Author: Hettienne Grobler
The Goddess Archetype
The path to peace and wholeness is a trinity, that of mind, body and spirit. It is necessary to pay attention to all three aspects of the self in order to arrive at and to know yourself as Divine Love. A three-fold path dappled with shadow and light for indeed without the shadows, there is no existence.
In the works of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung, the power of the collective consciousness and the face of the evolving archetype, are powerful allies on the path of psychological maturing towards individuation.
As we live in a patriarchal society and have done so for thousands of years, these archetypal images have been changed through that lens of perception, both within men and women.
Holy Day of Our Lady of Lourdes
Anandamayi Ma

‘At dawn, we went by cycle rickshaws to the railway station. Even at that early hour, pilgrims flocked to the Ganges in a steady stream. Finally, hooting, with a cloud of smoke trailing overhead, the train from Varanasi pulled in, and screeched to a halt. Four young men in spotless white dhotis entered the first class compartment, and carried Ma out on a chair, to which four handles were attached. Ma looked fragile and delicate, wrapped in white cotton cloth. Her black, oiled hair fell over her shoulders. She looked at us with calm eyes. There was no reaction on her face, no sign of recognition of her devotees, many of whom she would have known for decades. She simply looked and her eyes moved slowly around the group. It was pleasant, and I had the strange feeling, that nobody was there behind those eyes. Inexplicably, tears started rolling down my cheeks. “That’s normal when one is touched by a great soul,” someone next to me reassured me. Indeed, I had the feeling that I had been touched by a very pure soul.
While waiting for Ma, we were singing bhajans or reciting the Hanuman Chalisa. Once, a girl of about 10 sat next to me. She sang full-throatedly, though a little out of tune. Listening to her, I liked her more and more. My heart was overflowing with love for her. Then the verandah door opened, and Anandamayi Ma appeared, supported by two women. Even before she reached the cot, she briefly stopped; half turned, and looked somewhat irritated in my direction. When she finally sat down on the cot, her glance settled on me for a long time. Yet this time, Ma’s glance did not strike me or induce any feeling. It seemed as if there was no centre that could have been struck. I simply looked back at her.
Probably Ma’s glance was attracted by the love that I felt for that girl, and probably she really did not perceive us as separate persons. After all, she often declared that it is a mistake to consider one as separate from others. However, almost certainly all of us, as we were sitting there on the verandah during her daily darshan, wished that she appreciated us personally. In addition, if we were honest, we most likely even wished that she appreciated our own person a little more than she appreciated the others.
However, Ma didn’t oblige. She was not consistent in her attention and affection. A genuine guru can see, even if his disciple can’t see it, that the ego is the culprit which makes life difficult. Naturally, he is not interested in flattering the ego and strengthening it – on the contrary. “The association with an enlightened being consists in getting blows to the ego,” Anandamayi Ma once remarked. My ego felt the blows. For example, when she didn’t look at me for long, and it reacted with heavy, resentful thoughts. It wanted to leave. On the other hand, I felt attracted to Ma, because I learnt around her almost effortlessly a new way of life – for example that everything is just right as it is.
“Trust in God. He certainly will look after you and all your affairs, if you really put full trust in Him, and if you dedicate all your energy to realise your self. You then can feel completely light and free,” Ma claimed and it sounded convincing. By ‘God,’ she meant the formless essence in everything. Nevertheless, this essence is not something abstract and cold. It is love, and can be experienced as the beloved. She also said, “You are always in His loving embrace.”
Extracted from mother supreme
(Matri Darshan Ananda Mayi Ma).
La Feile Bride
St. Brigid’s church in Kildare was built on a site sacred to Brigid. Where Her eternal flame had once been tended by 19 priestesses, 19 nuns took it in turn to each tend the flame for a day and a night. On the 20th day, the Goddess (or the saint) tended the flame herself.
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The Sacred Well and Shrine at Kildare |
An old poem stated; “Today is the day of Bride, The Serpent shall come from the hole.” An effigy of the serpent was often honoured in the ceremonies of this day, making it clear that Brighid had aspects as a serpent goddess. As the serpent sloughed its old skin and was renewed, so the land shook off winter to emerge restored; the snake symbolised the cycle of life. When Brighid’s cult was suppressed, then St Patrick had indeed banished the snakes [Pagans] from Ireland. However, Brighid’s popularity was so great that the church transformed her into a saint, allegedly the midwife of Christ and the daughter of a Druid who was converted to Christianity by St. Patrick, and who went on to found the Abbey of Kildare.
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My painting of Bridgit |
Brighid was invited into the home by the woman of the house, in the form of a doll or corn dolly dressed in maiden white. Oracles were taken from the ashes of the hearth fire, which people examined for a sign that Brighid had visited, i.e. a mark that looked like a swan’s footprint. If found, it was considered a lucky omen. The swan was an ancient attribute of the goddess Brighid. Many Irish homes still have a Brighid’s cross hung up somewhere. This was originally a solar symbol.
A small community of Brigidine nuns are keeping the sacred light of Brigit burning at Solas Brihde in Kildare. I spent a week in Kildare, walking the pilgrimage of Bridgit, visiting her sacred well
Carving of Bridgit milking a cow – on Tower of Michael, the Tor, Glastonbury A blessed La Feile Bride to you!!
But it is Saraswati’s humble mat on which sits wisdom.
The Goddess
This is the writing of Anna Franklin of
The Path of Love
The Path of Love is a path towards peace, happiness and ultimately knowing your real self. Your real identity lies in a core consciousness beyond the mind and ego. When you move beyond your limited idea of ‘I’ or ‘me’ and you move into extending love to yourself and to all beings, then you are on the path of Love and the path towards uncovering the real you.
Love is Light made manifest. In Vedic teachings we are given a beautiful image of a shrine in your sacred heart (your inner non-physical heart). In this shrine or cave, burns a candle brightly. Nothing can extinguish this candle. It radiates peace and stillness and silence eternally. ‘My love radiates like a bonfire. It is focused on none and denied to none.’
To a seeker with a willing heart, this is a natural path that will unfold in front of you as you take each step. No striving, no violence required, gently, gently does it.
The Path of Love is a divine marriage between masculine and feminine selves, through all levels of your being. This sacred marriage, the hieros gamos, takes place on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of your being; it takes place between Soul and Spirit, Spirit and the Living Light.
The word enlightenment is used in many contexts and with many different meanings. If you look at it simply, it says en-light-en-ment, moving into the light or being filled with light. Love is the manifestation of the Living Light. Moving into the light requires action (masculine) and being filled with light requires receptivity (feminine). You can look at it as a two-fold path of eliminating darkness and to bring in the light : the light that is already there.
What do you expect from enlightenment? Surely happiness. When you have deep inner happiness, you need nothing else. No external circumstance can affect a deep happiness that bubbles forth from within. When you are happy, you are ‘in love’ with the world and all its wonders. When you are happy, you seek nothing and you lack for nothing. Happiness is also called bliss, or Ananda.
The Path of Love will take you within, to the fountain of this inner happiness, the river of Light that flows through you without ever running dry, which is within you.
The process that leads to enlightenment is gradual and requires patience. It does not deliver big pyrotechnic dramatics, but it does yield ever-increasing peace and self-acceptance and the purification of stress.
But none of this will be obvious to the one that does not live in awareness. Awareness is your intuition and it is often veiled over by negativity in the mind; external distraction and the emotional response to stress.
Stress is caused by negative thoughts, and the emotional response to experiences that create fear in you. We do not have a choice about what happens to us, but we do have a choice as to how to respond. Every response and action by you, has a chemical reaction in your brain. This chemical reaction can deliver serotonin, which brings you joy and a sense of well-being, or it can deliver disharmony which will affect all cells in the body. This disharmony takes you out of alignment with your Source and it creates stress in mind and body.
Meditation alters the brain in many positive ways. The main purpose and focus of meditation should be purification. The physical effects of sitting quietly and going inward are many. It activates the prefrontal cortex and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and brain opiates. According to Dr Deepak Chopra dopamine is an antidepressant; serotonin is associated with increased self-esteem; oxytocin is believed to be the pleasure hormone and opiates are the body’s pain killers.
Fears and anxiety are not merely psychological issues. All emotions have a correlate in the brain and these manifest in your physical body as imbalances and disease. Humans have memory and we remember painful occurences and fear them re-occuring. We may bury these fears deep into our subconscious, but the body will manifest these hidden thoughts and beliefs. We as humans are very adaptable and we adapt our behaviour and reasoning to hide these painful memories and fearful thoughts from ourselves. We move into denial, rationalisation, escapism and anger, to avoid awareness of the unlived life beneath the surface of the mind.
But through the central nervous system the brain makes every cell in your body aware of those buried thoughts and fears. And through your inner awareness you can access what your body is telling you. Your body and heart will communicate to you what is really happening beneath the surface. But in order to have greater awareness, you need to purify your mind of the negative thinking and responses.
This is achieved through diksha, mantra, meditation, forgiveness and Love as action.
Diksha is a transference of energy. This is usually between guru and follower, but you can receive Light directly from the Living Light at all times.
Mantra is the repetition of a sacred name or sentence. It is an invocation, containing a sacred syllable or set of syllables. A mantra has the power to awaken the divinity that resides in that vibration.
Meditation takes you into utter stillness. In this stillpoint there is no thought, no intellectual movement and in short, no ego present. When you stay in this stillness for long periods of time, the neural pathways are purified and eventually re-set to a new path. Negative emotional responses can be removed and replaced with ones of compassion and acceptance.
You can choose your actions and responses. When you are caught up in subconscious behaviour (also called the shadow self, the hidden part of yourself), you are often caught unawares by your own response and action. You may find yourself sabotaging your own happiness and hurting others without your conscious choice.
Your heart is the barometer of your soul. At any time you can listen to your heart and hear what it wills you to do or not to do. As part of your action of choice, always consult your heart before you act on emotion. Your heart is the doorway to experience empathy, compassion and love. When the Sacred Heart of Compassion is awakened in you, Love flows through you and blesses the world and everything in it.
The next step of action that forms part of your sadhana (spiritual practise/application) on the path of Love, is bhakty. Bhakty is the focused and committed devotion of your will, your heart, your body and your soul, to the Living Light and its manifestation as Love on this Earth.
The action of Love encompasses the above steps of sadhana (meditation, diksha, mantra and others) and this action will awaken the Sacred Mother, Kundalini, within you. Kundalini is not limited to kundalini yoga. Kundalini is the flow of the Living Light within you and it is acknowledged in all spiritual paths and many religions. The ignition of the fire that does not burn, is known as Shaktipat, the descent of the Holy Spirit, Baptism of Grace amongst others.
When kundalini (Shakty) has awakened in you, your path intensifies. Through its intensity and inner fire, you are purified. It is a blessing desired by all those on the spiritual path. There are myths and legends around kundalini. However, it is the Living Light that flows in you and the discomfort and inner pressure, spurs you on to go ever deeper into awareness and into Love.
You may also want to read my posts on Awareness, Acceptance and Surrender on and
Om Namo Bhagavate Mata
I Am Michael – message on 11-11-11
On 11 November 2011 a small group of us gathered to make the most of the vibrational energies of the 11:11 doorway that was opened here on Earth.
Our gathering was one of silent meditation and contemplation. After only a short while, Michael, the archangel announced his presence. The energy was tangible and visible to the inner eye. A deep sense of peace filled the room and all those present. His words flowed through my physical body for 30 minutes. No-one was prepared for this so no recording was made and as I was the channel I can only repeat the essence of his message.
“I Am Michael. I am with you. I always walk with you, despite appearances and despite the most stressful circumstances. I Am the essence of your Being, which is Love. You are living in a time of great change and at times, great destruction and chaos. Many are challenged to open their minds and their hearts and to perceive with new eyes. These challenges also bring up great fear and resistance. A new wave has been created and at this time, it has not reached its highest peak. But it soon will and you will face many storms. Through all these changes, remember I walk with you.
I am closer than your own breath. I am as close as your own heart. Whenever your mind turns to fear and believes in separation, you can call on me and on your own Warrior of Light. I serve Her, the Great Mother, the Divine Ma, Maryam, Mary and am here to assist all her children, regardless of culture, tradition, religion or creed.
Great changes are coming. Both on the inner planes and in the physical world. Bridges will be washed away and many towers and structures will disappear. Know at all times that you are safe and protected. Stay centred in the Ground of your Being and surround yourself with the wings of prayer.
I Am Micha-el, I Am Mikal, the Tower of Light.
Sacred Heart Diksha
The Sacred Heart Diksha has been received by a number of people, all of whom who have experienced deep feelings, healing and transformation.
The Sacred Heart Diksha opens the inner chamber of the heart and Love starts to flow. This Diksha has brought instant pain relief; wonderful clarity into disease and life-long pain; the untying of karmic knots and physical healing which has medically been declared a miracle and on-going spiritual transformation, growth and awakening!
A diksha can also be called an initiation or a blessing. It initiates the receiver into an aspect of spiritual energy. We are not dependant on others or even gurus or teachers to receive these blessings. We are always living within the Love and Heart of God and we can receive at any times. Often, in times of deep distress, the mind relaxes its grip on our awareness and the awareness of the blessings that are available to us, just flows in. At these times we are flooded with a deep sense of abiding peace and an infinite compassion for ourselves and the world.
Receiving a diksha from someone who ‘carries’ this energy, helps us over the bridge; it removes the stone from the entrance to the cave and the spiritual energy has the power to clear the cobwebs of our minds.
Such a diksha is the Sacred Heart diksha. It blesses the receiver with a deep sense of calm and ‘all is well with the world’. Life here in physical matter is a great mystery to us and it is one of greatest challenges of those who live with a spiritual attitude, to surrender the need to know and to understand. Whenever things change and you enter the unfamiliar, the mind becomes fearful and it wants you to fight or flight. It tries to integrate and digest what is happening. It tries to label whatever is going on. This labelling, however, creates great suffering as it binds you into a belief system with all its positives and negatives and all its shoulds and should-nots.
The Sacred Heart is a term for the Sacred Ground of your Being. It can be accessed through contemplation, meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama) and samayama. The Sacred Heart can be regarded as the Womb of the Divine Mother or the Sacred Embrace : the place where you find yourself supported and carried unconditionally.
When you surrender into the Sacred Heart, all is taken care of; your nervous system can relax, your adrenals will slow down and the fear will leave your mind. Obviously this takes practise and the building of faith. But once you have experienced this, the memory of Its infinite compassion will never leave you and it is easier to find your way back there.
Mother Mary has given the Sacred Heart Meditation which anyone can use at any time.
For twenty years I have had a severe pain, like a massive bruise,over my heart – right over the aorta. This was originally thought to be ‘costochronditis’ and then was simply accepted to be part of fibromyalgic pain. The pain has been there, day and night, every single day.
About six weeks ago, in response to something that Hetienne Ma Grobler had posted on Facebook, I commented “I have had severe pain over my heart for 20 years. Any ideas?” Ma responded to me and offered her help in a most gracious and loving manner.
I did not hesitate for one moment to be open to this. I absolutely believe that the right person comes into our life at the right moment – even from as far away as another continent.
Ma asked me for some details of my life which I shared with her. That I grew up in an abusive home and from a young age, learned to curl into myself to protect myself from severe beatings. She offered that she would send healing energy my way from across the ocean. I was receptive to this and open to receive healing.
The result? For the first time in twenty years, there is NO Pain in that area of my body. Well, actually at times I do experience pain there and this is what I do. I acknowledge to myself that my heart is hurting, I name the specific reason for the hurt and I state what I am doing to deal with the situation and affirm that I am taking good care of my heart. And the pain goes away immediately.
May my ‘story’ inspire your own openness to healing.
Blessings to all of you!