main Ganga river, or Neel Dhara, at the Bhimgoda barrage, it is a paradise for bird watchers and home to many migratory birds during the winter season.
SAPT RISHI ASHRAM & SAPT SAROVAR (22 kms.) – A picturesque ashram located near Haridwar, where seven great sages or Saptarishis, namely Kashyapa, Vashisht, Atri, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Bharadwaja and Gautam are said to have meditated. Ganga split herself into seven currents at this place so that the Rishis would not be disturbed by the flow.
PARAD SHIVLING (14 kms) – Also known as Mercury Shivalinga is highly significant mythological site of the hindus. Situated in Harihar Ashram, the Parad Shivling weighs about 150 kg and Rudraksha trees are the main attractions here.
PIRAN KALIYAR (10 kms.) – Built by Ibrahim Lodhi, a ruler of Delhi, this ‘Dargah’ of Hazrat Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari, a 13th century, Sufi Saint of Chisti Order (also known as Sarkar Sabir Pak), in Kaliyar village, 7 km. From Roorkee is a living example of religious harmony in India, visited by devotees from all over the world, during the annual ‘Urs’ festival, which is celebrated from 1 st day of sighting the moon to 16th day of Rabeeull month Islamic calendar.
RAJAJI NATIONAL PARK (22 Kms.) – The Rajaji National Park, uttaranchal/ uttarakhand is spread over an area of 820.42 SQ. K.M. It is a home of 23 species of mammals and 315 species of Birds. The park is home of Asian Elephants, Tiger and King Cobra, Panther, Bear, Chital, Sambar, Wild Boar, Kakar, Python, Monitor Lizard, Wild Cats and many more. Open between 15 November & 15 June every year.
SHIVPURI (45 Kms.) – White water river rafting expeditions are organised from here. 
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One day workshop in Temple of Mary – Saturday 19 October 2013

One day workshop in follow-up of
Third Initiation into Temple of Mary
Saturday 19 October 2013
9 am to 5 pm
in Stellenbosch (at Kamala MariaDevi’s house)
A day of Q & A;  meditations;  chanting;
Ishta Devata meditation cd; follow-up of practices;
introduction to the upcoming
Twelve Petals of the Heart.

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​When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom – Gospel of Thomas

In preparation for the Third Initiation into the Mysteries of Isis-Maria-Sophia
I strongly suggest that you re-read the first two manuals
before arrival.

The sacred marriage is between Logos and Wisdom :
knowledge and becoming at one with the Love.
Knowledge alone will not get you into the Temple of the Heart,
the Kingdom of God.

Please go through all the practical exercises and various
meditations that were covered in Initiations One and Two,
as the third initiation builds onto that foundation.

With each initiation we go deeper and deeper into the Mystery
of the Self;  your ideas of who you are and how life is and should be
will crumble and it may at times seem as though the world
around you is falling apart.  In a way it is.
Accessing knowledge only will increase the imbalance.
Spiritual discipline and the purifying of the kundalini energies
are very necessary before we can work on the brain centres.
During each initiation a centre in the brain is activated
and thus the un-doing starts.

See you soon.

Hettienne Ma Bhakty Maria
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Third Initiation into the Mysteries of Isis-Maria-Sophia – Lady Wisdom

Program for weekend Friday 30 August to Sunday 1 September 2013
Friday 30 August
early arrival if possible – any time from 3 pm
Kitchen to be set up
Temple space to be prepared
Costumes to be prepared
Feast table to be set

5 pm – the baking of the sacred goddess loaves in the kitchen – each participant to knead and shape their own loaves

5.30 pm – each initiate to receive the program and focus for the weekend as well as his/her archetype for the weeken – please bring a shawl or cape and any pieces of cloth that we can use – such as veils with which to cover your face and belly dancing shawls- other items will be provided by the Temple
Please bring a shamanic drum (if you have), incense and flowers for offerings

6 – 7 pm – initiates to get dressed as the Seeker, the knight Perceval – wear white clothing, and your cape or cloak – you may wear a drum or a shield and/or toy sword or a knapsack with some tools for the journey

7 pm – the holy feast and sacrament of Eros

To be followed by sacred dancing

and shamanic journeying

Saturday 31 August

Breakfast 8.30 – 9.30
Temple clean up
Morning program of sacred sound journeys start at 10.30
-entering the Vortex through vibration

Afternoon will be spent preparing for the sacred drama and Procession of the Holy Grail :

Bring your cloak or shawl that you will use for the evening’s sacred ritual and sacred drama – please bring needle and thread (gold or red) for working onto you shawl – unless you are going to do this beforehand

Please bring pen and paper, black bed sheets and white bed sheets (if you have), safety pins, kokis and a poster size sheet of paper, a small pair of scissors, a tube of Pritt

You will need a chair for meditation and a blanket

Sunday will be focused on all the sacred Temple Mysteries and practices; the meeting of the Ishta Devata and on the integration of the Initiation of Asherah-Wisdom-Sophia

The program will finish at lunch time on Sunday

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Asherah, Lady of Wisdom, Queen of Heaven, Sophia, Shekinah and today known as Mary

Exactly one year ago I had a powerful vision which I
wrote about on the blog Shaman She-WhoKnows.
Today as I am putting together the manual and sacred drama
for the Third Initiation into the Mysteries of The Temple of Mary,
this vision forms the core of this initiation.
We have entered a powerful ‘gate’ in consciousness
of ‘enlightenment’, and this gate indeed started with and is
now returning full circle to the ancient image
of the Divine Feminine, known as Asherah.
This doorway or gate is also called the Lionsgate of awakening.
(See my previous post)

Asherah who is symbolised by The Tree of Life;
known as El Shaddai, which means God with Breasts;
who has Her origins in ancient Egypt
and who was eradicated from western religion
by King Josiah.
She was known as the Queen of Heaven;
Lady Wisdom and she was hidden
in the Kabbalah as the Shekinah
and in the Bible as Wisdom and Sophia.
She is the Throne (as in the great Isis)
and in the Litany of Loreto, her many titles
now belong to Mary.
I share the vision here with you but its full importance and relevance
will be revealed and experienced by you during the retreat
when we enter into sacred time and space through
sacred drama and journeying

Visions and dreams :  there are those that stand out with such luminosity and with a strong aura of having significant meaning.   I have written, journaled and painted some of my visions and some of my dreams.  Some of my dreams are only images and colours captured during the events of the day;  some are personal and archetypal and then there are those that I never forget.  These have layers upon layers of meaning.  Some of the meaning I immediately understand and the other layers are revealed with time.

Such a dreamvision I had over the past few nights.  One of the Tree of Life, the Goddess, the Lion and Serapis.

Let me share the background to the dream with you.

For the past few months I have been dreamvisioning the thirteen alchemical goddesses for the Wheel of the Year for Temple of Mary and the Sacred Feminine Conference we are hosting in October 2013, as well as the alchemical wheel of Shekinah and its initiations during the Temple of Mary retreats.  (You can read more about these on my other blogs and website.) And I have been working specifically with the goddess Asherah as matriarch of the Mary line, through Asherah, Astarte, Queen of Heaven and eventually Mary.

My son has been planning a very special tattoo for himself.  One that has great meaning for him.  It contains a lion and a tree.  A few nights ago I dreamt the image in a beautiful synthesis of the lion and tree of life :  the one merging into the other, like a sacred marriage.

A week ago I went through a very intense experience with the catalyst being a severe allergic reaction to Vit E oil – an allergy I did not know my body had.  I ended up in hospital with drugs being chased into my body as my body spiralled down in anaphylactic shock.   I left my body and witnessed the extreme distress and rapid lowering of my blood pressure and the panic when the epiphinidrine hit my heart.  For the next three days I was in and out of my body while being aware and conscious. I visited realities and dimensions that I cannot really capture verbally yet.  Whatever was revealed to me during this time, will now be distilled in my subconscious till my mind is ready to give birth to this immaculate conception.

Since I returned fully to my body a few days ago, the words ‘vision’ and ‘dream’ has taken on a new profound meaning.

The Vision :.

We were all gathered in the courtyard.  The light had the luminosity of the Otherworld.  In the centre of the courtyard grew the Tree of Life, its trunk twisted and gnarled, housing an entire city of light.  The sound of the heavens played in its leaves.  I was below, at the base of the trunk, in my role as healer.  I blessed those that came up to me.  A man sat down in front of me, asking for healing.  As I placed my hands on him, I felt the healing power coursing through my body and flowing down my arms and hands.  I was familiar with this transference of healing energy and was unperturbed.  The next moment he jumped up, amazement on his face.  He shouted out “look at that beautiful being!!”.  Before I turned around I was aware of the pillar of light behind me and as I turned around I said ‘oh yes, that is Serapis.  I saw a beautiful light being in intense white light.

As I was looking at this pillar of light which my Self recognised as Serapis, the vision expanded.  A lion appeared from the branches of the Tree of Life,  facing the East and the rising Sun.  She growled and her mane shook and reverbated and the hair became one with the branches of the giant tree.  She roared into the sky, ‘Osiris!!!!’

As I was watching the scene in awe, my lips formed the word FORTEZA and I continued chanting this word as I returned to consciousness.

(Here follows the research that I did then, but since then more had been revealed to me – this has now been included in the manual for the third initiation)

I then did some research and the very first page I open give me the following and more. (you may want to explore the pages at Asherah Part III The Lion Lady)

Serapis Bey is Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the white ray.   Serapis can help people prepare to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of the working of miracles.  Serapis Bey works specifically with kundalini awakening and ascension and the ability of working miracles through the kundalini energy in the root chakra. He is often depicted with the caduceus staff.

And he was known as the god Osiris in ancient Egypt!!

Serapis was a Greco-Egyptian god in 3 BC whom many believe that the story of Jesus was based on and he was known as Serapis Christus.

.One of the very first Egyptian goddesses was Qadesh and she was known as the Lion Lady.  She was also known as Asherah, Astarte-Anat, the Canaanite goddess, spouse of the Canaanite bull god, El.

Asherah was depicted as both Lion and as the Tree of Life.  And her sacred symbol and object was the staff with two serpents!  The same staff that Serapis Bey carries and the modern-day symbol of healers.

Aherah Astarte Anat

And Forteza means fortitude and it is the name of the Tarot Card in the Mantegna tarot
known today as the Strength card in the Major Arcana
It would seem that the initiatiates into the Temple of Mary is being assured of Cosmic healing, protection and growth.
Hettienne Bhakty Ma
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Blessed day of the Holy Bride – Imbolc – 1/2 August

Picture taken during ceremony at the Chalice Garden
Yesterday the first jasmine opened in my garden 
and I was reminded by its heavenly fragrance
that it is Imbolc
and today is Candlemas, the feast day
of Mary of the Candles.
That is in the Southern Hemisphere of course.
In the Northern Hemisphere it is the feast of Lammas.
It is all rather confusing for us here in the South
as Imbolc also coincides (in Europe) with the
feast day of St Brigid, the Christianised
version of the Goddess Brigid, also called
Mary of the Gael
and the traditional goddess of Imbolc.
Picture taken in Kildare during Lammas/Imbolc
A definition of Imbolc according to Wiki :

Irish imbolc derives from the Old Irish i mbolg “in the belly”. This refers to the pregnancy of ewes.[4] A medieval glossary etymologizes the term asoimelc “ewe’s milk”.[5] Some Neopagans use Oimelc as a name for the festival.

Since Imbolc is immediately followed (on 2 February) by Candlemas (Irish Lá Fhéile Muire na gCoinneal “feast day of Mary of the Candles”, WelshGŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau),[6] Irish imbolc is sometimes rendered as “Candlemas” in English translation; e.g. iar n-imbulc, ba garb a ngeilt translated as “after Candlemas, rough was their herding”.[7]

I took this photograph of the statue of Mary, in Kildare during
my pilgrimage to the shrine of St Bridgit
Imbolc or Imbolg (pronounced i-molk or i-molg ), also called (Saint) Brighid’s Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Bríde, Scottish Gaelic: Là Fhèill Brìghde, Manx: Laa’l Breeshey), is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on 31 January–1 February, or halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.  It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with Beltane, Lugnasadh and Samhain.  It was observed in IrelandScotland and the Isle of Man. Kindred festivals were held at the same time of year in other Celtic lands; for example the Welsh Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau.

Myself with statue of Saint Brighid, Kildare

Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a festival associated with the goddess Brighid and that it was Christianised as a festival of Saint Brighid, who herself is thought to be a Christianisation of the goddess. At Imbolc, Brighid’s crosses were made and a doll-like figure of Brighid, called a Brídeóg, would be carried from house-to-house. Brighid was said to visit one’s home at Imbolc. To receive her blessings, people would make a bed for Brighid and leave her food and drink, while items of clothing would be left outside for her to bless. Brighid was also invoked to protect livestock. Holy wells were visited and it was also a time for divination.
The original fire hearth of the ancient Vestal Virgins tending
the fire of Brighid the goddess in Kildare – now on the site
of the Cathedral of St Bridgit

In Christianity, 1 February is observed as the feast day of Saint Brighid, especially in Ireland. There, some of the old customs have survived and it is celebrated as a cultural event by some. 
If you are interested in reading more about Imbolc, Brighid and how you can spend
this sacred day, please read the following links on my blogs :
A blessed day of the Holy Bride to you
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29 July 2013 – Christmas of the Era of Love

The numerological value of 29 July 2013 is 6. 
 Six represents The Lovers in the Tarot, the
sacred marriage,
 the Star of David,
 the integration of Spirit and Ego,
 both the Mother
and Father – the symbol of the Star of David.
The 29 equals the Master Number of 11.  
So it is an important date in any case.
But then the planetary alignments this year have been filled with exceptional
alignments of Saturn and Jupiter 
and seven planets in Capricorn (twice in June and July)
the triple moons with the Supermoon in July and
then the Star of David grand sextile on 29 July.
A year ago I had a vision of the Lion growing forth from
the Tree of Life planted in a rocky earth.  The lion
roared Serapis and Resurrection, whilst facing East
into the Light of a new dawn.
And the new dawn has arrived and is manifesting in
the triple moons, followed by the grand sextile.
It is interesting to note that 6 is divisible by 3.
3 in Tarot is The Empress or the Creator card.
The website where I extracted the information from below, is at the end of this post.

This Cosmic Moon, the last of the 7 Mystic Moons, contains an awesome set of planetary movements and aspects, which correlate very closely to the Dreamspell version of the Tzolkin. The outer planets move very slowly and are already in position as the inner planets move into aspects with them. Just after Galactic Synchronization, on the 4th day of the Magnetic Moon, July 29, 2013, the planets will form an almost exact Grand Sextile. The Grand Sextile also includes two Grand Trines. These are all very positive and harmonious aspects completely surrounding the planet in a Sacred Geometric configuration. This is an awesome alignment of the planets in the solar system emcompassing the Earth in the geometry of a Stargate.
Here is an image of the astrology chart for the grand sextile. I accentuated the Grand Trine & Grand Sextile aspects to highlight their geometry.
Notice the Star of David sacred geometry held by the planets of the solar system around the earth during this aspect.
Chart of the planetary alignment july 2013
Magnetic Moon 4, July 29, 2013, is the day of the Grand Sextile. It is encoded as Blue Spectral Hand, “I dissolve in order to know. Releasing healing. I seal the store of accomplishment with the spectral tone of liberation. I am guided by my own power doubled.” What an affirmation for planetary healing and upliftment. This aspect comes into play one week after the Full Moon of the Cosmic Moon, which is the last of 3 Super Moons in a row. The Super Moon is when the Full Moon falls on the day when the Moon is closest to the Earth. The Moon moves into position to create a Grand Trine with Venus and Pluto which also completes a Grand Sextile around the planet Earth. The Grand Trine with Venus, Pluto and the Moon signifies the possibility of transformation (Pluto) through the power of beauty (Venus) and love (Super Moon).
It is significant to note that the planet Venus holds the energies of the
goddess Venus, and the energy of the Love Goddesses, currently
held by Mother Mary as well as the principle of Beauty.
(The path of Beauty is a valuable and intrinsic part of The Temple of Mary
to be explored in depth)
Pluto is the god of transformation and the actions of this god is also known 
as ‘death’.  In Vedic astrology the Moon rules the mind and in western esoteric
wisdom, the Moon rules the subconscious and the watery emotions.
In my discussion on the blog
about the vision of the lion, I discussed its symbolism and relevance
as pertaining to the goddess Asherah, and the pertinence of the Tree of Life.
In the work of Karen Armstrong, The History of God, through meticulous
and exhaustive research, she writes in detail about the Jewish goddess Asherah
and the usurpation of the idea of God by the Romans and the
subsequent creation of christianity.
She points out a much-ignored fact :  the goddess existed in the Jewish
faith, namely Asherah, and that both Mary and Mary Magdalene
were priestesses in the temple of Asherah.  The first genocide of the Jewish
people was perpetrated by the Romans and that time was called
the Destruction of the Temples.  Coincidentally, the Destruction of the
Temples was celebrated a fortnight ago in the Jewish tradition.
The Romans destroyed all statues and temples of Asherah the goddess
and all her people, men, women and children.  The destruction was so
great that the Jews killed themselves in order to avoid the horrible
She also presents factual historical research into the early images of ‘God”
as a lion in both the ancient Jewish and Hindu traditions.

From Wikipedia : The Lion of Judah (Rev 5:5) is the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah in the Book of Genesis. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob the Israelite and was the progenitor of King David. The Lion of Judah is also a phrase in the Book of Revelation representing Jesus, which originated from the tribe of Judah

Asherah, the Jewish goddess, was incorporated into the Tree of Life (the Jewish esoteric
mystical path) as the Shekinah.  She was known as the Lion Goddess.
Isis in ancient Egypt, was known as the Lion in her highest aspect.
Karen Armstrong makes the case that the creators of Christianity,
absorbed these symbols into their religion in order to
‘hi-jack’ the symbols buried in the unconscious of humanity,
a game of smoke and mirrors, so to speak. 
(We still see this at play in today’s media and in the parlance
of sales people and conmen – use the trigger words and symbols
and create a false reality.)
The cult of Asherah, the goddess, and her peoples
were obliterated in order for a patriarchal religion
based on masculine principles of the Logos alone,
to be created.
The holy Trinity now became, Father, Son and a masculine Holy
Spirit.  This meant that no feminine principle whatsoever was
present and as a result the feminine attributes of beauty,
love, compassion, charity, co-operation and so forth,
lost all value in the world.
In his book The Hebrew Goddess, Patel
points out the following :
And then there’s the matter of the Cherubim that sat atop the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. Fashioned by Phoenician craftsmen for Solomon and Ahab, an ivory tablet shows two winged females facing each other. And one tablet shows male and female members of the Cherubim embracing in an explicitly sexual position that embarrassed later Jewish historians … and even the pagans were shocked when they saw it for the first time. [The Star of David, two triangles “embracing” became the coded symbol for God & Goddess locked in a “creating” posture….!]
Kabbalists, students of the esoteric Judaic tradition, does not view this world
as inherently evil, nor as separate from the divine.  To them the Star of David
symbolises the interlocking and eternal embrace of Lover and Beloved,
God and human, similarly to the Hindu view of the eternal embrace
of Shakty and Shiva.
The Gabriel Messages (channeled material received by Shanta Gabriel)
call this period of time the Lion’s Gate Initiation

And here we are, on a mystical Christmas Eve,
witnessing the Star of Bethlehem in the skies
announcing the birth, re-birth and resurrection
of the Lion, the Christ, the Holy Son and Daughter of the Most High

Through the symbolism of the Lion we are shown that
we are on the eve of a return to Innocence, to the unadulterated
symbolism embedded in the depths of the unconscious of humanity;
a return to a true sense and intuition of the God within, as opposed
to the mythical and masculine creature created by man and called God
in Heaven, separate and devoid of the feminine.

First the three moons appeared reminding us of the three wise men
who followed the first Star of Bethlehem.
(In the Judaic tradition Bethlehem is regarded as the City of David)
And tomorrow the Star of David will appear in the sky,
beckoning all to witness the birth of the consciousness
that will be able to grasp and understand that
the literal and mythical interpretation of God is no longer necessary.

Enlightenment is when you pass through the gateless gate.
When you realise that you are both the gate and they key
and that neither truly existed.

This is the birth of a new consciousness that will be available
to all of humanity.  This new era of Love will be accessible
to those who are willing to let go of the lower realms of the mythical
gods and goddesses and who are courageous enough to embrace
the dictum ‘you are the gate and you are the key’.
The Christed Son and Daughter of the Most High is the Self.

In The Temple of Mary we will immerse ourselves in these energies
during the Third Initiation and we will explore
the stone buried at the foot of the Tree of Life.

Hettienne BhaktyMa

Further reading  and resources :

The Hebrew Goddess – Raphael Patai

All books by Karen Armstrong