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Priestess of the Dove

Mary has her own folk mythology unrelated
to the mainstream Christian myth.
In the mythological sense she is like the goddesses
in all cultures of the world.
The legends about Mary illustrate that Mary
is a force in people’s lives.

 –  extracted from The Breath, the soul, the Divine female
by Rasa Luzyte

Mary’s presentation in the Temple of the Dove
from the Suit of Vessels
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Tarot

My card from the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck 
depicting the young Virgin Mary as
Temple priestess in the Temple of the Dove
as told in The Mystical City of God:
Joachim and Anne set out from Nazareth, 
accompanied by a few of their kindred and bringing
with them the true living Ark of the covenant,
the most holy Mary,
borne on the arms of her mother in order
to be deposited in the holy temple of Jerusalem.
They arrived at the holy temple, and the blessed
Anne, on entering, took her Daughter and Mistress
by the hand, accompanied and assisted by Joachim.
All three offered a devout and fervent prayer
to the Lord, the parents offering God their daughter,
and the most holy Child.
She heard a voice saying to her :
Come my Beloved, come my Spouse,
come to my temple where I wish to hear they
voice of praise and worship.
The mystical city of God 
by venerable Mary of Agreda
If you want to read more about the Mysteries of Mary tarot deck
and the Black Madonna tarot deck (work in progress) please
read my blog at
Please visit and spread the love
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Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes

Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes

Maria Bambina
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
Today is the final day of the
Art Novena for Our Lady of Lourdes
Today I am reminded of the universality of Mary
and the mystery of who she really is.
To some she is the literal figure in a Bible story;
to others she is a Western goddess;
some know her as Queen of Heaven and the Angels
and still others know as her Mama, Gaia,
Mother Earth and our nature.
Coronation of Mary
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
Who is she to you?
What are the whispers in your ear? 
What are the winds stirring up in your heart?
It takes great courage to answer that call
and to step out of the comfort and security
of the unexamined room in which we live.
Has she been calling  you?
Then today is the day to answer.
Sacred Mysteries of Mary
Then today is the day to accept the call to step out
into the unknown
Lady with the Lamp
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
To do that which you have been avoiding,
to see and hear that part of yourself that has
been tugging on the hem of your coat,
begging for attention
Maria Bambina – spinning gold
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
‘I realized that all the powers of the Mothers, of Tara, Durga, Kali are in Mary.
She has Tara’s sublime tenderness;
Durga’s inaccessible silent calm force;
the grandeur and terribilta of Kali.
But Mary is also a woman,
a poor woman
and a human mother.
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
In her the full path of the sacred feminine is lived.
In her we have a complete image of the Divine Mother,
an image at once transcendent and immanent,
other-worldly and this-wordly,
at once mystical and political and practical.
In Mary the Divine Mother comes to earth and lives on earth
and lives, the passionate, strong, serious,
simple and transforming life that shows us all how to live.
Sacred Mysteries of Mary Deck
Mary is the bridge between heaven and earth,
between the human and the divine worlds,
between human and divine justice.”
                                                                             Andrew Harvey in The Return of the Mother
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Blogs merging

Photograph by Hettienne Grobler – Shrine at Sancta Maria

This blog will soon be merging with
Cloister of the Heart.

The Temple of Mary blog will stay up as a living archive
of our footprints into Her mysteries in this world.

The website for the Temple of  the Mysteries of Mary is at maria

Temple of the Mysteries of Mary
Blessed Mary painting by Hettienne Grobler

There you will be able to read about my pilgrimages to sacred sites,
my Soulcollage journeys
the Recovery of the Inner Child of the journey of awakening
share in my art making process
and the upcoming
Art Novena for Our Lady of Lourdes.
So if you have not subscribed yet, or wish to join
please go to
Cloister of the Heart.
Soulcollage card by Hettienne Grobler
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
I also invite you to join my journey with the soon to be published
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck.
The blog is at
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe  from the Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
by Hettienne Grobler
Her Grace by Devata on
Then there is also the blog of my shop on Etsy
which showcases items as they are put up for sale.
Her Grace by Devata Blog
Namaste, Hettienne
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The first newsletter of The Temple of Mary, Our Lady of the Dove, was sent out this week. 

The newsletter is available on-line and there is a direct link on the right hand side of this blog.

If you would like to subscribe, please send me a request to [email protected].

If you are interested in upcoming events,
Sacred Feminine Conference and Festivals.
Temple of Mary training,
SoulCollageĀ® workshops,

and so on ………

please visit the new website