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Day Seven – Blue cloak of protection

Welcome to Day Seven

Today is the final day of the first week.  By now you are familiar with the 
daily ritual of the Immaculate Practise.

Today is dedicated to Mary’s blue cloak of protection.
Below is a special prayer and step by step instructions on how to receive the 
special diksha.

Feel free to add it into your daily ritual in any way.

Hail Mother Mary
Under your mantle
We take our refuge
We take our refuge

This very simple painting done by myself
carries the vibration of this diksha

The Blue Cloak of Protection

Mother Mary has given the Blue Cloak of Protection diksha to all those who ask Her. The Blue Cloak will cover your entire aura and with repetition of the meditation, its vibrational energy will increase and strengthen.

Diksha of the Blue Cloak of Protection – How to receive this diksha from Mother Mary

Sit comfortably and quieten your mind. Visualise the image of Mother Mary
 in your mind’s eye.
You can use the image of the painting above if you wish to.

See her energetic Blue Cloak that surrounds her mystical form and aura.

Call on Her presence.
 ‘Oh Divine Mother, please come to me;
reveal thyself;
 bless me with your Presence.
You may become aware of a colour, a sensation or a strong rush of emotion. 
Allow, allow, allow. You may want to stay in the awareness of her Grace for a few moments before continuing.

Ask her to grace you with the Diksha of the Blue Cloak of Protection.

‘Oh Divine Mother, by the power of Love vested in you and in myself, I ask to receive your Blue Cloak of Protection. I am willing to open my heart and mind to receive this energy transmission and to allow it to act in my energy field;
for it to cover my entire aura and protect all my energy bodies. 
Thank you thank you thank you. 
Jai Maa! So Be It’

Allow yourself to receive the energy and see/sense/visualise the Blue Cloak encircling your body. It covers your entire body down to the toes. The hood slips over your head and the two front seams meet down the length of your body.
Spend time, experiencing the energy of the Blue Cloak and take it with you, 
into your energy field.

Stay in this energy for 10 minutes until you feel the energies dissipate. You can repeat this meditation as often as you like. You can call on the Blue Cloak for Protection in times of anxiety or stress. The more often you meditate on the energy received during this Diksha, the stronger the energy will become.

thank you, Beloved Mother Mary, for this powerful and divine gift. 

You are invited to share these meditations and gifts with others

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Day Three – Fire and Water

Blessings to you on this our third day of Walking with Mary for thirty days.
Today is the third day of working with the prayer and mantra.
Tomorrow, on Day Four you will receive an audio recording of a very beautiful
meditation called Meeting Mother Mary
This first week of the Thirty Days with Mary is dedicated to the archetype of
Mary as Virgin-Mother, Prophetess and Priestess of the Temple and Temple Mysteries.

Ace of Vessels
The Woman as vessel of the Divine Feminine

During this stage of the Mysteries we mystically enter the alchemical process of the miraculous
conception within our soul and we prepare to birth the Sacred One in our own psyche.

In the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck the suit of Vessels (traditionally Cups) is
dedicated to this archetype.  Here we encounter her as the element of water.
Mary is a derivative from the Latin ‘Maria” which means waters.
In French the word ‘mare’ means water.
Water has the power to drown us or to quench our thirst.
In the Mysteries we know Mary as the loving comforting mother, but also as
the Mater Dolorosa, the grieving mother consumed with bitter grief at the loss
of her son.  She is also the Black Madonna, the mysterious shadowy Black Virgin who is known to
 maim and even kill those who act against her.

In Lourdes you will hundreds of pilgrims carrying large containers of water from the sacred
spring every day to be used for food and bathing at home.  Her healing waters has
miraculous powers to heal and cure.

I added the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes to my altar

Mary is called a Vessel of Spirit, a Vessel of Honour and in Lourdes she is the
Vessel of the Sacred Waters.  She represents the oceans of consciousness as well as the
energetic flow of the soul and her powerful emotions.  Vessels also relate to the
metaphor of the Cosmic womb of the soul and the dark void of the Source of all creation.

We see the element of water represented in the blue robes of Mary.

During this stage of the Mysteries we mystically enter the alchemical process
 of the miraculous conception within our soul and we prepare to birth
the Sacred One in our own psyche.
In alchemy the vessel is the container in which the various ingredients are mixed and
transformed by each other.  It was believed that the alchemists were looking for a way
to turn lead into gold, but it is also the belief that it is actually a metaphorical journey
of transforming ignorance (symbolised by darkness)
into light (symbolising gnosis or knowledge) as well as a
journey of finding joy and peace amidst sorrow and hardships
as we live in a world of holy paradox.
Mary is a metaphor for the spiritual vessel
in which opposites combine : both human and divine.

The Immaculate Practise – Day three

As always we start with a prayer to Mary

Daily Prayer
Oh Mary, Mother of All, grant our hearts be filled with love,
compassion and peace no matter the circumstances of our lives

Oh Mary, the Wise, grant to us ever wider eyes with which to see the
true power and beauty of your world and our world. Let harmony and
wholeness be established within all kingdoms.

As it is above. so it is below

When you have said the prayer with intent and focus, pick up your rosary and repeat the daily mantra.
Please complete the rosary at least twice and a 108 bead mala at least once.
As you become more comfortable, or if you are already a seasoned meditator,
then repeat this mantra up to 6 times around the rosary.
For a mantra we use the rosary in the same way as we do a mala or prayer beads :
you move the beads one by one through your fingers, repeating the line of the mantra on each bead.

This mantra is to be repeated daily for seven days.  The more we work with a mantra, the more
it vibrates through our cells and energy and transforms our mind and energy bodies.

Om Jai Mata Mary Ma

Sit quietly for a few minutes, just allowing yourself absorb the energy you have invoked.
Enjoy it …… feel the presence of the Sacred embracing you, flowing all around you.
We rejoice in our physical nature, appreciating this time to pause and remember the holy
purpose of our lives.  We feel gratitude for those travelling with us on this path of love
and freedom.  Feel a smile forming on your face.  You are happy to be here in this
peaceful inner place.  Let there be peace.  Gently refocus on the outer world and carry this peace
with you into the world.

  You may want to keep your journal or a piece of paper at hand
and make a few notes every morning.
Every morning when you sit down for your communion with Mary, gaze on the card
that you picked a few days ago,
 and when you have completed your mantra, write down any 
thoughts, feelings, sensations, without judgement and analysis.
At the end of the seven days you will have a deeper understanding of not only the
card, but of Mary and of yourself.

Close your communion with repeating the prayer again.

As you feel your heart filled with peace and gratitude to the blessings received from
Mary, the Rose of the World, you can scatter some of your fresh flower petals, or sprinkle some
of your blessed water, over her image.

thank you
thank you
thank you

And so it is.

blessings to you

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Outline of first week

Blessings to you.
If you are committed to the thirty days
of  Walking with Mary you have joined a large community of people
from all over the world and from different traditions and paths.
We are dedicating energy and love to Mary in her various forms and aspects
and philosophies, beyond
religion and dogma. Daily we join together in spirit and walk our solitary path
towards self-realisation and celebration.
 Just imagine the powerful and healing
energy that we are creating together and making available for
healing for all living creatures including the Earth.
Ave Maria!
We are working across many different time zones and to help you keep
some track of the flow of the meditations, I am sharing an outline
here,  But things may change, as you know.
Day One
Creating sacred altar
Purifying space
Sanctification of altar and sacramental tools with mantra
Open the meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Close with special prayer
Day Two
Add deck of cards to altar and use sanctification mantra
Open meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Choose a card for the week and place on altar
Write in journal
Close with special prayer
Day Three
Add blue items to altar or any additional items that have called to you
Refresh your water
This is the third day of using the prayer and mantra consecutively.
(On day four a new meditation will be added.)
Open meditation with special prayer
Repeat Rosary Mantra
Write in journal – optional practise
Close with special prayer
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Four
Today we are adding a new meditation entitled Meeting with Mary.
You may wish to split today’s practise into two sessions, unless you have
the time to do both the rosary mantra and the Meeting with Mary meditation.
We follow the sequence of opening with the prayer,
repetition of rosary mantra, Meeting with Mary meditation, and closing with prayer.

Day Five
A repeat of day four.
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Six
A repeat of days three and/or day four.
There will be a post on the blog for you to read and contemplate

Day Seven
A repeat of days three and/or day four
and a special diksha/blessing

Day Eight
Today is the first day of the second week
You will receive a post with the theme, colours and an additional prayer


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Day 2 – Fire and Water

Welcome to Day 2.

On a practical note, my posts will from this evening go out much earlier
to accommodate all the different time zones.  This may seem confusing
at times but dawn in South Africa are many hours ahead of the US zones for instance.

This morning we step into our sacred space once again.
Over time you may become aware of how the energy
‘builds up’ and gather in your space.

The more often we repeat the same prayer and mantra, the more
powerful it becomes.

Yesterday we started with a mantra to invoke a blessing and sacrament from Mary on our sacred work
Should you want to, you can repeat this invocation daily.

Today, place your deck of cards on your altar for consecration.  We will draw a card for the week.
If you own a set of Amulets of Mary, then place these onto your altar as well.

My deck of cards placed on altar

Today I also added my journal and will start writing down any insights
that flow to me.

Then repeat the  mantra of invocation to bless your deck of cards.

Mantra for blessing and sanctification of altar and cards

Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae
Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae
Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae

Repeat the full mantra 3 or 6 times.  You can keep count with your rosary
or prayer beads. Then place your hands on your shawl and move to the rosary
and all items on your altar.  Place your hands on the container with water.  If you choose
to drink the water afterwards, keep a small amount for the next day.  You can
daily add to the water and by the end of the thirty days you will have water
with powerful healing properties. 

You can add this healing (holy) water to your bath or food or drink it.

As always we start with a prayer to Mary

Daily Prayer
Oh Mary, Mother of All, grant our hearts be filled with love,
compassion and peace no matter the circumstances of our lives

Oh Mary, the Wise, grant to us ever wider eyes with which to see the
true power and beauty of your world and our world. Let harmony and
wholeness be established within all kingdoms.

As it is above. so it is below

When you have said the prayer with intent and focus, pick up your rosary and repeat the daily mantra.
Please complete the rosary at least twice and a 108 bead mala at least once.
As you become more comfortable, or if you are already a seasoned meditator,
then repeat this mantra up to 6 times around the rosary.
For a mantra we use the rosary in the same way as we do a mala or prayer beads :
you move the beads one by one through your fingers, repeating the line of the mantra on each bead.

This mantra is to be repeated daily for seven days.  The more we work with a mantra, the more
it vibrates through our cells and energy and transforms our mind and etnergy bodies.

Om Jai Mata Mary Ma

Sit quietly for a few minutes, just allowing yourself absorb the energy you have invoked.
Enjoy it …… feel the presence of the Sacred embracing you, flowing all around you.
We rejoice in our physical nature, appreciating this time to pause and remember the holy
purpose of our lives.  We feel gratitude for those travelling with us on this path of love
and freedom.  Feel a smile forming on your face.  You are happy to be here in this
peaceful inner place.  Let there be peace.  Gently refocus on the outer world and carry this peace
with you into the world.

Now pick up your deck of cards and choose one card. Place the card on your altar and leave
it there for the remainder of the week.  Do not interpret the card as you normally would,
but let her speak to you.  You may want to keep your journal or a piece of paper at hand
and make a few notes every morning.
Every morning when you sit down for your communion with Mary, gaze on the card
for a second and when you have completed your mantra, write down any 
thoughts, feelings, sensations, without judgement and analysis.
At the end of the seven days you will have a deeper understanding of not only the
card, but of Mary and of yourself.

Close your communion with repeating the prayer again.

As you feel your heart filled with peace and gratitude to the blessings received from
Mary, the Rose of the World, you can scatter some of your fresh flower petals, or sprinkle some
of your blessed water, over her image.

thank you
thank you
thank you

And so it is.

blessings to you
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Day 1 Fire and Water

Sacred Altar in the Temple of Mary garden

Welcome to the Temple of Mary where we will dedicate ourselves to the Sacred Heart
of the Mother for the next thirty days.
Together we will tend to the holy hearth within and fan
the fires of  devotion and transformation.
The Yoga of the Mother leads us to the mystical marrying of the physical
and spiritual in the bridal chamber of the heart.
Today we step into our sacred spaces.
(See my previous posts on preparing and purifying which
you can do before you sit down to start this communion with Divine Mary.)

Never underestimate the power of ritual and ceremony.
You only need a small table or surface on which to create your altar.
The ritual of preparing the altar, lighting candle and incense, etc
indicates to the subconscious and unconscious that you are now entering
sacred time and space.

I use white for my altar cloth and prefer a white candle.  You can add
the colours of the elements of each week if you choose to do so.
Work at your own pace.  You can catch up at any time.
If possible, enter into sacred communion with Mother Mary  more or less at the same time
of day every day.  The most powerful time for meditation is just before dawn
as the energies are new and fresh and it is a daily re-birth.  And on a practical level, one is
often too tired to do so after a long and busy day. But do not let that stop you.
If the practise does not fit in with your lifestyle then you will not keep it up, so no
hard and fast rules here!

The sun rising over one of the Mary shrines in the garden

I will try to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.

I will start slowly by sharing only one or two sacred practises and rituals at a time.
These will build the heat in your inner furnace and ignite the sacred fire
slowly and gently.

The Immaculate Practise
This body of ritual and devotion is called
the Immaculate Practise of devotion to Mary.

Today we will invoke a blessing and sacrament from Mary on our sacred work
to be done over the next month.  We will also sanctify our meditation shawl, rosary
(and/or mala) and any other items to be used as sacred altar. It is a good idea to place
 a glass or bottle of water on your altar.  You can drink this water after the
blessing ritual.
Should you want to, you can repeat this invocation daily.

After you have blessed your space, open the ritual with a prayer to Mary.
You can use one of your own and if you want to, (you can share it with the community.)
Or you can use one of the prayers that I am sharing with you.
The first prayer follows below.

When you have said the prayer with intent and focus, pick up your rosary and repeat the daily mantra.
Please complete the rosary at least twice and a 108 bead mala at least once.
As you become more comfortable, or if you are already a seasoned meditator,
then repeat this mantra up to 6 times around the rosary.
For a mantra we use the rosary in the same way as we do a mala or prayer beads :
you move the beads one by one through your fingers, repeating the line of the mantra on each bead.

This mantra is to be repeated daily for seven days.  The more we work with a mantra, the more
it vibrates through our cells and energy and transforms our mind and etnergy bodies.

Close your communion with repeating the prayer again.

As you feel your heart filled with peace and gratitude to the blessings received from
Mary, the Rose of the World, you can scatter some of your fresh flower petals, or sprinkle some
of your blessed water, over her image.

thank you
thank you
thank you

And so it is.

The sanctification of our sacred altars

Mantra for blessing and sanctification

Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae
Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae
Ave Maria Sanctum Gloriae

Repeat the full mantra 3 or 6 times.  You can keep count with your rosary
or prayer beads. Then place your hands on your shawl and move to the rosary
and all items on your altar.  Place your hands on the container with water.  If you choose
to drink the water afterwards, keep a small amount for the next day.  You can
daily add to the water and by the end of the thirty days you will have water
with powerful healing properties. 

You can add this healing (holy) water to your bath or food.  

Daily Prayer
Oh Mary, Mother of All, grant our hearts be filled with love,
compassion and peace no matter the circumstances of our lives

Oh Mary, the Wise, grant to us ever wider eyes with which to see the
true power and beauty of your world and our world. Let harmony and
wholeness be established within all kingdoms.

As it is above. so it is below

The Sanskrit word ‘mantra’ means protection of the mind.

Om Jai Mata Mary Ma

Sit quietly for a few minutes, just allowing yourself absorb the energy you have invoked.
Enjoy it …… feel the presence of the Sacred embracing you, flowing all around you.
We rejoice in our physical nature, appreciating this time to pause and remember the holy
purpose of our lives.  We feel gratitude for those travelling with us on this path of love
and freedom.  Feel a smile forming on your face.  You are happy to be here in this
peaceful inner place.  Let there be peace.  Gently refocus on the outer world and carry this peace
with you into the world.

blessings to you

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Preparation for Thirty Days of Mary

Thirty Days with Mary
Meditation shawl and rosary

The Temple of Mary started off as a community of people who felt called by the Great Mother.  For four years initiations I offered initiations in person during three and four day retreats in the 
Western Cape, South Africa.  As I worked on the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck I started to offer the dikshas* and initiations on-line to a wider group of people.  The Thirty Days with Mary is part of the first initiation into the Temple of Mary.  This is a course of self-initiation. In the ancient mystery schools these initiations were conferred upon initiates by priests and priestess.  But a new mythos is being born in our consciousness and we are each and everyone to midwife this birth within ourselves. It is no longer necessary for a guru-initiate relationship.
You can be your own guru.  You do not need another human being to hold you accountable nor to oversee your spiritual practise.

In these Thirty Days with Mary you will enter and re-enter into a direct and personal relationship with the Divine and in particular the Divine Mother.

I will share with you the initiation mantra as well as the mantra through which you can receive the dikshas and blessings.

An initiate is one who chooses to turn his or her focus inward, into a metaphysical reality and upward into a wider context and upward into a higher consciousness.
An initiation is a ritual which takes the initiate through a doorway and threshold from the mundane ordinary reality into the sacred life.   
You can share on Instagram with #thirtydayswithmary and also on Facebook on The Temple of Mary page @TempleofMary

Creating a sacred space
It is a powerful practise to have a sacred space in which to meditate and focus on your activities. 
You can prepare this space beforehand with a special chair or space on the floor to sit on.
If you already have a meditation shawl, place it in your sacred space.  I suggest that you find
a special white shawl with which to cover your shoulders or head.  
Create your altar with candles, incense, an essential oil burner, fresh flowers and of course a statue 
or image of Mother Mary.  You will probably add to the altar over the thirty days.  
Blessing and consecration of space and items

On the first day of this journey I will share with you the diksha to bless and
consecrate all your items.  
You will need to gather the following items :

meditation shawl
rosary or mala or prayer beads
a few fresh lemons – at least one or two 
one or two cups of coarse sea salt

candles :  white, blue, green, red and gold

small bottles of essential oils : eucalyptus, lemon and rose
a journaling book
a couple of old magazines, calendars or picture books for cutting out images
*diksha is a blessing or energetic transference of spiritual power and spiritual gifts (siddhi)
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A month of walking with Mary

Walk with Mary for thirty days

When you pray to Mary, mother of Jesus, you pray, without knowing it,
to the World Mother in her many forms. –  The Mists of Avalon
You are invited to join me and the Temple of Mary in a 30 day practice with the metaphor, Sacred Presence and iconography of Blessed Mary.  
We will start on Friday 11 January 2019 on my birthday and continue till Monday 11 February, the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Sunday 3 February 2019 is the start of the Art Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes whose feast day we celebrate on Monday 11 February and it will be included in these thirty days.
You can participate wherever you are and you can spend as much time as you can afford to on the daily practise.  The month of Walking with Mary will include special prayers, contemplation, spiritual exercises and tools to uncover your own Sacred Heart and strengthen your relationship with 
the Blessed Mother Mary.
This is a free event and open to everyone
Over the next few days I will share here a few items that you have to collect and prepare beforehand.
If you own the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck and/or the  Amulets of Mary Healing Oracle,
you can bring them to this event.  
We will consecrate our decks and we will set up a special Walking with Mary altar.  

Subscribe to this blog on the right hand side under the tab ‘subscribe by email’ and you will receive weekly blog posts setting out the teachings of Mary and her many roles;  I will share sacred healing practises with you and you will receive instructions on how to do the Silent Heart meditation and how to receive the Sacred Heart diksha which you will practise on a daily basis.
You will experience the flowering of peace and joy and you will see the changes in your personal life unfold as you walk these thirty days with Mary.
The outline of these thirty days are :
Week 1 Friday 11 January to Thursday 17 January 2019

Mary as Virgin and Temple Priestess

Week 2 Friday 18 January to Thursday 24 January

The Sacred Heart of Mary 
and the archetype of Mary as Bride in the Sacred Marriage

Week 3 Friday 25 January to Thursday 31 January

Mary as Sophia, Our Lady of Wisdom, Shekinah

Week 4 Friday 1 February to Monday 11 February

Mary the Immaculate Conception 
Our lady of Lourdes

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The Light Shall Return

The Light Shall Return
Mother of Consolation
help me to let myself be consoled.
I hold it all together, Blessed One.
I have convinced myself that it is up to me
to keep the airplane aloft with my own breath,
that I am the only one capable
of baking bread and scrubbing floors,
that it is my responsibility alone
to alleviate the sorrow
in the heart of every single person I know.
But I have forgotten how to weep, Tender One.
Teach me to reach out to the ones I comfort 
and ask for their comfort
Let me feel the tender touch of the Holy One
on my cheek when I wake in the night,
weary and frightened
Help me to be vulnerable and soft now,
broken open and free
                      – Mirabai Starr
Mary’s Gold

We are midway in Thirty Days with Mary and
here in the Southern Hemisphere the light rises
later and later, leaving us in the dark for longer every day.
As the light rises, we are simultaneously drawn to turn within
and without and a subtle tension gently opens the heart,
day after day.
Mary’s Halo
Can you bear the opening of the heart?
Can you stand the creaking of the bones as the
ribcage opens?
Can you be with the Light that pours from the
inner darkness?
Can you be with It All?
Hettienne Ma
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The path of love

The way of love is a path of service and silence.
Remember that human consciousness can make
a great deal of noise to attract your
attention and divert you from contemplating 
the divine.
Be not afraid of silence;
of looking within yourself.
Be silent now, close your eyes,
and let your consciousness rest
within the precious and secret garden
of your heart.
I AM here
and the pink rose of love
is safely growing in your heart.
Nurture this rose carefully and constantly,
until its aura of beauty and love
completely enfolding you at all times.
Treat yourself with compassion
and tenderness
and eventually the perfume
will permeate all your thoughts and actions.
Ave Maria
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Final week of Thirty Days with Mary

In Mary, man (and woman) is married to God.
The male and the female unite in one person
in an interior marriage and the new human is born.
This is the mystery which has to be accomplished in us.
Every man and woman has to undergo this virgin birth,
to be married to God.
                                                      Father Bede Griffiths

This final week of the Thirty Days of Mary
I firstly invite you to enter the stillness;
daily, over and over again.
It is our challenge, our birth right,
our Soul’s deepest yearning,
to come face to face with God within :
to see the face of God.
Beyond our physical and psychic being,
we have to discover our spiritual being,
our eternal ground,
and there the mystery of love is fulfilled.
Some may come to this interior marriage
by way of exterior marriage, others
are called by the way of virginity,
but all alike have to experience the virgin birth,
the marriage with God, 
before they can reach maturity.
                        Father Bede Griffiths

Then, secondly I invite you to invite her beauty into
your life.
She is always with us, within us, within everything.
There is nowhere that she is not.
There is no separation between her and yourself.
There is no separation : only rivers
seemingly crossing and intertwining, only
to become One in the stillness.
Beauty is a powerful path to realising Oneness.
Oneness already Is.  No need to look for it
or to hunt it or to try and capture it in a jar
like some fairy dust.
You merely have to become aware of Oneness.
And beauty is one of her many Gates into Oneness.
What is essential is to keep the heart always
open to beauty, for she is beauty – Father Bede Griffiths

Our age is so harsh and brutal;  it is therefor
of great sacred wholiness to create her beauty
everywhere :  a healing space for the torn mind and
heart.  Seeing her beauty awakens the lover of life
within us and her great creativity comes to play
and the poet and artist is born.
So for this final week, set out to create a sacred
environment for yourself, at home and at work.  
It does not have to be complicated – it can be
very simple.  Create a small (or not so small)
altar to the Mother;  find time to walk in nature;
knit a prayer shawl; put a fresh rose next to your bed.
Offer her your first thoughts of the day
and the last thoughts before falling asleep.
Offer her your meal, remembering
‘I eat and I am eaten’
Light a stick of incense,
burn rose oil and allow the perfume
to permeate your mind.
Meditate on what brings you into her presence
and make time to regularly undertake those practises.
Make your home a sacred temple to her.
A place where love is shared and given
through the daily tasks of living
and soon the ordinary will become the sacred
and you will see her presence in everyone
and everything
blessings to you
Ave Maria