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The Light Shall Return

The Light Shall Return
Mother of Consolation
help me to let myself be consoled.
I hold it all together, Blessed One.
I have convinced myself that it is up to me
to keep the airplane aloft with my own breath,
that I am the only one capable
of baking bread and scrubbing floors,
that it is my responsibility alone
to alleviate the sorrow
in the heart of every single person I know.
But I have forgotten how to weep, Tender One.
Teach me to reach out to the ones I comfort 
and ask for their comfort
Let me feel the tender touch of the Holy One
on my cheek when I wake in the night,
weary and frightened
Help me to be vulnerable and soft now,
broken open and free
                      – Mirabai Starr
Mary’s Gold

We are midway in Thirty Days with Mary and
here in the Southern Hemisphere the light rises
later and later, leaving us in the dark for longer every day.
As the light rises, we are simultaneously drawn to turn within
and without and a subtle tension gently opens the heart,
day after day.
Mary’s Halo
Can you bear the opening of the heart?
Can you stand the creaking of the bones as the
ribcage opens?
Can you be with the Light that pours from the
inner darkness?
Can you be with It All?
Hettienne Ma
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Welcome to new initiates

A while ago I opened the doors of The Temple of Mary
for the first time for online studies and initiations.
Welcome to those who have entered the Hearth
and may your every step be guided.
Through working with initiates in this ‘new’ way
I am updated and revising the course material
in an ongoing way and thus the flame is burning ever brighter

With the aid and help of God, She (Alchemy) reveals all hidden energies of the
whole wide world.  As the vine grower grafts the vine to the elm and
espalier, thus the magician, the alchemist, marries and unifies
heaven and earth, the lower and the higher energies.  (Pic de Mirandole)
(from the Initiation into the Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart,
Temple of Mary)

First Initiation into the Mysteries of the Temple of Mary – The Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart
The first initiation into the Temple of Mary is into the Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart.  This initiation takes place over a three month period and the meditations and practises shared during this circle of participation, form the foundation of all future practises and diksha.  The foundation work is set in this initiation and we will explore the context of the ancient temple mysteries, the alchemical process and symbols, the wisdom that Tarot offers, the tantric essence of all esoteric paths and more. 

The first step is to apply to enter into the Hearth of the Temple and a questionnaire has to be completed by the applicant. Upon acceptance you will be given a mantra to work with for seven days.  These seven days of chanting the secret mantra will serve to align your conscious and unconscious will with the work of the Temple.  Then you will sit at an agreed time to receive an energetic diksha (transmission of energies) which will initiate you energetically into the Mysteries of Mary.  
After this the manual will be sent to you in pdf format, as well as cds.  The cds contain recorded guidance and illumination of the practises, as well as selected meditation music and chants to be used during your own practise.  You will receive a healing diksha energetically at a mutually agreed time and on-going energetic support.  You will also receive on-line support through e-mails and I undertake to guide and support you to the best of my ability as long as the demands are within the boundaries of acceptable time and energy support.  I cannot resolve your life and its challenges for you – that is your part of your own personal journey.  The initiations of the Temple is designed to give you the context, the tools, the insight and the understanding into your own unconscious and its archetypes and the puppet masters of your psyche and through practise and application, you will be able to develop an awareness of the unconscious and allow the content to move into your consciousness, thus transforming and expanding your own personal consciousness.
When you have completed your training and have received your spiritual name you will have permission to use certain of the diksha and blessings on others in your capacity as Flamekeeper.
I will send you a list of recommended books to read which will assist on your journey towards Self-Realisation.
You will require a rosary, a japa mala, a small altar with cloth and a statue or image of Blessed Mary, as well as a prayer shawl or dhoti.
You will receive emails from time to time with instructions to join in with group meditations on an energetic level and also with healing focus for a specific period of time.
You may want to familiarise yourself with the Tarot as this will assist toward a deeper understanding of the symbols used in the initiations.
It is recommended that you follow my blog The Sacred Mysteries of Mary tarot at for on-going teachings and deeper
insight into the forgotten story of  Mary.
It is important that you are subscribed to the blogs The Wisdom Keeper and The Temple of Mary – links are in the side column of this blog.

Here is the link to the website page :!enter-the-hearth-as-a-flamekeeper/cd2px

Hettienne Ma

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Become a Flamekeeper of The Temple of Mary

With the aid and help of God, She (Alchemy) reveals all hidden energies of the
whole wide world.  As the vine grower grafts the vine to the elm and
espalier, thus the magician, the alchemist, marries and unifies
heaven and earth, the lower and the higher energies.  (Pic de Mirandole)
(from the Initiation into the Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart,
Temple of Mary)

First Initiation into the Mysteries of the Temple of Mary – The Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart
The first initiation into the Temple of Mary is into the Immaculate Practise of the Sacred Heart.  This initiation takes place over a three month period and the meditations and practises shared during this circle of participation, form the foundation of all future practises and diksha.  The foundation work is set in this initiation and we will explore the context of the ancient temple mysteries, the alchemical process and symbols, the wisdom that Tarot offers, the tantric essence of all esoteric paths and more. 

The first step is to apply to enter into the Hearth of the Temple and a questionnaire has to be completed by the applicant. Upon acceptance you will be given a mantra to work with for seven days.  These seven days of chanting the secret mantra will serve to align your conscious and unconscious will with the work of the Temple.  Then you will sit at an agreed time to receive an energetic diksha (transmission of energies) which will initiate you energetically into the Mysteries of Mary.  
After this the manual will be sent to you in pdf format, as well as cds.  The cds contain recorded guidance and illumination of the practises, as well as selected meditation music and chants to be used during your own practise.  You will receive a healing diksha energetically at a mutually agreed time and on-going energetic support.  You will also receive on-line support through e-mails and I undertake to guide and support you to the best of my ability as long as the demands are within the boundaries of acceptable time and energy support.  I cannot resolve your life and its challenges for you – that is your part of your own personal journey.  The initiations of the Temple is designed to give you the context, the tools, the insight and the understanding into your own unconscious and its archetypes and the puppet masters of your psyche and through practise and application, you will be able to develop an awareness of the unconscious and allow the content to move into your consciousness, thus transforming and expanding your own personal consciousness.
When you have completed your training and have received your spiritual name you will have permission to use certain of the diksha and blessings on others in your capacity as Flamekeeper.
I will send you a list of recommended books to read which will assist on your journey towards Self-Realisation.
You will require a rosary, a japa mala, a small altar with cloth and a statue or image of Blessed Mary, as well as a prayer shawl or dhoti.
You will receive emails from time to time with instructions to join in with group meditations on an energetic level and also with healing focus for a specific period of time.

You may want to familiarise yourself with the Tarot as this will assist toward a deeper understanding of the symbols used in the initiations.
It is recommended that you follow my blog The Sacred Mysteries of Mary tarot at for on-going teachings and deeper
insight into the forgotten story of  Mary.
It is important that you are subscribed to the blogs The Wisdom Keeper and The Temple of Mary – links are in the side column of this blog.

Here is the link to the website page :!enter-the-hearth-as-a-flamekeeper/cd2px

Hettienne Ma
Posted on

Is She calling you?

The Temple of Mary is opening her doors to welcome new initiates.  There has been a call to invite and welcome international  initiates as Flamekeepers of the sacred hearth of Mary, the Feminine Christ.  The online temple training will provide you with manuals in pdf format (or print on request) which include the written text, sacred practises, meditations, ritual, mantra and more.  You will also receive recorded meditations and guidance for the practises.  The duration of the training course, initiations and self study is nine months, one initiation every three months and during the tenth month you will receive your spiritual name and be initiated as a sacred Flamekeeper of The Temple of Mary.

Subscribe to the blog Temple of Mary at
and receive updates.  
 The first initiation into the Temple of Mary will open on 1 March 2016. 
Visit the Temple of Mary website
 for more information about the content of the initiations

Information on the four initiations are being uploaded
on the website here :!enter-the-hearth-as-a-flamekeeper/cd2px
The Temple of Mary is dedicated to The Path of Love
in the mystery tradition of
esoteric Christianity and the Bridal Chamber mysteries
as contained in the Kaballah, Tantra and the ancient Christian
Temple Mysteries. 
 The Sacred Marriage takes place in the Temple of the Heart.
We travel through the seven veils or gates in order
for the Way to be opened up and for the
Mother Ray to burn brightly in the Chalice.
The Sacred Marriage takes place between Logos,
the intellect, enlightenment, knowledge
Lady Wisdom, Sophia, she who is
one with unconditional love and compassion and who
weaves her spirit in this world through our actions.
Knowledge alone will not gain you entry into
the Temple of Heart, the Kingdom of God.
Initiates of the Temple of Mary are Bhakta (devotees to the 
principle of Divine Love) and Flamekeepers (serving  The Temple of Mary). Initiates are guided by the Temple and Vision Keeper Sri Hettienne Ma Bhakty Maria .
A divine feminine consciousness is arising in collective humanity. Feminine and masculine do not refer to gender, but to the active and receptive principles. Millennia of patriarchy (the father principle) and church teachings have suppressed men and women and the feminine principle and many have suffered and many are still suffering because of our imbalanced society and the general hardening of hearts. And the suffering is not gender exclusive. All of humanity, the Earth and her creatures are suffering because of the suppression of the feminine and the loss of compassion and empathy that comes with it.
 We honour the embodiment of the Divine in the mythical, the mystical and the ordinary.
We honour Mary the Virgin, the Bride, the Mother and the Wise Woman. We honour Mary as embodiment of the Goddess and the feminine Christ. We honour the Virgin Mother who gives birth to the Sun; the Holy Rose Queen of Love and the blessed Divine Crone, Lady of Light, the Black Madonna. We honour Mary Magdalene as an aspect of Mary, the hidden Mary in the shadows and Her sacred relationship with Yeshua (the historical Jesus) which sanctifies sexual human relationships and elevates 
the relationship with the Beloved to the sacred Union. The feminine and masculine counterparts are restored to equality and unity and the Christ principle embodied through both God/dess’ sons and daughters.
The path of The Temple of Mary is a bridge between feminine and masculine, head and heart, between the Light of the East and the Light of the West – all placed at Her feet, the Great Shekinah, the Beloved manifesting as us.
The Temple of Mary does not subscribe to any religion or cultural tradition. We subscribe to the religion of the soul and the gnosis that ‘God’ (as term for the Absolute and Unchanging nature of Reality) resides in each and every soul.
Via Maria, the way of the Temple of Mary, follows the principle of Tantra or Bridal Mysticism where the Soul and Her divine Beloved, are seen as Lover and Beloved, Bride and Groom. The alchemical marriage takes place within the initiate and the golden child within (the Christ within) is born through Divine Grace.
The tradition of the Temple of Mary is based on spiritual discipline, mantra, diksha, meditation, forgiveness and service to others.
“The Madonna of course also includes what can be born out of the human soul : the true higher being slumbering in every human being, that which is best in us and flows and weaves through the world as spirit’ – Rudolph Steiner
Hettienne Ma Bhakty Maria
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Blogs merging

Photograph by Hettienne Grobler – Shrine at Sancta Maria

This blog will soon be merging with
Cloister of the Heart.

The Temple of Mary blog will stay up as a living archive
of our footprints into Her mysteries in this world.

The website for the Temple of  the Mysteries of Mary is at maria

Temple of the Mysteries of Mary
Blessed Mary painting by Hettienne Grobler

There you will be able to read about my pilgrimages to sacred sites,
my Soulcollage journeys
the Recovery of the Inner Child of the journey of awakening
share in my art making process
and the upcoming
Art Novena for Our Lady of Lourdes.
So if you have not subscribed yet, or wish to join
please go to
Cloister of the Heart.
Soulcollage card by Hettienne Grobler
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
I also invite you to join my journey with the soon to be published
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck.
The blog is at
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe  from the Tarot Deck of the Mysteries of Mary
by Hettienne Grobler
Her Grace by Devata on
Then there is also the blog of my shop on Etsy
which showcases items as they are put up for sale.
Her Grace by Devata Blog
Namaste, Hettienne
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Divine Mary Says – the kiss of Light

It is a soft dawn sprinkled with the drops of birdsong.
In the sky the new moon is hanging just above the rising sun.
I ponder my statue of Mary on a pillar and what this symbology
means.  I know that there is a Mary on the Pillar in the cathedral
in Chartres which I am set to visit in September.
Cloaked in the haze of the morning light, intense bliss rises in me,
both tightening and releasing my heart and chest simultaneously
and I hear the voice of Mary. 
You are not who you think you are.  It is not necessary,
and at times quite pointless, to hang on to your weaknesses,
foibles and strengths with such intent and focus.
Your nature may not always please you,
or suit your idea of who you are.
The more you resist what is happening in your life
and the more you resist your nature,
the greater the wall which is blocking the light.
Only the warmth of the Light and its spiritual
qualities of acceptance, compassion, 
understanding and peace, can 
bring life back to the barren wasteland that lies
behind that wall.

Seekers do not realise that it appears to them that they
are indeed making choices, but this is very seldom true.

You are a compilation of impressions, feelings, reactions,
memories, half-felt emotions, fleeting desires and wishes
and unexplored and half-lived dreams.
You carry within you the memories of all time.
At times you may appear to be a book, its pages the
Keeper of all stories ever told and at other times
you may feel like the blank pages, ready to be written onto.
Both of these ideas may drive you to frustration,
and into trying to become either or both or even
to transcend the human experience by side-stepping
the creative dance of creating and destroying.

But you are so much more than
all of the above.  Within you lies the Godseed, dormant,
waiting on the Kiss of Light.  Only the mind, with its
ideas like clouds in the sky, is obscuring the Light
from awakening the Tree of Life within you.

A mind locked down with ideas and concepts and beliefs
of how you should be, is like concrete poured down onto
a pavement.  It is only with the wearing away of time and
weather that cracks can form, through which the tendril
of a soft new plant can grow.  This tiny plant has the 
potential to become the beanstalk 
that will take Jack into the heavens
of the giant.

A mind concretized with set ideas and theories, is the greatest
obstacle to peace and ongoing ‘enlightenment’.
There is so much that you are unaware of.
You can only see through your own lens of perspective
and perception.  You only have a choice between
fear and love.  When fear is the stone buried at the
foot of the tree of life, then all those living tendrils and
branches  will be weakened and twisted by fear.
However, if your Philosopher’s Stone is cast in love,
then the Tree of Life will be rooted in the Real.

Only that which is Unchanging is Real and True.
The mind changes constantly.  Thoughts are blown like
clouds in the winds of the body.

The mind and body absolutely fears and resists change.
on all levels. 
There is a saying, ‘rather the devil you know’
Then there is the great inner Judge thrown into the mix as well.
And the desire for self-improvement.
All of these are fertilised by the idea that who you are is not
good enough and that you and your life should be different.
Your life can look different and your experiences can
be different.  You can achieve goals and have your
desires and wishes fulfilled

But you can also have peace and harmony,
joy and human understanding,
compassion and love for everything and
everyone, right now, without making any
changes and definitely without improving yourself
or your life.

That moment of absolute alignment with the
Spirit within, is the kiss of the Light.
And all you need for that to happen, is to drop everything.
By that I mean that you can let your mind
and its many doors and passages and rooms, drop away.
Over and over.
Every day
Every time

I found this beautiful image on the internet – if you are the photographer please let me
know and I will add your name.

The boundary and limitation
that time creates, is the wall around the garden of Eden
and your willingness to enter naked,
leaving the fear behind, opens the gate
and makes it possible for you to
receive the inner Kiss

The biggest secret is that there is no secret.
Everything in every moment is as it should be.
Actions taken in Time have set the wheel of destiny
in motion and only a Philosopher’s Stone of Love
combined with the Kiss of Light
has the alchemical power to break the bonds of time.
Teaching yourself to live in alignment with the Spiritual Sun
and the Light of God, is a skill.

In order to acquire this skill, you have to tame and master
your mind to accept either fear or love.
That is the only choice you have.
In every moment you can ask yourself :
what would Love do?
One can replace Love with Acceptance or
Surrender to God, or to the Great Spirit,
or the Tao or the Unlimited, Eternal and Unchanging.

Does my action or reaction imply Love or Fear?

When you criticize yourself for getting angry – ask yourself
is that response based in fear or love?
If I root myself in the Real, in Love, would I
judge anger and deem it as a ‘negative’ reaction?
And why would I do that?
Is it because I fear that it will drag me down into
dark emotional depths which I fear?
And is it that I believe that God is not in the
darkness and that I will be separated from
my Creator?

Is it because you fear ‘losing yourself’?
That would imply that yourself is the True Self.
How better to allow the True Self, the one that is
aligned with the Light, the Spiritual Sun within,
to emerge by losing the false self?

The self is a set of ideas and beliefs grounded
in the belief that you are separate from your Creator.
The mind that creates this limited self is intent
on keeping you bound in this belief system and it will
show you many other theories and paths and
systems that support this theory.
As long as you believe that you have been cast
out of the garden and that you are now
begging outside the walls of the castle,
you will try to find the key to the secret door
which does not exist.

You are the Keeper of the Castle and you can only
stay the beggar whilst you allow your mind
to talk you into holding that begging bowl up
to God, begging for that which you have already
been given.

You have the power to put any theory to the test
and to be transformed by your own realisations.
You are standing in the Light and each moment
that you open your heart and you accept yourself
and your nature and the many selves that you have created,
you will receive the kiss of Light.

And I ask you to share your love with everyone,
as we are all the One.’

Ave Maria
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Why Sacred Drama?
Why enact the Sacred Dramas from the Lesser Mysteries?
I give you here a compilation of my own thoughts and information
found on the net and in books on this sacred ancient spiritual practise.
Rebirth requires descent; this is one of the mysteries. The ascent to another way of being, the ascent of transformation, cannot occur without disintegration, without the process of breaking down completely — being pulverized really, physically, emotionally, spiritually. If the container of self is not smashed, the vision cannot enter. The vision is the flash of light that re-organizes the self. Afterwards, if one is fortunate and graced by the generosity of the gods — one reconstitutes, or is reconstituted, according to the laws and principles of a new life, a new dimension, a new world, a new universe.

Descent takes place in our ordinary lives through sickness, ill health,
addictions, insomnia, frustration of goals and ideals, repeated failure
to manifest your goals, the loss of a loved one, through betrayal
and abandonment.  Re-enacting the sacred drama leads to a deeper
understanding and wisdom of the trials and tribulations of
daily life and its abduction into the Underworld.

     What distinguishes any Mystery religion, is that it is based upon mysteries. Its rites and practices take us deeper and deeper into the labyrinth or the underworld where we examine a series of unanswerable and awesome questions and, are, accordingly, altered by this willingness to enter and be worked upon by the elemental forces that live in the domain of the unknown and unknowable. This is not descending into chaos, though it feels chaotic when we are there. It is entering into domains that cannot be understood in the ways we generally seek and convey understanding. It is entering into worlds that operate by different laws altogether. Integrity is required and so we must be reconstituted; this is the way of transformation.

Enacting the Mystery of the Rape of Kore and the return of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.
     But even more than this was at stake when the Mysteries were practiced. When the mystes offered themselves up to the rite of initiation, the gods, as they do everywhere when carefully and consciously evoked, came forth and made themselves known. Persephone was said to have appeared. This was the epiphany. How that occurred we do not exactly know, for participants were prohibited to speak about it on pain of death, and also, the experience was ineffable, meaning it is impossible to put such an experiences into words.

   Kore is pulled down into the underworld. Ultimately, she loses her innocence, gains a name and a Presence. The name is Persephone, Queen of Hades.
     This is what is not told in the myth: How did this transformation take place? What actually occurred during those three months in Hades when the innocent nameless one took on the Presence of the Goddess? What are the details of descent, deconstruction, and reconstitution? What do physicists imagine happens to someone who speeds through the worm hole from one dimension or universe to another? What happened to Christ in the three days before the resurrection? Where is the map of initiation that we must follow to shattering and breakdown before we are sufficiently transformed to emerge elsewhere? What is the process through which we are altered so that we can go through the door to the next world?
 but that it was our intent to, simultaneously, recapitulate the ordeal of the Mysteries, retell the story of Persephone, and, to perform our own individual stories of descent and vision. We had the task of creating the vision, the flash of light from out of the dark earth of ourselves so that for an instant, for a the moment of epiphany, we would each see and became, the arrhetos koura, the “ineffable maiden,” the dark Queen.
     It is inevitable as we re-enter the myth and the rituals, the moments of being dragged down, held captive, struggling for release and finally bursting forth in flames, the intense concentration of our particular individual agonies and ordeals, the disintegration and reconstitution that we each individually experienced, that we would become both “Brimo the queen of the dead giving birth in fire” and her mighty son, Brimos, and so, emerge like Dionysus, who is also central to these Mysteries, reborn, twice born.
     That is we were new born and we were ancient. To fully negotiate the domain of Persephone, to carry the wisdom and insight of the underworld, to be able to live according to the dark vision of Hades is to be as old as it is possible to be. Yet to be suddenly reconstituted in this new plane is to be reborn, and to be reborn is to be new and innocent; it cannot be any other way.

At this point in the Mysteries, one begins the long climb back to the earthy realm of the Mother, of Demeter, carrying the old wisdom like a great fire, or a small seed that will be planted again. But the one who carries such insight and vision into Demeter’s world, can neither be the Kore, the innocent one, nor Persephone of Hades. And though the Eleusinian Mysteries are the rites of Demeter, the earth goddess does not, herself, descend into the underworld. There is only one who incorporates all the worlds at once: She is Hekate, the goddess of child birth and death, the old one who, it is said, led Persephone out of Hades and who, from then on, never left her side, following her in the endless cycle of descent and rebirth. Hekate, the old one, who is by her nature constituted around the Kore as a seed within herself. Hekate who mediates between and contains all the worlds at once. Hekate, the Three in One, the Triple Goddess incarnate. The constantly shifting dynamic, the co-existence and co-extension of all the realms, is Hekate’s esoteric and embodied domain.
One way or another each kore went through his or her own individual disintegration, and then after the vision, after epiphany, returned, but transformed, to his or her own individual and parallel universe, as Persephone had returned to the earth realm of Demeter transformed – reborn
We may appear to be the same afterwards and we will not have words for it no matter how hard we try, but we will no longer be who we once were. When we are together with citizens of the new world into which we have been born, we recognize this among ourselves. We speak another language. We see what we have not seen before. We enter into dialogue with the spirits of this other world. This is the way and means of initiation. To enter into the mysteries is to be initiated. And to be initiated is to be able to walk in an other dimension.
       It was said that those who once enacted the Mysteries would gain their immortal souls in this world and in the next. To gain a soul is to gain the ability to walk in two worlds, to be admitted to that other dimension inhabited by the gods. The only way across is the arduous and mysterious path of dying to what one was and is so that one can be reborn.
Posted on

The New Light

On Sunday 1 September 2013, each Flamekeeper was initiated into the
radiance and grace of the New Light.
This transmission was received by myself and transferred to you
just after Shaktypat.
Some of you may have experienced it as a sense of lightness,
ease, bliss, or a seeing into ‘heaven’ beyond this dimension.
It is a Universal Diksha, and the transformation
took place in the Consciousness of the Temple of Mary.
The Temple of Mary is a Divine Consciousness and
a Being of Divine Love of vastness and Grace
and Compassion beyond our understanding.
Each one who takes initiation and a spiritual name
and who acts in service in The Temple, is a facet
of this divine energy.
The Presence of this heavenly Being was palpable
and visible at times, during the weekend and especially
on Sunday.  I will refer to this consciousness in the feminine –
not because it has any gender, but because the fragrance and touch
of this consciousness has a feminine quality to it.
She first appeared to me in the winter of 2001, in Glastonbury,
where I stayed in the home of Koko (who has since passed over)
priestess of Avalon.  It seems very apt that She makes herself known, twelve 
years later, on the first day of Spring, the symbolic day of the Eastern Gate,
the gate of rebirth and a new dawn.  
A full cycle.  The painting above is the one that I made of Her
at that time.
She revealed to me the New Light and the Twelve Petals of the Lotus
in the Heart.  
The Ishta Devata meditation was the first step onto this expansion
of the path of love.  I suggest that you create a journal or notebook
for your Ishta Devata meditations as the insights and revelations
will grow and you will be guided to connect deeper and directly
with the Guru Within, the Inner Teacher, the great I Am.
We will touch on this new information during the
workshop in October and immerse ourselves into it,
step by step, during upcoming workshops
and during the fourth initiation.
I am considering making the workshops available
online for Chandi MariaDevi who cannot travel to 
Cape Town for regular workshops.  All in the works still.
My intent is to paint the mandala of the New Light and her
embodiment in order to bring the visual manfiestation
into our reality.  I will make altar cards of these and bring
along to our workshop.  
Pay attention to the symbolism contained in this sharing
and become aware of changes in your inner reality.
I will share more as it is revealed to me.
Hettienne Ma BhaktymayiMaria
Posted on

At the grotto I fell in line with the other pilgrims, waiting my turn to touch the walls of the cave and its dripping water. The atmosphere was light and joyful, although many stood and kneeled deep in prayer. As I approached the statue of Our Lady where She appeared to St Bernadette, I could feel an
intensification of the energy, a slight vibration and a humming sound. The closer I came, the louder the sound became. The sound was over and above the sound of the rushing waters.
As I put my hand out to touch the dripping water and I raised my eyes,
a column of light was visible to me,
shimmering and dancing.
My first impression was that it is a giant candle, but then my logical mind
realised that this is not possible.
The only way I can describe it is ‘a flame of living organic light’ :
Her Divine Presence made manifest in this world,
visible to my eyes.
And overwhelming and immense feelings which I am at a loss to name.
A feeling of such incredible fullness and completeness which has stayed with me ever since.

A hundred thousand harps take you
like wings and sweep you up out of silence.
And your primitive wind is blowing
the fragrance of your marvelous power
to every being and to every creature in need.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

This is how I described my experience at Lourdes!

Start saving your pennies for 2014! It would be wonderful if each member of The Temple of Mary could join in this pilgrimage, so, if it is your desire, put it on your wish list for Love to fulfill.

This is a very preliminary outline of the itinerary and dates. The dates may vary by one or two days either way, depending on the cheapest available flights. I will towards the end of 2013 look for affordable flights and for specials to Paris – these often come up at R5000-R6000 per return flight. I will use my past travelling experience in France to find us affordable accommodation and modes of travel. Meals can be al fresco and picnic style which will not cost a fortune. A budget of R15000 should be enough to cover everything (flights, accommodation, meals and travel) including shopping. But again, it depends on the rand-Euro exchange and we will see closer to the time.

Dates : Saturday 18 May 2014 – Friday 31 May 2014

The month of May is sacred to Mary.

You can read about some of my pilgrimages on the below links :

there are more if you are interested (search pilgrimage, mary magdalene, paris, lourdes, sarah la kali, notre dame, sare coeur)

Chapel of the Miraculous Medal
When I visited this chapel I wrote about my wonderful experience, bathing in Mary’s Love while sitting there. 
Soon the images seen by my eyes disappear and only a brilliant golden light is visible. The light has a silver rim to it and it is alive and palpable with wisdom and knowledge which cannot be translated into words. This is the Presence of Divine Mary. The light translates into my physical body and energetically there is deep movement in and through my body. Then my heart fills with a feeling that seems physical. Everything and everyone around me is bathed in this beautiful light and they all glow in love. The Light becomes stronger and more powerful and I see the intense Light at the centre of it all and also at the centre of each and every person. And the quality of this Light is Good and only Good – pure and beautiful and innocent! And it does not matter what happens on the exterior : nothing can corrupt or diminish that Light which is you and me. –

We will visit :


Notre Dame de Paris
Sacre Coeur de Montmartre
Chapel of the Miraculous Medal
La Madeline Temple
Chartres of the famous Chartres Blue glass and the Black Madonna!
Yesterday we visited the Sacre Couer in Montmartre along with hundreds of tourists. The beautiful and sacred atmosphere of the church was virtually non-existent with tourists disobeying the instructions not to take photographs, children touching everything, you get the picture. However, my daughter and I was determined to immerse ourselves in the energies and we were not disappointed. We both felt the light humming in our hands and arms as we approached the beautiful golden statue of Mother and Child. It felt like a door opened in my chest and throat and a million birds flew out, suffusing myself with the Love that includes everyone and everything. Next we entered the Virgin chapel. The walls were covered in images of the sacred woman in Her different roles and aspects. The compassionate and nurturing energy was intense and palpable. The air here was cool and soothing and it felt like an expanse of space. We stayed as long as we could. –

Travel by air or train to Marseille and then to Saint Maximin de la St Baume where we will stay at the old convent next to the Basilica de Madeleine

and from there to Saintes Maries de la Mer for the Sara la-kali Festival on Friday 24 to Sunday 25 May
and then on to Lourdes

I Love You Always
Hettienne Bhaktymayi Maria Ma