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Alchemy – living with the inner tension of a Hermetically sealed jar

The Ancient Wisdom is imparted to those who have ears to hear
and eyes to see.  Keeping an open mind and a willingness to
see beyond the veil of the ego-mind, bent on its own ideas
being right and on its own knowledge,
will reveal that all structured religion, as well as
its esoteric, hidden side, contain the same message
and has done so for much longer than the past four
thousand years of better known history,
The Alchemist is such an ancient symbol, as is Alchemy.
Alchemy is a symbolic representation of the unfolding
and transformation of the
spiritual and invisible inner life as well as
the reflection thereof in the physical life – as above, so below.

Alchemy seems almost magical :  without any outside interference, other than
providing the container and the initial material.
And actually, the Divine Alchemist, provides both and
you are caught up in the process without even realising it.

Processes of discolouration, chemical and substantial changes
and elemental  transformation takes place, with the
grand opus being the manifestation of the most valuable metal,
When you witness the spiritual unfolding of the Self in your
own self, the image and symbol of Alchemy arises spontaneously in your inner seeing,
and without any prior knowledge of these symbols,
And even more importantly, these symbols are not bound to
any culture, tradition or religion.
They arise from the collective unconscious and are
then integrated into the culture and tradition under various names
and into the cultural myths and stories.
However, when you look deeper and beyond the name,
you will recognize the same qualities and attributes.

This shows us that our own spiritual unfolding
and enlightenment (the process of revelation)
is not a process limited to the individual self, but
that these Great Beings and Powers, work
in and through us;
that these aspects of the One lies dormant
in the psyche until the Wheel of Time stops
at a crucial point and the necessary mix of
feeling, thought and events meet on the cross
of the physical and spiritual.
Unless your hand turns the Wheel of Time (Kala),
you cannot possible regard these events
as personal.

At that crucial junction where above crosses with below,
it is as though these Powers move onto the stage
of your inner world, playing out the script which is required.
At these times you are aware of extreme pressure,
discomfort, intense feelings and emotions and often
you feel ‘put upon’ by life and its injustices.

It would seem that without any help or real input
from you, amazing (not always pleasant or easy)
changes take place in the
inner laboratory :
at times you feel as though you are dissolving
and disintegrating;
at other times you turn black with depression
and red with the anger of injustice.
It seems that life is grinding down your very bones
so that only white chalk remains
and when you remember to step back, into the role of the observing
alchemist, you eventually will
witness and realise that the contents of the jar
has blossomed and that old habits and thought forms
are a dim memory in the past.
But obviously this does not happen overnight,
and it requires great patience and no attention
to be paid to Time.

At the centre of the alchemist’s laboratory is the
hermetically sealed container.
The word hermetically comes from Hermes, the
messenger of the Gods and the Bringer of Alchemy,
an Egyptian god. 
Hermetically means that the jar is air-tight,
a vacuum jar really.

When it is hermetically sealed, it implies that it is isolated
from its surroundings and everything outside of itself :
that it is completely dependent on and focused on the inner process 
between the prima materia (the first matter or material
that was placed in the jar) and the pressure
from being contained in a sealed container.
Sealed off also implies that the matter undergoing
the process, is contained.

The alchemical container represents the central nervous system,
which runs up the spine and looks like a living tree,
the Tree of Life. Serpents of Fire and Light
live in this Tree, the one gold and the other black
or seen as red and white – they bring darkness
and light; negative and positive, joy and sorrow.

The sealed container is one of the most important parts
of the process.  In practical terms, the inner container
is sealed through mental focus and Awareness.
During this time you are aware of great inner tension and

As the Divine Life, the Prima Materia, dances
and moves, marry and blossom
into new life, the tension of the opposites
can seem unbearable at times.
As the Light and Darkness snake up and down
the Tree, your inner self is confronted with
a collective unconscious which seems almost
too fantastical or frightening to witness and absorb.

You can imagine a pressure cooker as a modern
symbol of alchemy.  It can only cook
while the steam is kept within and the pressure is maintained.
When you take the lid off and let the steam out,
the pressure cooker can no longer cook the food
inside and the raw ingredients will not become
the nutrient and hearty soup that is meant to feed and nourish
 your body.

Through Awareness, you can contain the inner process
of transformation.  When you react emotionally,
get entangled mentally in trying to understand the
process, picking at reasons for why the matter
is turning into these various substances,
you are unsealing the container – you
are literally letting off steam and the process
is spoiled which means that you will have to start
all over again – eventually you will run
out of Time and you will have to spend
another lifetime trying to allow the same process
to alchemize.

The ancient alchemists and philosophers called the human psyche
the Prima Materia, or the Microcosmos – a small world, wherein heaven,
earth, fire, water, and air exist as well as sickness, death, birth, the creation,
the resurrection, and also the Philosopher’s Stone, as it was made of one thing.
The key to Wisdom lies within the hermetically sealed jar, within the
Prima Materia, that secret ingredient which cannot be
dissected or analysed.
The Prima Materia, or the Psyche, is connected by a thread,
a breath of Prana, to the Divine.
This connection is symbolised by the Ankh, given to Isis by Hermes.

In the esoteric western mystical traditions, the goal or final
object of the spiritual quest is the Holy Grail, the cup of fulfillment
and eternal life.

The Holy Grail is the process of Alchemy – it is living with the
tension of the opposites, through Awareness and with
the Divine Knowledge that you hold the Ankh in your hand.

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Important dates in Temple of Mary



Second Initiation into the Temple of Mary – Mystery of the Cosmic Christ and the Rose Queen
Friday 19 (19h00), 20 and 21 April till 15h00 at Blue Butterfly Tulbagh. This will be the Second Initiation in the Temple of Mary incl Initiation Manual,  Freedom through Love process on cd. Cost R2750

Third Initiation into the Temple of Mary – The Mysteries of Sophia, Our Lady of Wisdom and the etheric bodies
Friday 30 (19h00), Saturday 31 to Sunday 1 September 15h00 at Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre Tulbagh Cost R3000

Fourth Initiation into the Temple of Mary – The Ancient Power Mysteries of Isis
Friday 14 March to Sunday 16 March 2014
Blue Butterfly Retreat Centre Tulbagh

Sacred pilgrimage to Paris, Chartres and the South of France – Notre Dame, Montmartre, The Temple of La Madeleine, Chartres, the Mary Magdalene pilgrimage, Sarah la Kali and Lourdes
18 – 30 May 2014
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There is a favourite story of the Hopi, who once lived under the earth 
and there was an overpopulation problem. 
The Hopi men did nothing about it but then the women
became so intolerable that the Hopis made up their mind to climb a level higher. 
Then they settled again and everything went right, 
and then again there was overpopulation, and the men did nothing. 
They would have gone on like that forever if the women 
hadn’t become so impossible, making scenes from morning till night. 

Then the men got going. That is still true. 
And that is why the doctrine of a lady, 
who should never raise her voice and always be like the Virgin Mary, 
really causes her husband to remain asleep about his anima problem. 

If she doesn’t make a thunderstorm from time to time, 
he generally doesn’t wake up, 
he just doesn’t see. – Marie-Louise von Franz, 
The Cat A Tale of Feminine Redemption

She who will no longer be silenced.

This relationship between masculine and feminine,
man and woman, husband and wife,
starts within the self and She is stirring
and waking the masculine world.
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To find our true heart is to find our dark side too. The heart is not all bliss and goodness. An opened heart reveals who we are in all its fullness. Sin (the error of missing the mark) is the choice to act out our dark side – what Carl Jung calls our shadow.

Our work is to turn from sin, that is to repent and make amends. Then we commit ourselves to act from choices that lead us to act from light. Our mistakes

Even our faults become honey in the hive of our hearts.

How do we deepen our hearts as well as open them? We increase our capacity to love others unconditionally This inclusiveness makes letting go of fear a spiritual practise. We cannot do this alone. It requires Grace. The belief that. if we dont do things ourselves, they wont happen, leads to a sense of emptiness. Grace is the gift of God that expands and and extends our love and virtue beyond what our ego is capable of on its own – Robert B Clarke, The Sacred Heart of the World

Bhakty Maria Ma

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Grace by Astera Devi Maria

Of mind and heart, soul and spirit,
Grace; the thousand suns, the darkest hour.
An oozing puss of mystical reality,
Paradox comprehended for one brief moment.

A sigh,
Oh the sweet sweet breath,
What humbling rapture of true stillness.

Grace; the bursting Love of Being,
Generosity of existence – life and death.
To my knees I’m driven,
May I dissolve to merge more.

My tears flow;
in joy, in humility, in reverence.
A shudder taketh my breath away.
Gasping as my eyes close again,
my head surrendering the bow of my own crown.

Sweet sweet surrender…


Astera Devi Maria

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After the second initiation you may find that it seems as though your inner and outer landscape is once again shifting and changing. When you marry the physical with the archetypal unconscious, the fairy-tale like atmosphere and reality of Spirit and Soul, then the journey has profound meaning and it becomes a wondrous journey.  With this perspective you also realize that it is your personal journey and that which you see and experience comes from the projection of your own processes.
In ancient symbols the unborn egg of the world is depicted as an egg encircled by a serpent. This serpent guards the unconscious in the same way as your ego guards the shadow.  Kundalini is depicted as the awakening serpent. It is therefore obvious that as the serpent rises up into the masculine levels of consciousness, ie understanding and morality, the unconscious will be opened up. The unconscious waters (mares, Maria, mother) represents the collective unconscious Soul, the feminine principle.  Consciousness must extricate itself from the unconscious, but not completely.  A marriage is needed – a relationship has to be maintained between masculine and feminine, the egg and the serpent.  The spiritual worlds are real – as real as this one – and your soul is fed from the world of spirit.  Red represents matter, soul, feminine, blood and feminine; white represents air, breath, higher thought, spirit and semen and masculine. Red and white are two fundamental colors and processes in alchemy. This sacred interplay of polarities play out right through all the levels and realities until it is manifested in the physical. It is the world’s  ignorance and small, personal point of view that creates the imbalance and dogma and not the masculine and feminine duality. Duality is a wonderful opportunity of creativity and transformation. As the human transforms, so does God(as in life and all its processes).

The journey of kundalini awakening is one of making the unconscious conscious.  And obviously you are battling yourself. On the one hand you are trying to keep your mind safe against the content of the unconscious and on the other hand you are trying to uncover the unconscious. You are indeed hanging on the cross of two polar opposites.  Belief systems is what creates this world of illusion and also which keeps your unconscious tightly locked up in its Pandora box.

It is a subtle journey of walking  with two feet in both worlds.  Resistance to that which is playing out in yourself, will manifest in your mind, your body and your reality. You can regard this as Cosmic guidance.  When you see your own life story reflected in the great archetypal story of Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, then you realize that your personal life and personal unconscious is just a mirror of the greater Mysteries in order for you to undergo the Soul and Spirit Marriage ahead.  The rosary and its mysteries is an invaluable tool to heal the wounds of Pride as inflicted by your ego.  The other side of Pride is the lack of Self-worth inflicted by ego, and its gifts of fear and panic. Can you see the healing available here :  my struggle is the lesser mysteries in reflection of the greater mysteries – I am a point of god consciousness AND no need to be so arrogant and prideful in my own personal struggles (I don’t have to take it all personally)!
Jai jai Maa!
Know that you are at the foot of the mountain of this journey.  An infinite mountain once you have passed through the veil of clouds which seemed to be at its top. Enjoy the journey
Bhakty Ma 
Sent from my i
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Isis of Ten Thousand Names

Here are some of Isis’s names.  Many have been lost with time.
Capable in calculation
Capable in writing
Inhabitant in Netru
High lighthouse- Isis exalted as lighthouse in Alexandria
Amenti- the hidden one
Ankhet- producer and giver of life
Anqet- she who embraces the earth, producer of the fertility of the waters
Judge in matters of love
Asset- a way to pronounce the Egyptian name
Ast- another way to pronounce it
Au Set- a variation of Aset, Isis’s Egyptian name
Aut- Isis’s title in Dendera
The base of the most beautiful triangle
Benefactress of Tuat (the hells)
She who embraces the earth
She who moves or the power that intervenes
Cornucopia of all our goods
Ra’s crown- Heru
Creator of the flood of the Nile
Of a beautiful form
Giver of the light in the sky
Giver of life
Goddess of crosses
Goddess of dew
Goddess of all goddesses
Goddess ex-machin- the goddess who appears on the machine, the divine
Mother goddess
Goddess fifteen
Green goddess
Diadem of life
Dikaiosyne- an aspect associated to justice
Who scatters attacks
Woman- throne
Epekoos- she who hears everything
Era- Isis identified with Era
Estia- Isis identified with Estia
Euploia- giver of good navigation
Geb’s daughter
Neb’s and Taher’s daughter
Nut’s daughter
Ra’s daughter
Seb’s daughter
Thot’s daughter
Galactotrouphosa- Isis who nurses, who gives the miracle of the milk of life
She who gives birth to kings
Jewel of the wind
Justice3- Isis of justice
Great goddess
Great goddess of the hells
Great sorceress who heals
Great whit sow of Heliopolis
Great Lady
Great Lady of the Hells
Great virgin
Guide of the Muses
Hent- Queen
Heqet- Isis great sorceress
Female Horus
Ineffable Lady
Inventrix- inventor of things
Isis- Afrodite
Isis- Afrodite – Astante
Isis- Afrodite- Pelagis
Isis- Astante
Isis- Fortune- Goddess of fate and of fortune
Isis- Hathor
Isis- Inanna
Isis- Nike- Isis associated to the goddess of victory
Isis- Tyche
Khut- giver of light
The beautiful goddess
Linopeplos- Isis dressed in linen
Lydia educatrix—Isis Lydia’s educator
Mother of the Gods
Divine mother
The highest of the Gods
Mediatrix between the heavenly and the earthly
Medicina mundi- the power that heals the world
Menouthis- this aspect of Isis was worshipped both in Menouthis and in Alexandria where she was considered a goddess with powerful therapeutic abilites
Meri- Isis as the goddess of the sea
Myrionymos- Isis of the myriad of names, Isis of the ten-thousand names
Nanaia- Isis identified with the goddess Nanaia
Nepherses- The beautiful name of the sun
Noreia- Isis identified with the goddess Noreia
Ra’s eye
Panthea- the goddess of all goddesses
Pantocrateira- Omni-governess
Pelagia- Isis of the sea, that protects Persefone of the boats
Persefone of the baots
Pilaria- Isis of the lighthouse in Alexandria
Phronesis- personification of knowledge
Placidae Quee- the queen of peace
Ploutodotai- Isis giver of richness
Pluonomos- Isis of many names
Polynimos- of many names
The power that heals the world
The power that rises from the Nile
The first of the Muses in Heropolis
The first female principle in nature
The first child of time
Pterophoros- Winged Isis
She of the great wings and the scythe of the moon
She of the moon
She of the many praises
Female Ra
Queen of the sky
Queen of peace
Queen of the sun
Queen of the south and of the north
Queen of the earth
Queen of Egypt dressed in linen
Renenet- queen of harvest
Resurrection and life
Saeculi Felicitas- Happiness of our age
Saver of humanity
Saver of the sailors
Selene- the moon
Sesheta- goddess of literature and of the library
Lady of incantations
Lady of the new year
Lady of the heat and of fire
Lady of the sea
Lady of the world
Lady of bread
Lady of thunder
Lady of the northern wind
Lady of abundance
Lady of love
Lady of the bees
Lady of beauty
Lady of beer
Lady of the house of fire
Lady of growth and of decline
Lady of eternity
Lady of the flame
Lady of joy and of cheerfulness
Lady of the big house
Lady of war and rule
Lady of light
Lady of the weaving
Lady of peace
Lady of the word of the beginning
Lady of the pyramid
Lady of the earth
Lady of the earth of women
Lady of the mainland
Lady of life
Lady of the mouths of the seas and of the rivers
Lady of the two lands
Lady of the green harvest
Lady of the words of power
Lady of every country
Lady of all elements
Lady Isis
Lady rich in names
Lady everlasting in all things
Lady on a fire-shaped cart
Sophia- Isis as divine knowledge
Sothis- Isis goddess of the star Sothis (Sirio) and of the new year
Sovereign of the world
God’s bride
Ra’s bride
Master’s bride (Osiris)
The bride of the master of the abyss
The bride of the master of the flood (Osiris)
Throne- Isis she who assigns the throne
Uadyet- Isis the cobra goddess
The only one
Urthekau- she who is in magic incantations
Usert- Isis goddess of earth, giver of life
Venerandum- Isis as all that must be worshipped.
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An excellent article well worth reading

Is the Body ‘Self’ or‘Other’?
© 2008 Lawrence Gold Friday, 9/5/2008 10:59:24 AM

The first impulse many people have toward the odd question, “Is the body ‘self’ or
‘other’?” is to beg the question. It seems self‐evident that the body is “self”.
Everywhere the body goes, we go; and when the body goes, we go. “I am the body.”
But the linguistic oddity, “my body,” indicates otherwise. Who or what is the “me” who
“has” a body?
To confound matters further, the teaching of many Eastern spiritual traditions is, “I am not
the body.” Who or whatis saying this?
So, we have, “I am the body,” and “I am not the body.”
I propose to sort this question out.
Why bother?
Because among all living species, only the human goes through changes of self‐definition
(personal growth); the question of “whatI am,” and any fixation on a set answer, creates fixation
(holding patterns)in our way offeeling and acting. Since itis so that holding patterns that
persist past their point of helpfulness create problems in a human life, it’s in ourinterest to look
at the root ofthe ways in which we get stuck. Our self‐definition is at the root of ourtendency to
get stuck, so, it’s helpful to understand self‐identity and whetherthe body is really part ofit.
Everybody has an inside and an outside.
The inside, in physical terms, is what’s on the inside of our skin.
The outside, in physical terms, is what’s on the other side of our skin.
But there is another dimension of bodily experience than the view of the flesh. It’s the view
of the experiencer, our sense of self.
In those terms, the inside is everything we experience over which we have control. We
define all ofthat as either “me” or “mine”.
The outside is everything we experience over which we have no control. We define all of
that as “not me” and “not mine.”
Control over our experience is the predominant(but not sole) determining factor as to
whether we label something “me” and “mine” or “not me” and “not mine.” Consider, as soon as
we feel we are losing control of something that is ours, we feel in danger oflosing possession of
it. “Me” and “mine” are closely related to the sense of control.
The medium by which we experience everything inside and everything outside, everything
“me” and “mine” and “not me” and “not mine” is the body. Through the senses, the body is the
meeting place of self and experience.
And oddly, our own inner self‐sense is as observable (to ourselves) as any object of outer
TFrom what viewpoint do we observe self and other? That question calls for a moment of
introspection, here and now, before going on.
The process of maturation involves a growth in the powers of self‐control.
Self‐control doesn’t mean self‐repression; it means self determination, autonomy,
Control isn’t absolute; it’s a matter of degree.
A human infant starts with survival instincts and no control over excretion. The survival
instincts, such as suckling and bonding with the mother, come alive as a racial(or species)
inheritance (“The GreatInheritance”), automatically active. Control over excretion, also a racial
inheritance, has to be learned.
The felt view, “I am the body” is a common part ofthat inheritance, and we don’t commonly
question it. It’s so second‐nature that the view rarely comes up for consideration, even at times
of death.
Learning is a primal attribute oflife, especially of human life: in the process of maturation,
first the given, inherited repertoire of functions and behaviors comes alive; then, with mastery of
those functions and behaviors, transcendence and outgrowing of those functions and behaviors
occurs, one by one, as new, self‐determined functions and behaviors emerge. Creativity starts on
the foundation provided by the automatic, basic inheritance and then builds upon, and often
transforms, the automatic inheritance. The concert violinist must be toilet‐trained, speak a
language, and be able to dress – but the ability to play the violin transcends those functions.
Learning involves inclusion and transcendence.
The entire spectrum of human experience – sensation, behavior, perception, cognition,
values, logic and intuition ‐‐ continues from generation to generation as a GreatInheritance,
much ofit unquestioned, “given and taken as right and true.” Individuals grow into the
spectrum of experience, and that growth process evolves, as we see from person to person and
culture to culture,ratherthan being standard and uniform among all individuals.
As each facet of the human inheritance comes alive in a person, the person attains a measure
of control overit. We become responsible for automatic (inherited) behaviors and, to a degree,
capable of modifying them.
As we mature and gain control over ourfunctions and behaviors, physical, emotional and
mental, each function ceases to be “it” and becomes “I” ‐– no longer, “It happened,” or “I
couldn’t help it,” but “I did that.”
All living, sentient beings (somas)relate to whatis outside them by facing things or by
avoiding things, turning toward them orturning away from them; we relate to what is inside us
by facing them orrefusing to face them, putting attention on them or minimizing attention on
What both externalfacing and internalfacing have in common is attention. To sense
things, we direct attention toward them.The body is the vehicle ofthe senses; it incorporates the sense organs. Attention to the senses
(i.e., the body) provides an impression ofthe world. The body is the medium by which we gain a
window on the physical world – but it’s more a perceptual and behavioral filter or set of filters
than a clear window – filters inherited without awareness from family, culture, education and the
mass communications media, and even via the very form of the body. These inherited perceptual
filters answerthe questions, “What exists?” “What’s important?” “What do we do about it?”
But the body is also an object of the senses. The sense organs carried by the body also
registerthe body as a sensation. The body (soma)is self‐sensing as well as other‐sensing, with
the difference between “self” and “other” being a matter of control and oflabeling.
Does that make the body “self” or “other”? Does the body belong to the world (as an object,
to be observed by others) or does it belong to ourselves (as the medium of ourintention to have
… another moment of introspection and contemplation.
Somehow, we feel the body to be ourselves.
Now, just because we feel something doesn’t mean we identify it as ourselves, so there must
be something unique about the body‐feeling that makes itfeel like, “me”.
A sense of control over our own actions is a part ofit, but there are aspects of our bodily
selves over which we have no control, and yet we still considerto be ourselves. “I can’t believe I
did that.”
What we are talking aboutis identification – self‐identification.
Self‐identification is a feeling; it’s also a subtle intention. It’s the feeling ofthe intention, “to
be” or “to exist” or “to be alive”. It’s also the feeling of the intention to act or have experience
turn out a certain way – to control experience.
Self‐identification actually a state oftension – an effort to control life (self and other), so as to
keep our memories of the way things are intact or developing along lines of ourimagining.
All states oftension either show up as actions or as states ofreadiness to act(intentions).
Intentions manifest as patterns oftension in the musculature corresponding to the actions for
which we are ready. “Getready, get set…”
Maturation involves acquiring more and more readiness for more and more kinds of
experience – and generally, more and more tension. Socially, people look down upon
To the degree that we hold on to states ofreadiness, we identify as the do‐er, who holds on to
intentions and their associated perceptions (sensations); identity forms.
Ourracial inheritance consists ofintentions and ways of acting, of perceptions and ways of
interpreting perception, that give rise to certain experiences. That’s enculturation. To the degree
that we hold on to ourinheritance, in this sense, thatthat degree we identify as the do‐er of our
lives, and so form and hold on to an identity. Identity is a set ofintentions and sensations
(attention habits) automatically held in memory, generally without attention on those intentions,
but on the objects those intentions seek to control. Self seeks to control other. The foothold of self
by which it pushes against experience is the sense ofidentity.Now, here’s another oddity: The sense of selfis a sense ofintention (readiness for anything);
the sense of the body (as most people sense it)is the sense ofits tension. People commonly
mistake the sense of contraction (ortension, orintention) forthe sense of self.
Tensions come and go, intentions come and go, sensations come and go,feelings come and
go, but the sense of being a self, having experiences, is constant. What is the nature of that self?
Memory is the persistence of patterns, nothing more.
Memory is thought to reside in the brain, and thatis true, but not a complete accounting for
Healing is a mysterious phenomenon in which somehow the body remembers its shape and
reconstitutes it, or a close approximation ofit.
DNA is a means of memory storage in which patterns offunction pass from generation to
generation without a brain being involved.
The very persistence of a pattern is the memory ofit. In that sense, the entire kosmos
(objective cosmos and subjective world), is a memory (or a memory of many memories)
embodied in the spectrum of experience from matterto the subtleties of mind and consciousness.
Memory is not absolute. Memories change, and so does the body‐pattern, and so does the
experience ofthe body,from inside. The Universe is a living, evolving memory. (It doesn’t just
include memory; it is a form of memory. The forms of matter, energy, and experience persist over
But there is some sense in which we don’t change at all, and that is the consciousness of being
present to the experiences of the senses, present in the world, “here”, wherever we may be. The
content changes, the location changes, but the sense of self as a center of “hereness” does not. It’s
everywhere we go,familiar or unfamiliar, equally,regardless of whether we feel good orill.
How odd.
Are we the body? Are we the memory of a way of experiencing?
Before you answer,recognize that the only one that can answeris the individual self (or
soma), and that is subject to change, made of change.
It’s an oddity, but we can experience only change. Any sensation that persists without
changing quickly fades. (Try staring at something and see what happens.) We perceive by
contrast, which is another name for changing experience. Some teachings call that, “duality.” It’s
not only the contrast between opposites on a single continuum, such as light and dark, but also
the contrast between things that are categorically different, apples and oranges. It’s any contrast.
What persists overtime fades from awareness. It’s called, “getting used to it.” What we take
for granted, we soon cease to notice. Most of our species inheritance is so persistent that, having
faded, as second nature, is largely inaccessible to us. Itruns on automatic, perfectly apparentin
its operation, but unnoticed, the elusive obvious. For example, all somas put objects from their
environmentinside themselves,forthe sake of continuation. It’s called, “feeding ourselves.”
Ponderthat. Isn’t that weird? Now, considerteeth. Teeth are cutting and grinding devices, and
yet their display in a smile is reassuring. Now that’s weird! But we take itfor granted.Because life is dynamic, even weird, the changes oflife keep perception refreshed –
sometimes too refreshed, as when contrasts are intense, or sudden large changes occurin life.
Changes of state keep the body sense refreshed – changing sensations, whetherinternal or
external. The memory of the body‐sense contrasts with changing sensations. That’s the basis of
excitement. Boredom is a last‐ditch effort to maintain a refreshed state in the face of unchanging
conditions – generally a strong impulse to move, to go somewhere else orto do something else –
anything to create a contrast, to refresh the sense of aliveness.
The body lives by changing (mostly within stable limits, as cycles of equilibrium that mostly
change gradually) and so the sense ofthe body is made of changes – changes of sensation,
changes of perception, changes of behavior, some subtle, some gross – temperature, hunger,
But the oddity is that the sense of “here” (defined as “where I am”) never changes.
The ultimate contrast is between change (perpetual “this and that”) and no‐change
(perpetual, “Primordial Hereness”). Oddly, in that contrast, only change (“this and that”) stands
out, while Primordial Hereness rests unnoticed in the background.
When changes quiet down, the sense of “here” shifts from being defined by the conditions of
ourlocality (this and that) to the background, primordial “hereness” of our being. Primordial
Hereness has no form, but is always present, silent and in some sense,resonant;receptive and
constantly originating new creations as thoughts and impersonal events. (Note that the feeling of
hereness, ifitis a feeling, is part of “this and that‐ness” and is not Primordial Hereness, but “local
hereness.” When “local hereness” relaxes and disappears, we also disappear and merge with
formless, Primordial Hereness.)
The challenge is to fall consciously through the boredom of distraction with “this and that‐
ness” into the substratum of Primordial Hereness (where we always, inevitably, are), to become
conscious of that which we already are, the context and nature of all of our “this and that‐ness.”
Then, we are here, but without the sense of “I” or “we” (things that change). Is the body, our
self, ourself? Who says so?
There is something between “Primordial Hereness” and “this and that‐ness.” It’s newness.
Newness refreshes by being the bridge between Primordial Hereness and “this and that‐
ness” Newness is unknown, atfirst, incomprehensible. In that sense, it’s felt to be the same as
Primordial Hereness, withoutform. But then, the newness wears off! And the process of that
“wearing off” is that it becomes familiar, which is to say, it starts to integrate with this‐and‐that
(basically, as soon as it appears, as incomprehensible as it may be).
The integration of the new with “this and that” is constantly occurring. The unknown “new”
is constantly being made into, and becomes known as, a new “this orthat.”
Newness shows the common identity of Primordial Hereness with “this and that,” since the
moment of transition from newly‐emergent newness (incomprehensible) to familiar “this and
that‐ness” (known) is the moment when we feel we comprehend it and label it as something
known. It hasn’t changed; our mind has changed! The thing, itself,retains its essential nature as
an expression (emergence) of the unknown from Primordial Hereness, as a form of Primordial
Hereness!The new, as it emerges, is always constrained by limitations, defined by limitations, made of
limitations, even as it comes out of “Primordial Hereness” (no limitation) as an expression of
local hereness (this and that). As itintegrates with “this and that‐ness,” it becomes part of The
GreatInheritance we take for granted and that shapes ourlives, often without conscious
The GreatInheritance is an inheritance oflimitations, memory formations; memories fade or
In humans, the growth of control involves a growth of consciousness (orthe reach of
attention) to include what has faded due to persistence and familiarity, so that new creative will
can be turned onto the faded foundation from which we have operated, to freely create what has
not yet existed, out of the empty, butresonant void of Primordial Hereness.
The question, “Is the body self or other?” has more to do with whether we can exercise
control over ourinherited (or even previously created) patterns of experience and behavior, or
whetherthose patterns control us.
To the degree that we identify with the body‐sense (hold onto intentions, as the do‐er), we
hold on to remembered ways of doing things,ratherthan adapt to changing conditions or bring
something new into existence from Primordial Hereness.
To act, we must be the doer and identify as the body; to grow or change, we mustrecognize
that the do‐eris (the act of) clinging to an intention and a kind of experience that, in the face of
life’s changes, is a memory (even the memory of an imagining).
The question, “Is the body self or other?” is a trick question. The answeris, “It depends.”
As a display of observable sensations in consciousness, body is “other”; as our means of
taking action, body is self.
As long as we identify as the do‐er of actions, we fail to observe the sense of being the do‐er.
The effort of desire seems to imply, and so gives rise to the assumption of, an identity, but
without awareness of the sense of identity as a sense of tension orlimitation.
If we only observe the embodied self‐identity, we cease to participate in experience, but
instead arrest and undermine the sense of self‐identity.
Neither of these positions is a problem; the pair are a contrast of alternatives.
Fixation in form is an illusion of time, a convincing delusion of self‐identity.
Wisdom recognizes the body to be a memory without any intrinsic or essential self‐nature,
but one that exists in time and appears to have, by virtue of the existence ofrelationships, self‐
Anyway, that was not the trick of the trick question.
The trick of the trick question is this: Whether we decide that the body (soma) is “self” or
“other,” either decision is a state of mind held in memory. What we considerto be the body is
also a state of mind held in memory. Memory is made of “this and that‐ness,” but what we are is
both Primordial Hereness, not defined by “this and that‐ness,”and local hereness, which is “this
and that‐ness.” Selfis here, body is here, only temporarily defined as “this and that‐ness.”
The assumption of the alternatives posed by the question was the trick ofthe question.Observe local hereness.
Notice thatit exists in Primordial Hereness.
Let go of local here‐ness;relax into Primordial Hereness. You’re still locally here!
All things change in time. Whetherthe body is self or otheris only a matter of perspective
and temporary definition.
Practically speaking, we are recipients of a species inheritance that defines us as “this and
that,” but in a state of Primordial Hereness which is limited by neitherthis northat, butis our
essential or original nature.
Fixation in memory temporarily binds us. Memories and imaginings surface in time; the
imperative oflife (newness) is the emergence ofthe unknown into form,from Primordial
Hereness and continuing in Primordial Hereness as an expression of Primordial Hereness!
Practically speaking, to the degree that we identify with the contracted (or memory‐fixated)
state of body and mind (soma), to that degree do we constrain the emergence of newness from
Primordial Hereness (formlessness)into local hereness (manifestation). The emergence of
newness requires space.
Forthatreason, our evolution depends upon recognition and dis‐identification from
memory‐fixated states, through inclusion and transcendence, so that they/we are free to leave
space for newness.
Practically speaking, since recognition depends upon perception and perception depends
upon contrast, we can use a couple of different contrasts to perceive and recognize aspects of
ourselves thatremain familiarly hidden, to release their binding nature and create space:
1. contrast between what we desire and what we resist
2. contrast between ourintuition of Primordial Hereness and local conditions
for option 1: At any moment when we may feel stuck, we can deliberately feel what itfeels like
to be someone who resists what we are experiencing in the moment and then what it would feel
like to be someone who desires that experience. By alternating in those two feelings, we create a
contrast between them, make them more vivid, and so prepare forthe next step: to feel both
feelings simultaneously and equally. To feel them simultaneously reveals a new sensation,
previously hidden, but somehow familiar: a sense of identity felt as a kind of effort ortension
that we can relax. At the moment ofrelaxation, we may have a perception of Primordial
Hereness – or of whateverremaining tension we have around the issue (in which case, we repeat
the process).
for option 2: We may deliberately alternate between putting attention on feeling stuck and on
ourintuition of Primordial Hereness. That contrast may be sufficient to discern the tension we
are experiencing in the moment(resistance to our present experience or desire for an alternative),
so that we can relax it.
The space liberated by either ofthese options brings relieffrom the stress of memory and
imagining automatically generated by The GreatInheritance. Then, there’s room forthe
emergence of newnessinto our experience as our own creative action or as ourrefreshed
perception ofthe conditions of ourlocal hereness.Is the body “self” or “other”? “Body”, “self”, and “other” are features of The Great
Inheritance, patterns of memory, changeable by the emergence of newness. There is no such
thing as “body,” “self” or “other,” but only durable patterns of memory always being modified
by the emergence of newnessfrom the Primordial Hereness.

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Radical acceptance

I am writing to you from the incredible India. We are at the moment staying in Udaipur, a city of bloodshed and riches. If you are interested in the history or the most exquisite artwork and the spectacular palace we are staying in, read my posts on The Path of Divine Love.

India is a country that is steeped in religion as well as esoteric and occult spirituality and mysticism. It is also absolutely chaotic and seemingly random and has none of the concepts of western thinking. It reminds me of the mind’s inner reality – impossible to make sense of anything and the sooner the mind realizes this, the sooner awakening can take place. Maybe it is exactly because of the nature of the Eastern mind and its created reality, that so many spiritual traditions developed here.

Sacred places and places of pilgrimage definitely is saturated with high energy and I find that here in India, the energy is much higher than anywhere else that I have been. Even as I stepped out into busy Bombay at one in the morning, my organic cells answered in bliss to the vibration. I hardly slept the first few nights as the energy is so powerful. It would seem that every inch of the earth here are glowing with Light. To my clear-seeing eyes I am at times suffused and awash once again with the tremendous Absolute – the Light in the poverty; the beauty in the dirt; the worship in the cows eating garbage; the holy in the shrines on every street corner; the paradoxes abound! These highlight the inability of the mind to ever grasp the Absolute Love which is us and the reality behind the veil!

The word Radical Acceptance came to me. Through radical acceptance one can step into the Illumined Mind – actually you don’t have to do any stepping into as She will step into you. Like the lotus born from the muddy roots, the Illumined Mind is born from radical acceptance of the polarity. The Light of Maa rises in you as the glowing blossom pushes through the outer leaves – indeed the lingam rises up into the Light of the Sun, Surya and Vishnu the Cosmic Christ.

Yesterday we visited the main temple in Udaipur, the Jagdish Mandir, dedicated to Vishnu. We had a wonderful impromptu session of bhajans, drumming the tabla and dancing in the temple as a small circle of local women invited me to join them. Soon we attracted a crowd with the clapping and singing and the temple was full!! It was a beautiful experience of such love, acceptance and joy; the simplicity of it all struck me! And that is the core of what everyone is craving for and seeking! The only thing that stands between you and this intimacy is fear. The best way that I know to overcome fear is by applying that which you believe to be true.

Do you believe that Love is your true nature? Then start to live being loving. Love is an action. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Forgive seven times seven. Let go of self-centered selfish fears of loss of power. I can continue for pages and pages, but you have heard it all already.

Spirituality has become a commodity and that is also true here in India. Everywhere are ads for gurus and visiting healers. But that is not where you will find the Light of Love, of Prema. You can see it in all the many tiny shrines that is visited before work, during lunch time and after work. You will see it in the thank offerings to the gods’ image, the water given to a thirsty cow, free meals every day at the many seva temples and so on. The homage that the disciples here show to their gurus in the ashram, is but a small gesture of their personal dedication to Spirit. Their daily adornment of their bodies with bangles, paste and perfume is a symbol of the adornment of the Soul.

This lifestyle is a daily symbol and metaphor for the sacred ordinary life!!

As above so below – that which you think you will create in the physical. That which you create in the physical, feeds and nurtures the soul.

Adorn your mind with forgiveness and practice radical acceptance – over and over. No sadhana will bring you peace and love other than meditation on the inner self, in the body, in the moment. The deeper you go into yourself, into the adorned soul clothed by the radiant bodies, the wider the intimacy.

It really is very simple. And you are born with everything that you need within yourself. Instead of trying to figure things out or trying to get more power in whatever form, go within in every moment; practice radical acceptance of every feeling, every thought, every action (without judgement) and see what arises

With blessings
Hettienne Bhakty Maji

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This is not your life

As I work on the preparations for the Second Initiation into the Temple of Mary
and I connect with all those minds and Consciousness that will
be attending, both in person and in the invisible,
I am struck once again by how difficult it is to explain
the paradox of Truth to anyone.
On the one hand, you are told that you can have whatever you set your
mind to;  that you can awaken the Genius within and that
all your desires can be fulfilled;
on the other hand you are told that it is not your will
and it is by Divine Grace only.
Well, as always, this is the paradox and both the above statements are true.
When you accept that all is by Divine Grace only,
and you accept that this life is not yours to live as you see fit and as
pleases your ego,
but that it is all in the hands of the Divine Mother and Father,
our King and Queen in Heaven,
and that Her Will is truly your will,
then indeed,
you will live the blessed life that you are wishing for.
But then, you see, it is no longer the life that the ego wished for.
All that was so important to the ego and all that you
were conditioned into believing you need for self-fulfillment
and self-expression,
then falls away.
As you are married to the Beloved in the sacred bridal chamber
of your heart, you leave behind the ideas, the expectations,
the need for a lavish wedding celebration,
and you enter naked, without expectation,
without selfish drive and greed,
with one desire only,
and that is to become the Will of God Within.
As I muse on how to explain this to anyone, I allow my thoughts
to linger over my own life.  I did not choose Mary, Maria, Mother of God,
to be my Ishta Devata, my personal manifestation of God :
She chose me. 
And I had many opportunities to walk away;
many challenges where I had to confront every belief system,
every idea of what I thought I wanted for my own life.
But She gave me many many opportunities
where I could choose again and again.
As I work on the manual I contemplate how I would never have
thought that these are the teachings that I will convey to others;
that it is so foreign to whom I thought I was (years ago)
and where my life would take me or where I wanted to go.
how to explain this to another in order for him or her
to gain understanding and acceptance?
all the while I am standing in the kitchen, leaning over the
gasplate, cooking brunch
as I cut the mushrooms, and add the potatoes to the pan,
I am suddenly
in another world; in another light;
a past life;
I am still ‘me’, the same Essence,the same Wisdom,
 but I am in a different body
with thoughts in her head.
As I look down I am dressed in a dress of the fifteenth century it seems,
with a rough linen apron overdress – both in very dowdy colours.
I have a very ample bosom and a round body
I am Irish and in Ireland
I am the cook in a nunnery.
I stand over a huge fire, smells of potatoes wafting up
Every day I say the rosary with the nuns
I chant the mantra while I cook
and deep in my heart I have an incredible understanding
and a Divine Light of the truth hidden in the Rosary –
one which I cannot share with the nuns as this could mean my death.
And silently, I wish to one day, be able to share this wisdom with
the world.
In a flash I am back here, at Sancta Maria,
with a smile on my lips.
Indeed, this life is not mine to be lived for myself. 
It belongs to Wisdom, to the River of the Infinite.
I started yesterday on a profound project with the Rosary of the Rose Queen
some of which will be incorporated in the manual.
Maybe this will illuminate the paradox for you?
In Bhakty
Hettienne BhaktyMaJi